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6 Tips To Get You Through This Winter!

2022 has not been nice to use regarding the cold this year and this is why we need to get on top of our health and keep ourselves in check! It is now a time of uncertainty and it can be quite easy to get sick. Even though it is common for your natural immunity to decrease during this period there are still ways of overcoming this!

Below we have put together 10 ways in which you can improve your lifestyle to ensure you are not calling in sick to work this year.

1. Get Enough Sleep

An Ideal sleep varies from 7-9 hours. This will all come down to how busy you are throughout the day and whether or not you are a shift worker. A lack of sleep could mean a weakened immune system and increased sensitivity to stress!

2. Eat A Healthy Diet (Include Fruits & Vegetables)

A variety in your diet is key, but the most important factor during winter is hitting your micronutrient goals. This means that making sure you are eating enough foods containing Vitamin C, D and B and if not supplementing these nutrients to combat insufficiencies.

3. Get Active!

Being physically active does not mean you have to go to the gym! the best exercise can be something that you enjoy. Whether it be walking or cycling or jumping a rope all types of exercise is great! Other forms of exercise such as Yoga and Pilates are great alternatives to help with flexibility and ensure movement throughout the body.

4. Wash your hands

Hand washing is one of the easiest things to keep on top of! Germs are so easily spread and one of those ways is by touching. Everything that is touched by your hands can then easily be transmitted from surface to surface or person to person!

5. Stay Hydrated

Making sure you are hydrated at all times is a great way of decreasing headaches due to dehydration but also allows the body to flush unneeded toxins through the body.

6. Get Adjusted

Having an adjustment from our chiropractors over winter is an effective way to get the nervous system functioning at its best. It will also decrease the amount of stress you are under

Still Worried and need more Help?

Depending on the severity of your injury or area of concern our practitioners in our BroadmeadowsWestmeadows and Fawkner Clinics will treat accordingly to your complaint!



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