The Melbourne Chiropractor
Chiropractic Care Infants & Kids Massage Pregnancy Care

We are committed to your wellbeing with a friendly yet professional approach. For your convenience, we offer early morning, lunch time and late afternoon appointments including availabilities of both male and female practitioners for chiropractic care. Take the first step towards a lifetime of optimal health and wellness with our allied health specialists. We are committed to helping you reach and maintain your health goals. Schedule an appointment with our team today!
Chiropractic Care
Our experienced team of Chiropractors are knowledgeable in spinal and chiropractic adjustments. The purpose of spinal adjustments is to return the spine to a natural state of health and to reduce pain, muscle spasms, and nerve irritation, so you can enjoy your life pain free.
Why Chiropractic?Massage & Myotherapy
Massage and Myotherapy can be used for a variety of musculoskeletal problems neuromuscular dysfunction, muscle imbalances and pain syndromes. Therapy is specifically aimed to help with muscular pain, myofascial pain syndrome, hypertonic muscles, muscular tension, overuse injury, painful tendons, tender ligaments and more.
About MassageWork Related Injuries
Most work injuries are caused by overuse and repetitive stress injuries. Overtime, small tasks done with poor posture can lead to acute and chronic pain, which can result in reduced worker productivity, lost time from work, disability, and an inability to perform job tasks. Book one of our chiropractors today and lets get you back on track!
Conditions We TreatDVA, Private Health & Medicare
Our locations all allow for onsite claiming of Medicare, DVA and Private Health for Chiro, Massage, Dry Needling and other services offered at The Melbourne Chiropractor. If you are unsure whether or not you have one of these available please do not hesitate to give us a call and we will do our best to assist you.
About Claims