03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Everything About Allergies!

Are you someone who suffers from pollen?

Are you tired of shutting yourself inside and hiding from the worlds harsh environment?

Now is the time to get yourself checked and ensure you are allergy free this season!

What Triggers Allergies?

– Pollen from grass, trees or flowers

– Outdoor picnics

– Cutting Grass

– Wearing clothes used outdoors

What Are The Symptoms Of Allergies?

– Runny Nose

– Itchy Eyes

– Skin Rash/Itchy Skin

– Sneezing

– Asthma (In Severe Cases)

How To Avoid Allergies?

– Keep Indoors

– Wash Clothes From Outside

– Avoid Cutting Grass

– Wear Glasses

What To Do When You Get An Allergy?

– Take An Anti-Histamine

– Have A Shower (wash off pollen)

– Use A Nasal Spray

How To Be Proactive This Allergy Season?

See your GP and talk about your options. Find out what is triggering your allergy by creating a diary that lists where and when the allergy started. For example, if you were sitting with a pet or walking early in the morning.

If you are someone who gets headaches or upper back stiffness our chiropractor or remedial massage therapist may be able to help! Call us on 9302 1023 or book online to schedule an appointment today!