03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Paediatric Care Near You!

Did you know our chiropractors treat infants and children?

What’s great about our profession is that we are given the ability to treat many different types of bodies with various techniques as we all know not one person is the same and not one method suits all!

Our approach to paediatric care is gentle and specific to areas of concern. For children under the age of 2 it is common to use low force techniques instead high velocity adjustments due to the nature of the spine whilst it matured. It is common for children’s aches and pains to go unnoticed but at times things such as colic and reflux can be a way of them telling us there is something more going on!

Common Concerns To See A Chiropractor For:

  • Pain
  • Growth
  • Co-ordination
  • Muscle Pain
  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Muscle Imbalances
  • Concentration
  • Circulation
  • Colic
  • Reflux
  • Bedwetting
  • Constipation

If you believe your child is suffering from reflux or colic or want to know more about what else we can help treat visit our website to find out more!

Our Clinic Offers Pregnancy Care and uses techniques that are specific for patients during their pregnancy!

If you would like to book in an appointment you can call us on 9302 1023 or book online today!

Our Locations



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