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Tradies & How Chiropractic Care Helps?

Working With A Broken Back Is Not Part Of The Job! Being a Tradesman is a tough gig making it ideal for the body to function at its best during strenuous work hours. It has been estimated that at least 1 in 4 people working in an intensive job suffer from the common neck or […]


Can Chiropractic Care Benefit An Athlete?

Chiropractors are allied health professionals who place a large focus on helping people move, feel and function to their greatest potential. Chiropractors use a number of different techniques, such as Chiropractic Adjustments to help make changes to the musculoskeletal system. People often come to see a Chiropractor for a number of different reasons. These reasons […]


Is Cracking Your Neck A Bad Habit?

Cracking your neck or back wont cause you to get arthritis although what it can do is stiffen up your joints in the area you are stressing to get that initial “crack”. Usually what happens is when you get that release, is a movable joint that is not restricted is moved into a position its […]


Types of Conditions Chiropractors Help With!

Chiropractors are skilled practitioners who have a an understanding of multiple regions of the body. Ways in which chiropractors treat can vary based on symptoms and patient goals and in most cases patients can find themselves feeling better within the first couple of sessions. Some conditions chiropractors can treat include but are not limited to: […]


Benefits Chiropractic Care Has For Women

Women experience a variety of musculoskeletal problems throughout their lives, ranging from hormonal cramps to back pain during pregnancy. Chiropractic care may be the key to alleviate these issues. Here are a few problems that chiropractic care may benefit women! Osteoarthritis A disorder that results in degeneration of joint cartilage and bone, osteoarthritis is primarily […]


Can Chiropractic Care Help Pelvic Instability?

The pelvis has several nerves and muscles that pass through the area and refer to each other depending on the issue at hand. Pelvic pain is a complaint that may be experienced typically at the base of the low back, the Sacro iliac joints (SIJ) or in the sides of the gluteus maximus muscles. What […]


Cupping and Its Benefits!

Our bodies work through allot of stress throughout the day and therefor we will tight and tender when things start to crumble. We may find when this happens, changes to our posture and poor habits begin to show causing a decline in our musculoskeletal health. One of the biggest causes can be desk work or […]


Services Offered At The Melbourne Chiropractor

Chiropractic Care Chiropractic care is recognized as being a way to help decrease pain and increase overall functional well-being. Chiropractor’s may help you achieve a healthier lifestyle by giving you strategies to overcome stress, injuries, pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions. This can all be done with various methods and not one person is treated the same to the […]


Why Does My Pain Keep Coming Back?

Are you experiencing continuous neck or back pain that seems to come and go? If so, this is a chronic issue that can be very common as the body likes to adapt to certain stressors put upon it that forces the body to change in a way to avoid pain or further damage. The body developing changes […]


What Is the Best Pillow For Neck Pain?

About Neck Pain – There are three main types of neck pain which may include: Acute Neck pain = Neck pain that is usually severe and has been going on for the last 72 hours is considered acute Sub acute Neck pain = Neck pain that has continued for the last 2 weeks either on or off […]