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All About Muscle Tightness & Stiffness

What Is Muscle Tightness? Muscle Tightness is when a muscle struggles to move effectively in a functional-like position. The goal for most allied health professionals is to decrease the amount of tightness to help aid with bodily function. Muscle stiffness What Is Muscle Stiffness? What Is Muscle Stiffness? Muscle Stiffness is a sensation that you […]


Chiropractors More Than Just “Bone Crackers”?

We like to think that chiropractic care is much more than an in-clinic physical treatment. It is about health, wellness and happiness.In the long run, we are helping your spine and muscles to change bad habits. Many postural problems are caused by strain and stress in everyday life. Although the human body is designed for […]


Pregnancy Chiropractors 

What is the difference of a general chiropractor vs a pregnancy chiropractor? What makes them special, what more do they offer and how do they help with aches and pains differently? What Is The Difference Of A Pregnancy Chiropractor? Pregnancy chiropractors have specialised in certain techniques, adjustments and exercises to help alleviate a pregnancy patients […]


Neck Pains & Strains

Are you someone that has woken up with a sudden neck pain or maybe done an awkward movement at the gym that has caught your neck in an excruciating position? Well thankfully in this blog we will be running through some reasons of why this can occur, ways to help combat this from happening again […]


Shooting Pain Down the Leg? Sciatica!

Suffering from that usual shooting pain down the leg? Find out in this blog the reasons of why it can occur and why it is a common back problem in today’s society! What Is Sciatic Pain? Sciatic pain also known as sciatica is an issue that causes compression of the sciatic nerve. This can be […]


Y-Strap Adjustment Chiropractor

Have you been looking for a chiropractor that uses spinal decompression techniques? In particular the Y-strap adjustment? Our Fawkner Chiropractor Dr Andrew Koranic has been trained in the uses of the Y-strap and other spinal decompression techniques that may be of benefit for people suffering from certain skeletal issues. Can Anyone Get Spinal Decompression? Most […]


All About Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome is an issue which causes not only pain but shooting like symptoms down the arms. It can be mistaken for a cervical nerve impingement and can be intermittent depending on the severity. Symptoms Of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Loss of range and mobility Changes to flexibility Inability to control movements Upper back tightness […]


Can A Chiropractor Improve Your Balance?

A chiropractor can cover a whole lot of different avenues when it comes to health related conditions. Balance however is something that can be improved by implementing chiropractic care. What Causes Our Balance To Get Worse? Balance is dependant on what we do throughout our lives. If you are someone that is sitting in a […]


Should I Stretch Or Exercise When In Pain?

Stretching and exercising is a great way to get the body moving again although when in pain it can cause some unwanted aches and pains! There is no right or wrong when it comes to mobilising joints when they are stiff but when an acute condition arises rest is usually best! Stretching when in pain […]


 Tennis Elbow Rehab

 Pains and weakness on the outside of your elbow? You may be suffering from Tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is found commonly in individuals who use repeated arm and wrist movements such as baristas, painters, bar tenders, office workers and racquet sports players.  Tennis elbow is an overuse injury caused by repetitive strain of the muscles […]