Headaches… Are they preventable?
In short, YES! In this blog we will explain what can cause a headache and ways in which you can help stop these ongoing headaches from occurring!
What Causes Headaches?
Headaches can be caused by emotional and physical work or just the standard response which we get allot from patients which is dehydration!
Some of the most common causes include:
– Bad Sleeping Arrangement (Pillow)
– Long Periods Of Looking Up
– Dehydration
What Can Improve Headaches When They Occur?
– Rehydrate
– Sleep
– Massage
How Can I Stop Headaches From Occurring?
Easiest way to stop headaches is to find out how and when they will begin. Sometimes there is a common trigger. Maybe you woke up with a headache? Maybe you didn’t drink anything today or maybe you twisted suddenly and strained your neck! All reasons that should be looked into and can cause headaches!
If you are currently suffering from headaches and it has become to far gone to diminish its symptoms our team of chiropractors can help! Not all headaches are preventable from the above due to other types of headaches caused by other factors such as sinusitis, vestibular headaches or even aura like migraines. To book an appointment call us on 9302 1023 or book online today to get yourself assessed and find the correct plan to suit your needs!
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