03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Do I need to see a Chiro or a Massage Therapist?

Both Chiropractic Care and Massage therapy are great ways of relieving tension throughout the body and apply various different techniques to achieve specific patient goals and outcomes.

Depending on what you are more comfortable with our Chiropractors on your first visit will perform a thorough examination to find out how the body is moving within the joints and how restricted certain movements are. Chiropractors also use different orthopaedic tests which help justify whether or not further imaging is required such as X-ray and if there needs to be certain interventions or other health practitioners to help create positive changes for better health. Chiropractors usually perform spinal adjustments using either their hands, chiropractic activators or drop tables to areas of restriction although that does not mean they don’t focus on the muscle tissue. Chiropractors also use trigger point therapy to decrease pressure in tight muscles and also have the ability to use oils to help massage through areas where muscles are tight and sore.

Some Areas Of Concern Chiropractors Deal With Include:

Unlike Chiropractors, massage therapists use an approach of focussing solely on the muscle and this is great when that is the main concern. There can be times where joints may be causing pressure on other areas of the body causing referral patterns and decreasing muscle tension will not make any changes long term for problems like this.

If you are someone who is getting massages already and is only finding temporary pain relief, chiropractic care may be beneficial! Contact our team of chiropractors to get examined today at either our Westmeadows or Broadmeadows Chiropractic Clinics.