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Top Mattress Advice From Chiropractors!

Most chiropractors agree that traditional mattresses should be replaced every 5-10 years. However, choosing an expensive new bed that you will be sleeping on for the next several years can be stressful, especially if you have no idea where to start. To make things more complicated, we acknowledge that there is no single style of mattress that works for everyone.

Valuable tips to help you choose one that works for you!
 We recommend a medium to firm mattress; however, this ultimately comes down to your personal preference.
 Choose a firmness that keeps your spine in a neutral position. Have someone snap a picture, then assess how you line up in your habitual sleep position.
 Back sleepers typically prefer a firmer mattress, while side sleepers may desire a little more cushioning.

 When in doubt, go with the firmer option – you can always soften a mattress with a topper, but
you can never firm up a soft mattress.
 Spring mattress can help distribute force better if you have a sleep partner.
 Latex mattresses are not the best for hot sleepers.
 Or just consider a separately adjustable bed if your sleep partner prefers a different mattress style.

 A topper can help dissipate pressure points on your hips and shoulders, but it is not advisable go too thick with a built-in topper; it will be like fusing a cheap mattress onto your good one. You can always add (or replace) an additional aftermarket topper if needed.
 If you are considering a coil spring mattress, choose one that you can flip. Built-in mattress toppers usually cannot allow that.

 When mattress shopping, wear comfortable clothes and lie down on several beds to see which one feels best.
 Do not judge something by the first few seconds of comfort. Lay on it for at least 10-15 minutes.
 Opt for vendor that offers a trial period of up to 60 days or with a reasonable return or exchange policy. However, bear in mind that anything new can be uncomfortable at first.
 Give a new mattress at least a few break-in nights before you abandon it (it takes 3 weeks to 3 months to get used to a new mattress, so be patient).
 If you noticed your mattress sags or is more than 7-10 years, that is a sign to change it!

 You spend one-third of your life on a mattress, we wouldn’t recommend to skimp on that investment.
 Conversely, the most expensive is not always the best!

Still unsure about what is out there in the market? Here is a good resource for mattress reviews https://bedbuyer.com.au (even from Chiropractors!)

Looking for the right pillow? Click on the following link to choose the right one for you today! https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/blog/pillow-talk-choosing-the-right-one/



We all know that sleep is important. But do we know why? Sleep plays a vital role in both your physical and mental health. It aids the body’s ability to function through a variety processes:

1️⃣ Improved recovery and body repair. Decreased sleep increases the possibility of fatigue and low energy levels. This is explained by the link between sleep deprivation and decreased synthesis of glycogen and carbohydrates stores [used for energy]. It is also believed that a significant amount of growth hormone is produced when we sleep; primarily responsible for muscle growth, repair, bone building and fat burning. Studies have linked increased amounts of sleep with improved athletic performance such as sprint speed and free throw shooting ability in basketball.

2️⃣ Improved cardiovascular health. Decreased levels of sleep has been linked to increased levels of hypertension, increased stress hormone [cortisol] and an increased heartbeat. It’s believed that too little sleep causes disruptions to important biological processes of the body such as blood pressure, and glucose and inflammation regulation. Evidence strongly supports a link between sleep apnoea and compromised heart health.

3️⃣ Decreased weight. Decreased sleep has been linked to decreased activity in the hormones that control appetite. Furthermore, a lack of sleep has been linked to decreased processing of stored carbohydrates. A study conducted in the Public Library of Science Medicine found that individuals who had less than 6 hours of sleep were more likely to have a higher BMI.

4️⃣ Increased immune function. Lack of sleep has been linked to suppressed immune function. Evidence suggests that sleep deprivation decreases the production of infection fighting antibodies and inflammation promoting cytokines. A study published in the Journal of American Medical Association found that almost half the amount of antibodies were produced in sleep deprived individuals [in response to the flu vaccine].

5️⃣ Improved cognitive function. Sleep deprivation has strongly been linked to a decrease in cognitive function and changes in mood. 

*Note: If you are suffering from a lack of sleep and are finding that Neck painLow back painpoor posturestressheadaches or joint pain are holding you back. Don’t hesitate to contact our team of experienced health professionals who are always happy to help! We also have Contoured Memory Foam Pillows in Stock! Online Bookings are available 7 days a week! https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now
