Another new year another new years resolution… but the question is are you going to be engaging your time in things that make you enjoy and respect the process?
In this blog we will be talking about the 5 best ways to kickstart your 2023 and keep in mind not all of these involve fitness or self goals!
- Creating time for yourself to plan and recuperate yourself. Allot of the times we tend to give ourselves no time to do things productive outside of work. The common Netflix & Chill is not a great way of spending your free time especially when things like washing, and cleaning need to be done. This can help decrease the cost of outsourcing for cleaners if they have been used before to “help” around the house.
- Getting into a routine! This can be anything from fitness, work or sleep. The main thing we find with our patients is many either don’t sleep routinely and often feel tired throughout the day, this can lead to aches and pains as restlessness can set in. Pillows play a big part in your sleep so be sure to have a one that suits your body!
- Cutting back on unwanted goods! Be sure to prioritize things that you need and not those things that you may want. This is a great analogy whether it is for dieting or saving money as a whole!
- Learn new skills! Hobbies are fantastic don’t get us wrong but if you have grass to cut or hedges to trim now is the time to get your hands dirty and see how you can manage a few things on your own this year in 2023!
- Improve your health and wellbeing! There are many ways of doing this. Joining the gym or going for a walk as an added daily activity can help supplement this. Another way would be seeing your health care practitioner. Whether it is a chiropractor or a remedial massage therapist both can help kickstart your 2023 in the right direction to becoming or even being pain free!
If you are someone who is currently suffering from any aches or pains here at The Melbourne Chiropractor our team of Chiropractors and Remedial Massage Therapists are here to get you back on track!
Give our clinic a call on 9302 1023 or book online today!
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