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All About X-rays & Chiropractic!

Are X-rays Always Necessary For Seeing A Chiropractor?

In short, No but of course there can be times when x-rays become a necessity. 

Obviously this all comes down to how the patient first presents and what exactly their overall goals are with visiting a chiropractor

In this blog we will run through reasoning behind getting an x-ray and what they are good for!

When Should X-rays Be Done?

– When there is numbness down a limb

– Sudden changes to posture with severe pain

– Pins and Needles

– Numbness of a body part

– Inability to put pressure through a joint

– Genetic health concerns 

Why Xrays?

Xrays are a fantastic way to look at simple joint changes. It is common to see disc bulges, changes to joint structure and abnormalities within areas of concern!

Should you need an X-ray our team of chiropractors are able to write you a referral to see a radiologist to get the images taken. We will then have a follow up appointment where we go through the Xray to justify whether or not damage has occurred within the area of concern.

For any enquiries call us on 9302 1023 or book your first appointment online today!

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Do I Need An X-ray Before I See A Chiropractor?

In Short No, X-Rays are not necessary to get before seeing a chiropractor. This is because our team of chiropractors perform an assessment which includes a thorough history, orthopaedic testing and mobility stress tests to ensure that there are no significant red flags that may justify the need for an X-Ray.

Indications for an X-ray Include

  • To diagnose recent trauma which may have been a cause of fracture or dislocation at any age and anyone over the age of 50 who has suffered from a minor fall or slip with uncommon pain.
  • Diagnose degeneration/arthritic conditions or structural changes that may be causing pain and restriction.
  • To see changes with spinal deformities over time to ensure they are not getting worse such as scoliosis/kyphosis or other spinal degenerative changes.

X-rays are a great tool to help guide a particular treatment that is needed for the patients success. 8 times out of 10 it is likely that with or without X-rays the chiropractors treatment will not change and this will be based on patients goals and what they have assessed on examination. Our team of chiropractors are able to refer out for any X-rays that are indicated.

Contraindications for an X-ray

  • To identify problems with soft tissues. Unfortunately X-rays can only visualise issues related to bones and joints and not with muscular problems.
  • To find out whether or not areas of no concern have problems.
  • If the patient is pregnant
  • X-ray referrals without any clinical evidence or reasoning

It is common that with most general complaints not to need X-rays. Also with the initial assessment our practitioners find that with most patients they will have certain anomalies where things dont add up before a referral is needed for an X-ray. The reason why chiropractors and other allied health professionals don’t send patients out readily for X-rays is because of the exposure to radiation and it is best to avoid it if possible!

To find out more about other ways of self care or wanting to know more about what our clinic has to offer you can visit us @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/

If you are someone who is suffering from headachesneck pain or low back pain and don’t know where to start, or wondering what to expect on your first chiropractor visitour team of chiropractors or remedial massage therapists are more than happy to help you get back on track. You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

