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Summer 2024!

Here Comes Summer! But where is the sun? 

Well unfortunately for Melbourne we have been getting cloudy but also very humid days, but what does this mean for the sun? In this blog we will explain the downsides to no sun but also what we should be doing to protect ourselves this summer to live a long and healthier life!

How Does The Missing Sun Affect Us?

No sun is actually a bad thing for Melbourne. This means that our beaches grow with algae and due to all the flash floods our water systems become contaminated. On top of that due to the degree of heat we have be subject to we can still get burnt by UV rays!

How Do We Protect Our Skin From The Sun?

We can protect our skin from the sun using sunscreen, hats and long sleeve clothes but also we want to be comfortable! Remember shade is your best friend and don’t forget even on overcast days we can still get burnt! But doing some type of skin covering over summer you will be reducing your risk of skin cancer and limit the damage done to your skin long term!

What Is There To Do If It’s Not Beach Weather?

There are heaps of summer activities which are great especially this time of the year! Some great summer activities include volleyball, golf, outdoor basketball or soccer and lets not forget about the tennis!

How Can Chiropractors Help This Summer?

Best thing about this period is the amount of physical activity that you can be doing outdoors but remember not to rush into thing to quickly and injure yourself! Thankfully our chiropractors are back to full speed during this period and are available 7 days late. If you are someone who is suffering from headaches, neck or back pain give our team a call on 9302 1023 or book something in online today!

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