03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Happy New Year 2024

New Year New Me? If only it was that easy! Thankfully our Melbourne chiropractors are here to help smash your physical and wellness goals in the new year of 2024!

How Can A Chiropractor Help This New Year?

Chiropractors help in many ways not just with regards to aches and pains but also functional goals. Exercise and stretching are components which need to be tailored to the individual to bring out the best in them.

What Else Do Chiropractors Help With Apart From Back or Neck Pain?

Our Melbourne Chiropractors help with various musculoskeletal conditions such as headaches, sciatica, sharp rib pain, vertigo, BPPV, pregnancy and paediatrics (colic & reflux). Apart from symptoms our chiropractors help with functional and mobility of a patient by creating change through both joints and muscles of affected regions found on the initial examination and ongoing assessment!

How Do I Create A Wellness Plan This New Year?

Creating a wellness plan in 2024 is simple and easy. Just think about what your goals are and write them down and set yourself a timeframe to complete these all! Remember rushing your goals may cause injury or unwanted stress so make your goals realistic and achievable!

If you are someone who wants to make a difference this new year and wants to get the added benefits of seeing a chiropractor you can call us on 9302 1023 or book online to organise your first appointment!

We offer specialized appointments for pregnancy and paediatrics also with the added benefits of various techniques used during standard appointments to enhance patient care!

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Merry Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas! Another day year of setting up the Christmas tree and enjoying quality time with friends and family but lets not forget how our body feels from the aftermath!

Aches and pains from hours of seated activity in awful couches or playing an outdoor game of soccer or cricket for the first time in years good become one of the last times.

The amount of “holiday injuries we see during this period is great for us as chiropractors but at the same time we to need a break over Christmas and here we will show ways in which you can combat these injuries before they happen.

How Do I Stay Injury Free Over Christmas Break?

Listen to your body! If you are someone who works a desk job and does little to no exercise, overextending yourself could cause more harm than good. Gardening the whole backyard in a day is also an example that we see throughout the year which brings people in with “sudden” back pain or sciatica.

What Should I Do Whilst With The Family?

Engage in family time but know when to much sitting or to much physical activity is enough. If you are a fit individual this is less likely to affect you although uncomfortable seating or longstanding can still bring on unwanted pains.

What To Do When The Pain Starts?

Sit down and relax. Rest is best and if possible call up your nearest chiropractor to get in for an adjustment. Being that it is the holiday period time slots may be limited from clinic to clinic but thankfully our practices will be open throughout Christmas and New Years for any emergency appointments!

Call our clinic on 9302 1023 and we will book you in with the next available practitioner over the holiday period!

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