03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Chiropractic Care & The Elderly!

We are noticing more and more older adults seeking chiropractic care. Recent data shows that at 30 June 2020, there were an estimated 4.2 million Australians aged 65 and over! Some of the common
older people suffer from are decreased flexibility, poor balance, numbness and tingling and conditions like degeneration, brittle bones (osteoporosis) and arthritis. This brings us to the discussion on how Chiropractic care can enhance the lives of elderly patients:

  1. Pain relief
    Back pain is one of the most common conditions elderly people seek treatment for. This is often a result of degeneration or a possible spinal compression fracture. As we age, bone density decreases, which can
    make one more prone to fractures in the course of everyday tasks. If your spine or joints are not aligned, it places increased pressure on the vertebrae and joints that can potentially increases your risk of a fracture. Gentle spinal manipulation and mobilization can help ease the pain from degeneration by relieving pressure from these joints.
  2. Flexibility and range of motion
    Inflexibility due to stiff joints or tight muscles can be common with arthritis and degeneration. Helping them maintain flexibility and range of motion in the joints through Chiropractic care will allow them to
    stay active and independent for longer. This translates into better quality of life!
  3. Quality of Life
    With confidence and joy to perform daily tasks and hobbies without aches and pains, one will more likely engage better with family and in the community. Thus, improving one’s mental and social wellbeing.
  4. Balance and coordination
    There are small receptors in the neck that help your brain understand where your arms and legs are functioning in space. As we age, these receptors might not function as efficiently as before. This could
    lead to more falls, poor balance and coordination or even difficulty walking. Chiropractic care can help improve this communication in the spine and stimulate these receptors better.
  5. Overall health
    When your spine is properly aligned, it allows the brain to communicate more effectively with all parts of your body decreasing unwanted stress. This allows the nervous system to continue monitoring and repairing the body when needed.

In short, there is no age limit on chiropractic! Our chiropractors are trained in various techniques and familiar with the evidence to confidently help spines of all ages.

Give us a call at 03 9302 1023 if you know someone who would benefit from chiropractic care. We want to see you live life without limits!




Have You Missed The Boat For Better Posture?

Have you ever thought that as an adult, you have left it to late to improve your posture? That your rounded shoulders and a hunched stance are set in stone and you just have to live with it? There is a good chance you can still stand up taller again. Keeping a good posture is not as hard as you may think. It is often a matter of changing your habits and activities, along with maintaining good mobility and the strengthening of certain groups of muscles.

Why should you change your posture?
We are looking at the big picture here.

Our spine has its neutral lordotic and kyphotic curve so that our centre of gravity remains midline and the weight of our head is evenly distributed down the spine. Muscles surrounding the neutral spine then function synergistically to maintain the upright stance and prevent muscles or joints from being overstretched.

However, when our spine begins to change its neutral curve due to poor posture or habits, muscles will also function differently as a result of compensation. This is when one may experience chronic tightness and discomfort in those groups of muscles.
Due to the tightness of the muscles at the front of the chest, some people may have trouble taking a deep breath due to the lack of mobility of the rib cage. These postural muscle imbalances may also put people at higher risks of joint sprains and muscles strains due to the excessive stress on the spine.

What can you do now to help with poor posture?
Better awareness of your body position is the first step.
Being careful of how you are looking down at your mobile phones or computer screens is a good way to start. Look into your sleeping posture too, as lack of support in your mattress or pillow might cause strains overnight. Pay attention to one sided activity in your daily life (eg. Leaning on the arm rest while driving, carrying toddlers on one hip or holding up a phone between your shoulder and ears). Little things like that may gradually become a habit and tension will keep building into the muscles and joints.

Other than that, Chiropractors are excellent in helping posture dysfunction. By restoring movements to the restricted joints in the spine, you are giving your spine the chance to be more upright. With better
position of the spine and joints, you are engaging the proper group of muscles during sports or your usual workouts and exercises which can then reduce the risks of injuries. Postural rehab exercises can also help you maintain better posture in a long run.

Reach out today if you notice your posture needs attention, and your future self will thank you for it!

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