03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Improve Your Health with Chiropractic Care!

You have just visited an allied health professional and your feeling allot better now! But, question is…. Will you be doing anything different to what you were doing before? If your answer is No then it may be ideal to keep an appointment for later on in the month to combat these pain episodes that have been bringing you down!

Pain is a signal coming from the body that alerts us that we are doing something wrong. Hence why we should aim to make changes to combat pain by altering our lifestyle (especially those bad habits!)

Chiropractic Care and How It Can Improve Your Wellbeing?

At The Melbourne Chiropractor we acknowledge that continuous episodes of pain are to be managed over a period of time. This can be done with Chiropractic adjustments, Remedial Massage, Cupping or Dry Needling just to name a few although with allot of these issues exercises and stretches are implemented to help maintain the best of postures and pain free activities overtime. Most commonly patients seek chiropractic care for neck pain, back pain, headaches and repetitive strain injuries/overuse.

Our team of practitioners offer wellness care for those who are willing to take their wellbeing to the next level. This incorporates a plan that helps to reduce reoccurrences of episodes from pain and increase overall mobility and function of the body. Advice on daily living activities such as work posture, lifting biomechanics and sleeping are all things our team look into to improve your wellbeing for many years to come.

Chiropractic Care

What Is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic Care involves the movement of joints back to a normal position where the body is then able to move effectively. Tension is also decreased from the area as tight muscles are relieved and an increase in mobility and flexibility can be seen almost instantly. There are many different techniques that a chiropractor may use including manual adjustments, low force techniques, trigger point therapy, dry needling, prescribe exercises, prescribe stretching or mobilisations in the area of complaint.

Our team of practitioners at The Melbourne Chiropractor strive to get functioning to the best of your abilities. By getting to the bottom of the problem early on it will be easier to tackle the complaint in a shorter period of time.

Our Broadmeadows, Westmeadows and Fawkner Clinics are Open Weekends and Bookings are available online!

Broadmeadows Health Clinic
