Melbourne Cup 2023 is here but wait have you bought your winning ticket? The point of this blog isn’t really about the races…. What it is really about is the awkward positions you will be in, the amount of screaming and drinking you will be doing and the after affects of all this and obviously how to better prepare yourself for the Melbourne Cup of 2023!
What To Bring To The Races!
There are many things but obviously slip slop slap! This Tuesday on the 7th of November we will be hitting a scorching 29 degrees in Melbourne. This is great weather for the cup but we have to make sure we are wearing sunglasses, hats and of course a nice outfit to fit into the crowd of horse racing! Sunscreen is the number one thing to remember this Tuesday and lets be honest finding a great spot to sit and protect yourself from not only the harsh weather but save yourself from a bad back the next morning is a must!
What Will Be The Aftermath Of The Races?
This is all dependant on whether or not you took care of yourself on the day! It is not uncommon for allied health professionals to get an urgent call the next day for sore back and especially falls from poor drinking decisions. Safeguard yourself and monitor not only your alcohol consumption but also look after your mates on the day of the races!
How Can Chiropractors Help?
For once this is just an accident waiting to happen kind of scenario. Our chiropractors work on musculoskeletal injuries hence why the Melbourne Cup is a great day for our team of specialists. No matter how bad the problem is our chiropractors or remedial massage therapists will be able to walk you through various treatment options and assess your physical wellbeing. If X-rays are required… which hopefully would not be needed they can be taken externally through a referral from us!
If you are someone that finds themselves in a bit of strife either on Melbourne Cup Day or the day after our team of chiropractors will be available across our locations in Melbourne. Give our team a call on 9302 1023 or book online to find a time that suits you best!
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