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 Tennis Elbow Rehab

🎨 Pains and weakness on the outside of your elbow? You may be suffering from Tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is found commonly in individuals who use repeated arm and wrist movements such as baristas, painters, bar tenders, office workers and racquet sports players.

🏌🏻‍♂️ Tennis elbow is an overuse injury caused by repetitive strain of the muscles controlling backward wrist and finger movements. This repeated strain causes degeneration of the tendon and subsequent pain.

🔥 Tennis elbow has long been known as ‘Lateral Epicondylitis’. However this indicates inflammation of the tendon. Studies now indicate that it is not an inflammatory condition but a degenerative one.

🤒 Symptoms Include!

❌ Pain localised to the outside of the Elbow (especially on the bone).
❌ Weakness and pain that is worse with gripping and grasping.
❌ Pain that is worse with repetitive wrist movements.
❌ Morning stiffness and persistent ache

🧔🏻 Tennis elbow affects approximately 1-3 % of people every year. Although it can affect anyone, people over 40 are most at risk. Funnily enough tennis players only make up only 5-10% of the patient population despite the name

👨‍⚕️ If left untreated, it can take between 6 months and 2 years to get better. In some cases it may not get better without the need of physical therapy or surgery

✅ Here are some exercises that may help speed up your recovery of tennis elbow

1️⃣ Eccentric Wrist Extension
2️⃣ Eccentric Supination
3️⃣ Soft tissue Muscle Mobilisation
4️⃣ Forearm Extensor Stretch

⚠️ Remember to consult a health care professional before commencing these exercises

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How Can A Sports Chiropractor Help You?

About Sports Chiropractors?

Sports chiropractors pride themselves on exercise and wellbeing when it comes to daily activity. Whether you are a professional athlete or someone that has a sporting hobby, sports chiropractors are able to treat specifically for your injury! The main goal for a sporting chiro is to get you back on track using various techniques and exercises to help strengthen the areas of concern.

Sports chiropractor’s have studied rehabilitation methods for injured athletes and help to guide the patient to achieve ongoing mobility and healthy wellbeing. Sports Chiropractors also aim to prevent sporting injuries from reoccurring again in the future!

What Is The Difference Of A Sports Chiropractor?

Different to your traditional chiropractor who will take a holistic approach to your healthcare a sports chiropractor will be more specific to injuries from sports and will target those areas as best as they can. They are also more than likely going to give you strengthening exercises and stretches to help build the strength within the area.

What Conditions Can A Sports Chiropractor Treat?

Benefits Of Visiting A Sports Chiropractor!

*Our Chiropractors are upskilled in many areas of rehabilitation. If you are someone who is suffering from a sporting injury book an appointment today or give our team a call today on 9376 2002 at The Melbourne Chiropractor to find out how we can help you out today!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




Tennis Injuries & How We Can Help!

Majority of tennis injuries are due to overuse of a muscle or joint and the rest are due to traumatic type injuries such as sudden twisting or turning of the knee joints, wrists or shoulders!

Below are some common types of tennis injuries and how our practitioners at The Melbourne Chiropractor can help treat them!

Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow is a form of overuse injury that causes extension of the elbow. The forces from hitting a tennis ball causes this type of impact continuously throughout a game of tennis and therefore is the most likely cause of injury whilst playing!

Symptoms of Tennis Elbow

Pain and tender elbow joint that may cause pain when lifting, clenching the fist tight or straightening the arm into an extended position. Swelling may also be present depending on the severity of the injury.

How To Prevent Tennis Elbow

Easiest way to avoid Tennis Elbow is to strengthen the surrounding muscles using either a stress ball or gripper. Other ways are to stretch the muscles in the forearm and triceps area to ensure they do not tighten up to the point they start causing pain!

Treatment For Tennis Elbow

Stretching can help although our chiropractors can help decrease tension within the area by using soft tissue therapy and trigger point therapy to help alleviate the stiffness within the area. Our chiropractors can also use dry needling and mobilise the joints within the area that are not moving adequately!

Subacromial Pain Syndrome

Common shoulder injury or concern that is due to overuse or weak musculature within the area. Usually muscles become irritated and cause inflammation within the joint causing clicking sounds and an inability to lift the arm up above the shoulder.

Symptoms of Subacromial Pain Syndrome

Can be soreness and possible swelling depending on the extent of the injury. Usually clicking can be heard when raising the arm and can be painful on movement.

How To Prevent Subacromial Pain Syndrome

Strengthening the surrounding muscles of the deltoid using bands to begin with is a great way to get started. Stretching and warming up the upper body before training or competing is always a great way to prevent injury.

Treatment For Subacromial Pain Syndrome

Chiropractic Care involves dry needling, soft tissue therapy, mobilisations and other forms of adjustments in surrounding regions to help free up the area and decrease inflammation within the shoulder joint.

Subacromial Pain Syndrome / Shoulder Pain

Muscle Strains

Common Injury that can occur to anyone who plays a sport. Common reason can be the lack of stretching or poor conditioning.

Symptoms Of Muscle Strains

  • Muscle Stiffness
  • Bruising or Swelling
  • Weakness and Pain

How To Prevent Muscle Strains

A warm up is always a great way of combatting such an injury. Stretching throughout the weak and ensuring that correct posture is being used throughout daily life can help prevent strains from occurring.

Treatment For Muscle Strains

Ice or Heat is great for as soon as the injury occurs. Compression of the strained muscle can also help sooth the area. Elevation is also a good way to reduce swelling depending on the severity of the injury.

Our team of Chiropractors are able to help stretch, mobilise and adjust areas of concern. Pelvic instability can be an issue in most athletes and therefore would be something to look more into. As for postural issues everything plays a part in bodily movement which means there can be other factors which may be playing a part.

*Note: If you are someone who is looking for help or wants to find out more about our services don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of practitioners! Online bookings are available online and we are available 7 days a week at our Broadmeadows, Westmeadows and Fawkner Chiropractic Clinics!

