03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Chiropractic Care and How Does It Help?

Chiropractic care is recognized as being a way to help decrease pain and increase overall functional well-being. Chiropractor’s may help you achieve a healthier lifestyle by giving you strategies to overcome stress, injuries, pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions. This can all be done with various methods and not one person is treated the same to the other hence why many modalities are used to make the changes needed to make a difference!

Chiropractic Mobilisation

What Are The Benefits?

Chiropractic care may help improve

  • Flexibility
  • Overall Energy
  • Coordination
  • Mobility
  • Decreased stress
  • Increased productivity and concentration
  • Better emotional wellbeing
  • Increased athletic performance
  • Better sleep (relaxation)

Chiropractic care may help with

Our Chiropractic Approach

At The Melbourne Chiropractor we bring out the best from our patients by striving to achieving health and wellbeing. Our aim is to reach patient goals and from there do our best to continue to exceed our patients expectations. We always try to offer various treatment modalities and our clinic offers that. Some of the things we bring to the table include both Manual adjustive techniques and low force techniques such as drop piece and activator methods. We also offer dry needling and cupping therapy including remedial massage, soft tissue and trigger point therapies. Our clinic not only offers passive care but we also involve the patient into their own care by creating thorough plans to get them back on their feet long term. We do this by supplying the patient with exercises and stretches and we give various options depending on the situation. Usually to get to such a stage we do a thorough examination which enables us to make an accurate judgment of how to guide you through your healthcare journey.

The Melbourne Chiropractor Treatment Room (Broadmeadows Clinic)

How does chiropractic treatment help?

The Chiropractic team at the The Melbourne Chiropractor understand that pain is best managed by creating long term changes! Firstly, the pain needs to be alleviated with adjustive techniques or low force techniques to the spine, soft tissue massage to the surrounding musculature and then be accompanied with an exercise regime to help make the changes needed to influence bad habits and behaviours! Many of our patients seek.

By creating a change to your musculoskeletal system, it will help decrease muscle tension and restrictions through the spinal segments which in turn allow you to use your spine to further strengthen it! If you are seeking treatment which will help restore your structural and functional health our chiropractors at the The Melbourne Chiropractor are here to help get you back on track! BOOK NOW


Best Upper Back Stretches in 2022 for Back Pain!

Upper Back Pain can become debilitating and extremely annoying when it continues to annoy you throughout the day. Our practitioners have put together for you the Top 3 Upper Back Stretches that will help alleviate and minimise your Upper Back pain!

Upper Back Erector Spinae Stretch (Upper Back Muscles)
Procedure: (2 variations)

  • (Standing) Standing upright “hug yourself”
  • Curl your upper body towards your stomach
  • (Seated) sitting in a chair or on a floor “hug yourself”
  • Curl your upper body towards your stomach
Standing Variation Upper Back Stretch

Recommended Tasks:

  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Perform the stretch 3 times.
  • Rest for 15-30 seconds between stretches.
  • Complete this stretch twice per day.
    Special Instructions:
    • Take the muscle to a point of gentle and comfortable pulling
    • If you feel increasing tightness, discomfort or pain, ease off the stretch until you find a point your muscle can relax
    • Breathe normally throughout, focusing on relaxation

Latissimus Dorsi Stretch (Unilateral Upper back stretch)
Procedure: (2 variations)

  • (Standing/Seated) Move your arm over your head (scratch your back)
  • With the other arm push backwards just below the elbow
  • (Forward Lean) Place your arms forward onto a support (wall, chair, bench)
  • Gently drop your chest and trunk, between your arms, toward the floor.
Forward Lean Stretch Variation Upper Back Stretch

Recommended Tasks:

  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Perform the stretch 3 times.
  • Rest for 15-30 seconds between stretches.
  • Complete this stretch twice per day.
    Special Instructions:
    • Stop if Pins and needles, numbness or paraesthesia begins to occur during the stretch
    • Take the muscle to a point of gentle and comfortable pulling
    • If you feel increasing tightness, discomfort or pain, ease off the stretch until you find a point your muscle can relax
    • Breathe normally throughout, focusing on relaxation

Teres Minor/Major Stretch (Lat Stretch)
Procedure: (2 variations)

  • (Standing/Seated Ver.1) Move the arm (side needed to be stretched) underneath your opposite armpit
  • Pull with your other hand from the elbow directly outwards
  • (Standing/Seated Ver.2) Move your arm over your head (scratch your back)
  • With the other arm pull your arm to the opposite side (holding just below the elbow)
Teres Minor/Major Stretch Variation 2

Recommended Tasks:

  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Perform the stretch 3 times.
  • Rest for 15-30 seconds between stretches.
  • Complete this stretch twice per day.
    Special Instructions:
    • Stop if Pins and needles, numbness or paraesthesia begins to occur during the stretch
    • Take the muscle to a point of gentle and comfortable pulling
    • If you feel increasing tightness, discomfort or pain, ease off the stretch until you find a point your muscle can relax
    • Breathe normally throughout, focusing on relaxation

*Note: If you are suffering from severe Upper back pain, shooting pains down the arms, difficulty deep breathing, troubles lifting limbs due to soreness, headaches or migraines and need more than just a good stretch our team of practitioners are always happy to help and bookings are available online 7 days a week!


What Can Our Team Do To Help?

Depending on the severity of the injury or area of concern our practitioners will treat accordingly to your complaint. Treatments that may be provided but are not limited to include:

  • Spinal manipulation, Activator Methods, Drop Piece, SOT and other adjustive techniques can help alleviate joints that have restriction such as ribs and spinal segments (LeFebvre, Peterson & Haas, 2012)
  • PNF/PIR/prescribed stretching – Stretching has shown to reduce pain, improve functionality of the wrist and hand also maintains strength and improves patients in both long and short-term outcomes.
  • Remedial Massage, Trigger point therapy or use of handheld massager – Have shown to decrease pain/tenderness, enhance both range of motion and quality of life and influence flexibility (Shah et al., 2015) (Imtiyaz, Veqar & Shareef, 2014)
  • Advice on daily living activities/diet – This enables advice on how to change to make healthy        actions into habits and may offer a valuable alternative with potential for long-term   impact. (Gardner, Lally & Wardle, 2012)
  • Prescribed exercises – produce more beneficial outcomes in terms of increased strength, improved function and reduced pain scores. (Fernandes, Pedrinelli & Hernandez, 2015)
  • Dry Needling or Cupping to the surrounding musculature to help decrease tension and inflammation around the area of the hand and forearm.

Shoulder Injuries and How We Can Help!

Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy

Reasons for diagnosis: (Varacallo & Mair, 2019)

  • Due to trauma or overuse which is usually unilateral (can be bilateral)
  • Localized shoulder pain with an associated muscle weakness of supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus and teres minor
  • Affected ADL’s and/or decrease concentration due to pain
  • Aggravated by movements involving the shoulder (can be a pinching / stabbing sensation)

Myofascial Pain Syndrome of the Shoulder

Reasons for diagnosis: (Alvarez & Rockwell, 2019)

  • Localized pain at the shoulder with possible radiations
  • Aggravated by movements involving the shoulder or when the affected muscle is palpated
  • Due to trauma or overuse on the affected side
  • Affected ADL’s and/or decrease concentration due to pain

Subacromial Bursitis (Shoulder)

Reasons for diagnosis: (Faruqi & Rizvi, 2019)

  • Aggravated by movements involving the shoulder with a reduced range of motion
  • Due to trauma or overuse which is usually unilateral (can be bilateral)
  • Localized shoulder pain with a possibility of both redness and swelling in the area
  • Affected ADL’s and/or decrease concentration due to pain

Subacromial Pain Syndrome

Reasons for diagnosis: (Diercks et al., 2014)

  • Non traumatic and usually unilateral (can be bilateral)
  • Localized pain around the acromion with multiple muscles that are hypertonic
  • Affected ADL’s and/or decrease concentration due to pain
  • Aggravated by lifting the affected arm

Supraspinatus Tendinopathy

Reasons for diagnosis: (Spargoli, 2018)

  • Non traumatic and usually unilateral (can be bilateral)
  • Localized shoulder pain with supraspinatus muscle weakness
  • Affected ADL’s and/or decrease concentration due to pain
  • Aggravated by lifting the affected arm

Biceps Tendinopathy

Reasons for diagnosis: (Varacallo & Mair, 2019)

  • Localized pain with possible radiation of pain into the shoulder
  • Aggravated by movements involving the biceps with pain on range of motion
  • Due to trauma or overuse which is usually unilateral (can be bilateral)
  • Affected ADL’s and/or decrease concentration due to pain

How can The Melbourne Chiropractor help you?

Our practitioners offer various treatments and techniques which include:

Depending on your needs and situation our practitioners will guide you in the right direction when it comes to achieving your goals. Examination and diagnosis will have to be done before going ahead with a plan that best suits your complaint!

Bookings available online 24/7 using the link below https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now


Can a Chiropractor Help With Flexibility?

About Flexibility

Flexibility is usually taken for granted since it is only when you realise you aren’t as flexible as you used to be that you decide to work on your range of movement. The truth is; there are multiple factors that affect your flexibility and they go from being overweight to mobility issues. Your profession or chosen lifestyle can also affect your overall flexibility. You can address this problem in numerous ways and chiropractic care is one of them.

Does chiropractic really help?

Chiropractic aims to improve your flexibility in a completely natural manner without medications and using products that promise miraculous results. It’s a holistic approach towards a more flexible you.

If you’re wondering whether chiropractic can really help you, then you’ll be glad to know its benefits for flexibility have been scientifically proven.

Improving flexibility

The reason you should work on improving your range of motion is because poor flexibility affects strength, endurance, and overall quality of life. You can improve flexibility in a number of ways including:

  • Eating a Healthy Diet                           
  • Getting Enough Sleep
  • Losing Weight
  • Staying Active
  • Visiting a Chiropractor
  • Stretching and Exercise

What does a chiropractor do to improve flexibility?

Chiropractic care involves spinal adjustments and manipulation to other parts of one’s body to adjust the joints, bones and muscles in order to relieve the pain, improve flexibility, and restore range of motion. The adjustments can be performed manually or with various techniques such as electrical stimulation, trigger point therapy, ultrasound etc. Your chiropractor can also recommend exercises you should do to improve your range of motion successfully.