03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Back Supports? The Big Problem

Back supports are a big part of the problem when it comes to back pain and decreasing the amount of time it takes to recover. You may ask why? This is what we will be explaining in this blog about back supports!

What Do Back Supports Achieve?

Back supports aim to increase the pressure around your abdominal muscle bellies to help prevent and secure you from over stretching or exerting yourself. Depending on the brace they may allow for the body to maintain a certain posture.

Why Are Back Supports Bad?

Back supports are great for maintaining certain positions when muscles are being engaged and you work a physical job although whilst sitting at a desk or driving a car this is when back support braces can cause more harm than good.

How Do Back Supports Negatively Impact Back Pain?

Long hours of back support during sedentary types of activity can cause muscles to weaken to the point where you are unable to function without the brace! Muscles get lazy if they are no being worked and being that the brace is doing their job for them the body begins to weaken in those regions.

What Is The Best Way To Target Back Pain?

Back pain sucks and it shouldn’t be something that stops you from living your life. The easiest way to start your journey is to visit a healthcare professional. Usually it is best to make an initial appointment and find out what is actually going on. No back pain is the same and should not be treated the same either.

How Do Chiropractors Help?

Our Chiropractors help by first assessing and diagnosing the problem at hand. Then after soft tissue therapies and chiropractic adjustments are used, with a combination of other various techniques to help decrease not only the pain but improve the overall function of the body.

If you are someone that is currently suffering from back pain our chiropractors can help get you back on track today!

Book online today or call on 9302 1023 to book your first appointment today.

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The Power Of Positive Thinking

Our mind plays both an emotional and physical role and guides us to do certain things throughout our daily lives. Depending on our mindset if we are leaning towards being positive we would be more likely to see successful outcomes throughout life and ones that change us for the better.

In this blog we will talk about ways in which you can improve your thinking to become more positive.
First off the main thing to improve your mindset is to find the negatives that are holding you back from becoming better!

Here are the top 5 things that may be causing this negative mindset:
– Noticing more negativity
– Feeling down on yourself
– Getting distracted with unwanted dramas
– Your friendship group
– Current job role

What can happen if you continue these negative habits?
– Binge eating
– Increased anxiety / depression
– Changes to mood
– Loss of work/life balance
– Increased stress and sickness

7 Ways To Improve Positive Thinking!
– Create good changes slowly
– Don’t force yourself to do things you don’t feel comfortable doing
Relax and meditate
Set up your sleep schedule
Create a healthy meal plan to keep you on track
Join a gym or start a fitness journey
See a healthcare professional to help with any aches or pains

*If you are interested in finding a team that best suits your needs book online today with one of our practitioners!

We also offer Pregnancy Care, Paediatric CareRemedial MassageDry Needling and Cupping Therapies

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

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