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Back To School In 2023!

It’s 2023 and children all over the world are suffering from inadequate posture due to daily activities. These activities carry a burden on your child’s shoulders and decrease their ability to function optimally. Some of the easiest ways to encourage proper posture and limit these stressors will be identified in this blog post!

Back Packs

Back packs cause allot of strain on a child’s posture when it is worn incorrectly. Loose straps and heavy bags increase the amount of load on the spine and in turn create unwanted change to posture long-term. The easiest way to limit this from occurring is to wear a bag with both straps, positioned in the middle of your child’s back with no more than 10% of your child’s total body weight in books inside the bag!

Screen Time

Screen time is a big one when it comes to your child’s posture! Long periods of sitting in awkward positions that cause both neck stiffness and pain should be limited. Having designated times for screen time and even an area that is setup for your children to sit comfortably is a great way to keep them not only entertained but also pain free!

Physical Activity

Physical Activity and exercise are both great ways to get your child moving! Movement is key when it comes to mobilising joints within the body. When kids stop moving and become sedentary not only can it lead to health issues but it can cause unwanted stress on joints of the body! Whether it is a ground sport such as tennis or something as simple as walking it can go a long way when it is put in to a routine.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is great for kids as they are continually jumping and jolting around especially when out on the playground. The amount of pressure some of their joints can sustain may cause injury as time goes on. Our chiropractors are not only able to big up issues with your child’s spinal health but they are able to help improve their postural wellbeing for the better!

If you feel like your child needs help with their posture or is struggling with aches, pains or even headaches our team of experienced chiropractors are here to help get them back on track!

Our clinic also offers pregnancy care and paediatric care for children under the age of 3 and have practitioners who have specialised in this field to give the most optimal care!

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Benefits of Walking for Musculoskeletal health?

Walking is a simple task that is both low force and easy to complete without the need for equipment. Exercise in general whether it be running swimming or walking are all great ways to help improve your health and wellbeing and should be implemented on a day to day basis!

What Are The Benefits of Walking?

  • Walking helps decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Decreased risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Walking increases mobility within the joints 
  • Walking can have an effect on back pain and may reduce symptoms
  • Walking is a great way of losing weight when paired with a diet
  • Helps decrease stress
  • Walking improves both energy levels and mood due to a release of endorphins
  • Increases blood circulation throughout the body
  • Increases mobility within the spine
  • Increases flexibility and helps improve posture
  • Helps strengthen low back and leg muscles to enhance spinal health
  • Helps prevent low back pain and tension within the area

*Note: Outdoor exercise exposes you to the sun which enables the body to absorb Vitamin D which is essential for bone density (Don’t forget to SLIP SLOP SLAP!)

Walking in the sun (Great Source of Vitamin D)

What are some simple ways to increase the amount of walking you do daily?

  • Walking groups, walking with friends or family
  • Walking the dog if possible
  • Using an electronic ddevice that counts your steps to keep you motivated.
  • Warming up/Cooling down at the gym on the treadmill helps increase overall steps
  • Using timers/alarms to help you get up from your desk from long hours of seated activity to move around goes a long way when it comes to physical activity.

When is Walking Considered Not Advantageous?

  • If you are wearing incorrect footwear (can cause plantar fasciitis)
  • Existing conditions/injuries where walking can aggravate the area
  • Acute inflammation of the lower limbs may cause more damage
  • Tears in either the ankle or knee
  • History of swelling or cold feet
Bad Footwear (Running shoes are ideal)

Walking May Improve Medical Conditions Aswell!

Studies have shown that people who suffer with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes can benefit from physical activity as it helps support the cardiovascular system and strengthen it to improve circulation around the body!

Walking is also great for people suffering from osteoarthritis or any other bone degenerative diseases as low impact activities enable the body to renew areas of bone degeneration to help minimize the progressive degeneration occurring.

If you have any other questions or would like to book in an appointment don’t hesitate to give our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor a Call on 9302 1023 or alternatively can book online using the link below!
