03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

All About Plantar Fasciitis!

🏃🏻‍♂️ Plantar fasciitis is a common foot complaint that affects a persons heel. Symptoms involve a stabbing pain/stiffness at the heel or sole of the foot. Pain is generally worse first thing in the morning and after exercise but not during it. Pain can also be triggered by long periods of standing or getting up from long periods of sitting

👟 Plantar fasciitis is a condition in which the plantar fascia is affected. The plantar fascia is a connective tissue that runs under the foot and serves the purpose of supporting the arch and acting as a shock absorber to weight bearing activities

🥵 Plantar fasciitis occurs due to overload on the tissue, leading to degeneration and subsequent pain. 

🙋🏼‍♂️ Those at greatest risk are individuals over the age of 40, athletic individuals [particularly runners], obese/overweight individuals and those with structural foot issues [flat feet/high arches’]

🦵🏻 Treatment involves rest, ice, load management, medications and physical therapy. Physical therapy will primarily look at strengthening up the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the feet and lower leg. Insoles may also help however surgery is rarely required and often a last resort

✔️ Here are some exercises that may help speed up your recovery process
1️⃣ Heel raise [Toes dorsiflexed]
2️⃣ Towel toe curls
3️⃣ Plantar Fascia stretch

⚠️ Remember to consult a health care professional before commencing these exercises ⚠️

If you feel like you are suffering with plantar fasciitis our team of chiropractors and remedial therapist can help you out today! We can use different treatment techniques to help reduce your symptoms, increase your mobility and implement a rehab plan to get your foot back on track!

Our Locations


Back To School In 2023!

It’s 2023 and children all over the world are suffering from inadequate posture due to daily activities. These activities carry a burden on your child’s shoulders and decrease their ability to function optimally. Some of the easiest ways to encourage proper posture and limit these stressors will be identified in this blog post!

Back Packs

Back packs cause allot of strain on a child’s posture when it is worn incorrectly. Loose straps and heavy bags increase the amount of load on the spine and in turn create unwanted change to posture long-term. The easiest way to limit this from occurring is to wear a bag with both straps, positioned in the middle of your child’s back with no more than 10% of your child’s total body weight in books inside the bag!

Screen Time

Screen time is a big one when it comes to your child’s posture! Long periods of sitting in awkward positions that cause both neck stiffness and pain should be limited. Having designated times for screen time and even an area that is setup for your children to sit comfortably is a great way to keep them not only entertained but also pain free!

Physical Activity

Physical Activity and exercise are both great ways to get your child moving! Movement is key when it comes to mobilising joints within the body. When kids stop moving and become sedentary not only can it lead to health issues but it can cause unwanted stress on joints of the body! Whether it is a ground sport such as tennis or something as simple as walking it can go a long way when it is put in to a routine.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is great for kids as they are continually jumping and jolting around especially when out on the playground. The amount of pressure some of their joints can sustain may cause injury as time goes on. Our chiropractors are not only able to big up issues with your child’s spinal health but they are able to help improve their postural wellbeing for the better!

If you feel like your child needs help with their posture or is struggling with aches, pains or even headaches our team of experienced chiropractors are here to help get them back on track!

Our clinic also offers pregnancy care and paediatric care for children under the age of 3 and have practitioners who have specialised in this field to give the most optimal care!

Our Locations


Fawkner Chiropractor

The Melbourne Chiropractor Fawkner aims to provide the best of care through chiropractic care and remedial massage therapy. Our goals as a team are to decrease patient pain, increase biomechanical function and create long term health benefits so that patients can use their bodies to complete day to day tasks without limitations.

Our Fawkner Chiropractic Clinic accepts all GP referrals and care plans for chiropractic care under medicare. If you are someone that has been signed off for a CDM or EPC plan you may be eligible for up to 5 visits per year!


Mon: 9:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Tue: 9:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Wed: 9:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Thu: 9:00 pm – 09:00 pm

Fri: 9:00 pm – 07:00 pm
Sat: 08:00 am – 04:00 pm
Sun: 08:00 am – 03:00 pm

Please contact us directly with any questions, comments, or scheduling enquiries you may have.

 Call Us: 03 9302 1023
 Visit Us: 1/58 Lynch Rd, Fawkner 3060


Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy causes the body to go through many physical emotional and hormonal changes in such a short period of time hence why it is common for pregnant people to feel the stress and the strain during this period. Pregnancy is common for low back pain.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe During Pregnancy?

This is a Frequently Asked Question! Chiropractic care is tailored specifically for pregnancy care. Chiropractors who treat pregnancy do extra studies to understand how to best treat during each trimester of pregnancy. Be sure to find someone who has got experience and the correct tools to be able to treat for pregnancy including an understanding of what could be done to help reach your goals as a patient. As with anything remember that the earlier on you start to work on your aches and pains the quicker it will be to reach your goals. Chronic conditions that have been ongoing for more than 3 months can make things excessively worse in the long run and effect multiple areas hence why looking for care at the first sign of symptoms will make you better off!

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic Pain is the most common pain suffered during pregnancy. It is common for the pelvis to move more than usual due to the changes and expansive forces happening to prepare for the birth. This is why things can feel compressive and quite inflamed throughout the area. Our chiropractors will do their best to help manage the pain, ensure that the pelvis is in the correct position for birth and also encourage the use of certain exercises if needed to help strengthen the core muscles.

Pubic Symphysis pain

This is one of the worst pains, not only is it an awkward type of pain but with the added weight of the baby growing the front joint of the pelvis begins to stiffen up and the pressure begins to cause a tearing or pulling like pain in the crotch region. Being such an uncomfortable spot and hard to ease off our chiropractors have different types of techniques to help ease the pressure and tightness throughout the area.

Round Ligament Pain

The round ligament softens and stretches as the baby gets bigger. This in turn causes the ligament to get sore and at times can strain and cause discomfort through the lower abdomen. Our goal as chiropractors is to decrease this tension by using soft tissue techniques to eliminate pressure and tension.

Rib Pain

Rib pain is a common concern during pregnancy. Extra pressures through the ribcage can cause pinching or stabbing like pains when breathing in. This is usually seen in desk works due to their postures! Our goal as a chiropractor is to adjust the areas of concern by using low-force type adjustments and soft tissue therapies to enhance mobility and function within the area.

If you are someone that is pregnant and looking for a pregnancy specific chiropractor our team of chiropractors has a select few that are both experienced and trained in the field! We have both male and female practitioners to help assist and reach your healthcare goals!

Call us on 9302 1023 or Book Online Today to schedule a session with us and get you back on track.

Our Locations


Westmeadows Chiropractor

The Melbourne Chiropractor Westmeadows aims to provide the best in evidence based chiropractic care to help with all types of musculoskeletal problems. We strive to decrease patient pain, enhance function and create a long-term solution to your problems. Our goal is for patients to live life to the fullest, no matter how challenging their situation may be.

Our Westmeadows chiropractic practice accepts referrals from GP’s for chiropractic services. If you are given a CDM or EPC plan you are eligible for up to 5 chiropractic visits per year!


Mon: 12:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Tue: 12:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Wed: 12:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Thu: 02:00 pm – 09:00 pm

Fri: 12:00 pm – 07:00 pm
Sat: 08:00 am – 03:00 pm
Sun: 08:00 am – 01:00 pm

Please contact us directly with any questions, comments, or scheduling enquiries you may have.

 Call Us: 03 9302 1023
 Visit Us: 1 Hopetoun Court, Westmeadows