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The Power Of Positive Thinking

Our mind plays both an emotional and physical role and guides us to do certain things throughout our daily lives. Depending on our mindset if we are leaning towards being positive we would be more likely to see successful outcomes throughout life and ones that change us for the better.

In this blog we will talk about ways in which you can improve your thinking to become more positive.
First off the main thing to improve your mindset is to find the negatives that are holding you back from becoming better!

Here are the top 5 things that may be causing this negative mindset:
– Noticing more negativity
– Feeling down on yourself
– Getting distracted with unwanted dramas
– Your friendship group
– Current job role

What can happen if you continue these negative habits?
– Binge eating
– Increased anxiety / depression
– Changes to mood
– Loss of work/life balance
– Increased stress and sickness

7 Ways To Improve Positive Thinking!
– Create good changes slowly
– Don’t force yourself to do things you don’t feel comfortable doing
Relax and meditate
Set up your sleep schedule
Create a healthy meal plan to keep you on track
Join a gym or start a fitness journey
See a healthcare professional to help with any aches or pains

*If you are interested in finding a team that best suits your needs book online today with one of our practitioners!

We also offer Pregnancy Care, Paediatric CareRemedial MassageDry Needling and Cupping Therapies

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

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Advice On Starting Your Health & Wellness Journey!

If you are struggling to find out what’s best for you and
your health and wellness journey this will be the blog for you!

We will be discussing how you can improve your wellbeing
including strategies to help you to get motivated to begin your healthcare

Why Should You Improve Your Health & Wellbeing?

Everyone is different not one person is alike! Health can be
classified in many different categories and can be looked at differently by
many different professionals. The obvious reason for you beginning your
healthcare journey should be to improve or reach your own health care goals!

The biggest reasons for doing so could be to:

–       Improve physical performance

–       Decrease pain

–       Manage Pain

–       Eliminate headaches or migraines

–       Create healthy lifestyle choices

–       Changing Diet

–       Increasing Physical Activity

5 Pieces Of Advice To Get You Started On Your Journey!

– Make Small Changes 

To many changes to your lifestyle can become overwhelming and very hard to control all at once. Having a set schedule with small increments weekly can allow you to ease into the process of your healthcare journey!

Enjoy The Process 

Don’t push yourself to do things that your body is not yet ready to handle. Overexercising or overtraining can cause injury in the process. Being consistent and having a plan with incremental goals in mind is the best way to get started!

Be Realistic
Trying to lose 5 kgs in a week is not something realistic if anything it can be detrimental to your health. The focus should be an achievable goal that you can comfortably meet and then try to improve yourself each and every time at a steady pace

Find a Support Group

Having a team of people or a group of friends to help you throughout your journey is always a great way of keeping you motivated and on track. Something as simple as taking a friend to the gym or getting a coach will keep you accountable for showing up and getting the work done!

Don’t Compare Yourself, Enjoy Yourself!

Before you start don’t look at people who have been training or working on their lifestyle goals for years. Everyone has to start somewhere and your mindset should be focussed on amplifying your own goals and becoming the best version of yourself. Focus on enjoying yourself and finding something that you can stick with and excel at!

Find a holistic allied health professional to help balance your body.

Decreasing stress, tension and pain throughout your healthcare journey can make a big difference when it comes to injury and consistency. Our Chiropractors or Remedial Massage therapists are able to help you work towards your goals and improve your health and wellbeing for the better!

*If you are interested in finding a team that best suits your needs book online today with one of our practitioners!

We also offer Pregnancy Care, Paediatric Care, Remedial Massage, Dry Needling and Cupping Therapies

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner

