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Common Household Chores Causing You Pain!

Ever done some type of strenuous activity that didn’t involve you going to the gym? Lifting a laundry basket to quickly the wrong way and felt something pop?

In this blog we will be talking about which household chores are the main culprits to our pain!

Repetitive Tasks (Cleaning/Washing)

Repetitive tasks usually lead to pain as you are forcing your body to do things for a prolonged time which may be done with poor posture or even incorrect leaning or bending over which are the most common causes of low back pain!

Lifting Heavy Objects

It is common for us to lift objects without knowing exactly how much they way. At times lifting certain things can also become awkward and this is usually where things can go wrong. It can be as simple as turning over a mattress or lifting up a laundry basket.

Reaching Or Twisting

Same as lifting rotation of our body involves us to move ourselves into awkward positions. Rotation should always be limited when reaching for things especially when carrying objects. Its is common for people to hurt themselves by straining either their neck or low back just from something as simple as turning their neck to quickly!

Prolonged Sitting

Prolonged sitting whether it be at the work desk or the family couch can cause detrimental affects to the body. Muscles tend to tighten up when they are not moved enough hence why pain and especially tightness in areas may arise before you know it!

Incorrect Sleeping

Sleeping is great when done appropriately but when we are putting ourselves in a compromised position we are actually doing ourselves more harm then good. Sleeping on the couch is always a big no as well as sleeping on your stomach. This is because the curves of our spine are not in a neutral position causes us the usual neck pain. Try and combat this by sleeping on your side using a pillow that holds you into that comfortable neutral like position that the body needs.

If you are someone who has injured themselves doing some type of household chore and its giving you headachesneck pain or low back pain or may think you are someone suffering from changes due to your posture! You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




The Truth About Desk Work and Back Pain!

What Is The Issue?

Long periods of sitting in an office chair is most likely going to cause issues with your back and neck. Slouching, hanging your head over and sliding down the chair can strain muscles and cause a muscle imbalance within the area. By doing this spinal structures can be damaged and back pain or neck pain may arise from the issue and at times headaches and migraines may become more prominent.

What Is Back Pain In Desk Workers?

It is common for desk workers to have back pain as muscles are working continuously to keep us upright in a chair. Especially now that people are working from home and not using an ergonomic setup we have found that our locals from our Westmeadows, Broadmedows and Fawkner clinics who are now working from home are suffering from this. From neck pain to back pain sedentary activities such as desk work put you at risk of restricting physical activity that could be doing you good.

Risk Factors of Desk Work

  • Sitting with an incorrect posture
  • Repetitive or heavy lifting
  • Sitting for long periods
  • Bending down
  • Straining the neck
  • Sedentary activity

Causes of Back Pain Can Include:

  • Stressful job
  • Pregnancy
  • Strenuous activity/exercise
  • Degeneration
  • Ageing
Desk Work and Low Back Pain

Diagnosis of Back Pain

Although office life can be time restricting, getting your back pain diagnosed and treated is important for your health. The Melbourne Chiropractor offers treatment for issues relating to back pain aswell as long term instruction to ensure reoccurrences of back pain from desk work never occur again! Our clinic has remedial massage therapists and chiropractors to choose from and offer cupping, dry needling, pregnancy care and paediatric care if needed!

Tips When Working at a Desk

At The Melbourne Chiropractor we use different treatment modalities for back pain depending on the issue. Not everyone’s back pain is the same hence why we try to offer as many things possible to the patient. The biggest thing you can be doing in the office is looking after your posture! Standing desks are a good step in the right direction but also ergonomic seating with head support is ideal. Taking breaks every 30 minutes for a quick stretch and moving your screen to eye level are some easy ways to help support your body.

Standing Desk

Desk Workers, Back Pain & How We Can Help!

If you are finding it hard to manage your back pain and it is to far gone, you can always contact us to see how we can help you today. If we feel that during our examination what we provide for you is not suitable, we can always refer you out to the best professional for your problem. We may like to implement things such as Manual Adjustments, Remedial Massage, Dry Needling and Cupping to help alleviate symptoms or even prescribe exercises and stretches for back pain to help the problem.

Book Online Today!

It is common for people to complain about back pain as it has a significant effect on someone’s family life, daily activities, work life and recreational activities. Our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor are able to help you with issues such as back pain.

If you want to know more about what we do or would like us to help with your back pain contact us today and visit one of our locations at Broadmeadows, Westmeadows or Fawkner.
