03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Why Should We Exercise?

Exercise is a physical activity which causes us to expend energy. In doing so it helps create function and mobility depending on the type of exercise that is being participated in. The idea around exercise is to enhance the body’s functional and physical abilities. Whether it is cardiovascular health, mobility, endurance or just trying to look better.

What Is Our Team’s Approach To Exercise?

Exercise is a fundamental building block to engage and strengthen areas of weakness throughout the musculoskeletal system. Our goal as chiropractors is to use exercises that are generalised to begin with and then work on weaknesses individually according to the persons preferences. Not one exercise is guaranteed to have an optimal outcome in every individual hence why a variety of different stretches and strengthening activities are implemented throughout ones care plan.

What Are Signs Exercise Is Negatively Impacting You?

–     Continuous Injury

–     Increased Stress

–     Changes to cognitive state

–     Decrease in functional performance

5 Common Misconceptions Regarding Exercise

  • The more you do the better
  • The harder you train the better
  • No pain No gain!
  • Cookie Cutter programs
  • Sweating it out

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Exercise Activities

*If you are interested in finding a team that best suits your needs book online today with one of our practitioners!

We also offer Pregnancy Care, Paediatric CareRemedial MassageDry Needling and Cupping Therapies

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

Our Locations:




Improve Your Health with Chiropractic Care!

You have just visited an allied health professional and your feeling allot better now! But, question is…. Will you be doing anything different to what you were doing before? If your answer is No then it may be ideal to keep an appointment for later on in the month to combat these pain episodes that have been bringing you down!

Pain is a signal coming from the body that alerts us that we are doing something wrong. Hence why we should aim to make changes to combat pain by altering our lifestyle (especially those bad habits!)

Chiropractic Care and How It Can Improve Your Wellbeing?

At The Melbourne Chiropractor we acknowledge that continuous episodes of pain are to be managed over a period of time. This can be done with Chiropractic adjustments, Remedial Massage, Cupping or Dry Needling just to name a few although with allot of these issues exercises and stretches are implemented to help maintain the best of postures and pain free activities overtime. Most commonly patients seek chiropractic care for neck pain, back pain, headaches and repetitive strain injuries/overuse.

Our team of practitioners offer wellness care for those who are willing to take their wellbeing to the next level. This incorporates a plan that helps to reduce reoccurrences of episodes from pain and increase overall mobility and function of the body. Advice on daily living activities such as work posture, lifting biomechanics and sleeping are all things our team look into to improve your wellbeing for many years to come.

Chiropractic Care

What Is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic Care involves the movement of joints back to a normal position where the body is then able to move effectively. Tension is also decreased from the area as tight muscles are relieved and an increase in mobility and flexibility can be seen almost instantly. There are many different techniques that a chiropractor may use including manual adjustments, low force techniques, trigger point therapy, dry needling, prescribe exercises, prescribe stretching or mobilisations in the area of complaint.

Our team of practitioners at The Melbourne Chiropractor strive to get functioning to the best of your abilities. By getting to the bottom of the problem early on it will be easier to tackle the complaint in a shorter period of time.

Our Broadmeadows, Westmeadows and Fawkner Clinics are Open Weekends and Bookings are available online!

Broadmeadows Health Clinic



How Do Chiropractors Find Where To Adjust?

What Is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

A Chiropractic Adjustment is a force that is placed through a joint in a specific direction to help alleviate pain within the area and restore movement back to the restricted joint. Usually after a joint does get adjusted it may feel like there is more mobility in the area, increased flexibility and overall just feeling allot better in the area of previous concern.

There are a number of people who try to “self-adjust” themselves to try and get the same effects from what they receive from the chiropractor. Most times people find that the ease of tension only last for short periods as they are not moving joints that are restricted, in fact, they are moving joints above and below the restriction hence why the pain continues to come back and progress. It is common also for people who crack their joints to overstrain themselves from forceful cracking. This can also lead to hypermobility of the joints and cause issues with muscles and ligaments moving further than they naturally should causing risks of harm.

How Does A Chiropractor Know What To Adjust?

Chiropractors are trained professionals with over 5 years of university experience at university completing a double degree in Health Sciences and Applied Sciences (Chiropractic). The degree gives our qualified and experienced health professionals the ability to use various treatment modalities and an understanding of how the musculoskeletal system and neurological areas work within the body.

Manual adjusting is just one of the tools that chiropractors use. When applying this technique usually chiropractors will check for areas of restriction and tenderness by using a physical examination. Things such as posture, walking stance and joint mobility are some factors that come into play when considering where to adjust. Once the patient is on the table relaxed our chiropractors will use use their hands across the spine to check for any inconsistencies throughout the spine and to see where tension and restriction is present.

Finding Areas to Adjust and Treat

At The Melbourne Chiropractor our Chiropractors use a holistic approach meaning that most of the time a full body adjustment will be completed although in some cases restrictions in areas may not be present.

Note* If you are suffering from any aches or pain and want to know more about how we our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor can help you contact us today or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now