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Top Mattress Advice From Chiropractors!

Most chiropractors agree that traditional mattresses should be replaced every 5-10 years. However, choosing an expensive new bed that you will be sleeping on for the next several years can be stressful, especially if you have no idea where to start. To make things more complicated, we acknowledge that there is no single style of mattress that works for everyone.

Valuable tips to help you choose one that works for you!
 We recommend a medium to firm mattress; however, this ultimately comes down to your personal preference.
 Choose a firmness that keeps your spine in a neutral position. Have someone snap a picture, then assess how you line up in your habitual sleep position.
 Back sleepers typically prefer a firmer mattress, while side sleepers may desire a little more cushioning.

 When in doubt, go with the firmer option – you can always soften a mattress with a topper, but
you can never firm up a soft mattress.
 Spring mattress can help distribute force better if you have a sleep partner.
 Latex mattresses are not the best for hot sleepers.
 Or just consider a separately adjustable bed if your sleep partner prefers a different mattress style.

 A topper can help dissipate pressure points on your hips and shoulders, but it is not advisable go too thick with a built-in topper; it will be like fusing a cheap mattress onto your good one. You can always add (or replace) an additional aftermarket topper if needed.
 If you are considering a coil spring mattress, choose one that you can flip. Built-in mattress toppers usually cannot allow that.

 When mattress shopping, wear comfortable clothes and lie down on several beds to see which one feels best.
 Do not judge something by the first few seconds of comfort. Lay on it for at least 10-15 minutes.
 Opt for vendor that offers a trial period of up to 60 days or with a reasonable return or exchange policy. However, bear in mind that anything new can be uncomfortable at first.
 Give a new mattress at least a few break-in nights before you abandon it (it takes 3 weeks to 3 months to get used to a new mattress, so be patient).
 If you noticed your mattress sags or is more than 7-10 years, that is a sign to change it!

 You spend one-third of your life on a mattress, we wouldn’t recommend to skimp on that investment.
 Conversely, the most expensive is not always the best!

Still unsure about what is out there in the market? Here is a good resource for mattress reviews https://bedbuyer.com.au (even from Chiropractors!)

Looking for the right pillow? Click on the following link to choose the right one for you today! https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/blog/pillow-talk-choosing-the-right-one/


Pillow Talk – Choosing The Right One!

Do you know that we spend on average 6-8 hours sleeping every day? – longer if you like lounging in bed with your telly!

Unfortunately, we tend to overlooked the importance of getting the right pillow and this can lead to sore shoulders, sore neck, sore back or other issues when we get up in the morning.

One major to point out is to NOT sleep on your belly! Sleeping on your tummy is commonly the cause for chronic neck pain, headaches or migraine from the long duration of twisting your neck to the side to

A general rule of thumb is that your sleeping posture should be as neutral as you would standing upright: The spine should not be curved sideways due to too high or too low of a pillow, and the spine should maintain its lordotic and kyphotic curve when you are lying on your back. (Think about good ergonomics even when you are sleeping)

Some useful tips when choosing a pillow:

  1. Make sure your pillow supports your neck and head to allow your spine to be aligned when you lie on your side (A contour pillow generally works best for side sleepers).
  2. A thinner pillow may be better for back sleepers so that your head is not propped up too high creating tension in your suboccipital muscles.
  3. It can take up to 2 weeks to get used to a new pillow – so be patient.
  4. It is recommended to change your pillow every 2 to 3 years (especially when it looses it shape or height).
  5. Get someone to observe your posture while you sleep because what feels comfortable may not have the right support for your body type.
  6. Bonus tip for low back support: placing another pillow under your knees when you are on your back or between the knees when you are on your side helps keep the spine and pelvis in the neutral position.

*Remember to mention your pillow the next time you come in for your appointment and our chiropractors will help you with any of your questions.




Common Household Chores Causing You Pain!

Ever done some type of strenuous activity that didn’t involve you going to the gym? Lifting a laundry basket to quickly the wrong way and felt something pop?

In this blog we will be talking about which household chores are the main culprits to our pain!

Repetitive Tasks (Cleaning/Washing)

Repetitive tasks usually lead to pain as you are forcing your body to do things for a prolonged time which may be done with poor posture or even incorrect leaning or bending over which are the most common causes of low back pain!

Lifting Heavy Objects

It is common for us to lift objects without knowing exactly how much they way. At times lifting certain things can also become awkward and this is usually where things can go wrong. It can be as simple as turning over a mattress or lifting up a laundry basket.

Reaching Or Twisting

Same as lifting rotation of our body involves us to move ourselves into awkward positions. Rotation should always be limited when reaching for things especially when carrying objects. Its is common for people to hurt themselves by straining either their neck or low back just from something as simple as turning their neck to quickly!

Prolonged Sitting

Prolonged sitting whether it be at the work desk or the family couch can cause detrimental affects to the body. Muscles tend to tighten up when they are not moved enough hence why pain and especially tightness in areas may arise before you know it!

Incorrect Sleeping

Sleeping is great when done appropriately but when we are putting ourselves in a compromised position we are actually doing ourselves more harm then good. Sleeping on the couch is always a big no as well as sleeping on your stomach. This is because the curves of our spine are not in a neutral position causes us the usual neck pain. Try and combat this by sleeping on your side using a pillow that holds you into that comfortable neutral like position that the body needs.

If you are someone who has injured themselves doing some type of household chore and its giving you headachesneck pain or low back pain or may think you are someone suffering from changes due to your posture! You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




Has Time Run Out To Fix Your Posture?

Our Chiropractors at The Melbourne Chiropractor have seen first hand that poor posture can cause devastating affects on the bodies musculoskeletal system for both young and older patients. What they have found is areas of dysfunction caused by poor posture have influenced problems such as degeneration, sprains or strains or even put people at risk of overuse type injuries.

How long you have had poor posture is not a reason to think it cannot be changed, the biggest issue, is how it was caused and what other underlying factors such as trauma or medical problems the patient is dealing with. Most times we find that posture can be improved within the first 8-12 weeks if it is a functional cause, although depending on the severity it may take up to 6 months to see changes in areas that are severely degenerated and affected by poor posture. Lifestyle factors and habits will also come in to play as forward posture at the desk from long hours can limit the amount of change from therapy.

What Is Considered Poor Posture?

  • Forward head carriage
  • Rolling of the shoulders (forward)
  • Increased curve in the low back
  • Increased curve in the upper/mid back
  • In toeing of the feet
  • Scoliosis / Kyphosis Curve
  • Unbalanced hips and shoulders
Good Vs Bad Postures

Associated Problems Caused by Poor Posture?

Most Common Causes of Poor Posture

Ways To Improve Posture

Changing Seating Position at Work

How Can The Melbourne Chiropractor Help Your Posture?

Note* If you are currently suffering from postural issues the early you start the better off you will be. If you are wondering what we do on your first chiropractic session or would like to make a booking, you can always contact us to find out more! Online bookings also available 7 days a week @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now


Visit our Broadmeadows, Westmeadows or Fawkner Health Clinic Today!


Common Posture Issues and How You Can Improve Them!

Common posture problems:

Rounding shoulders

This is when you are sitting with your head forward, away from its ‘neutral’ position. When our head is sitting in a forward position, it increases the load and compression on the neck. As a general rule, every 2.5cm that the head is in a forward posture, an additional 4-5kg of weight is felt on the neck!

Forward head posture

Rounding shoulders is exactly what it sounds like. You may often hear people refer to this as being in a slouched position. We can begin to develop rounding or rolled forward shoulders after being in this sustained, hunched position and adapting it as a postural habit.

Slouching in upper back

When the spine of the upper back curves at an increased angle. This can also be known as an increased kyphosis. This position is often adapted after continuously maintaining a slouched position, rounding shoulders and forward head carriage.

Increased curve in lower back

This is also known as increased lordosis or hyper lordosis. In this position, your pelvis tilts forward and creates an exaggerated curve in your mid to lower back region.

Good vs Poor Posture

What’s the cause of posture problems?

  • Desk Work
  • Long periods of driving
  • Incorrect sleeping positions or pillow
  • Weak stabilising muscles
  • Hypertonic muscles
  • Structural or functional changes such as scoliosis
  • Sedentary activity
  • Progression of the ageing process (degeneration)

What can be done to help prevent posture issues from occurring?

  1. Awareness of your posture
  2. Stretching and using things such as a posture pole
  3. Keeping active!
  4. Ergonomic working environments
  5. Using the correct pillow
Correct Seating Posture vs Incorrect

Benefits of Having a Good Posture:

  • Reduction of muscle tension
  • Decreased stress on joints and ligaments
  • Increase in energy and mood
  • Decreases the risk of injury
  • Helps decrease episodes of pain and tension throughout the body

How Can Our Team Help?

Depending on the severity of the injury or area of concern our practitioners in our Broadmeadows, Westmeadows and Fawkner Clinics will treat accordingly to your complaint. Treatments that may be provided but are not limited to include:

  • Spinal manipulation, Activator Methods, Drop Piece, SOT and other adjustive techniques can help alleviate joints that have restriction such as spinal segments and joints (LeFebvre, Peterson & Haas, 2012)
  • PNF/PIR/prescribed stretching – Stretching has shown to reduce pain, improve functionality of the wrist and hand also maintains strength and improves patients in both long and short-term outcomes.
  • Remedial Massage, Trigger point therapy or use of handheld massager – Have shown to decrease pain/tenderness, enhance both range of motion and quality of life and influence flexibility (Shah et al., 2015) (Imtiyaz, Veqar & Shareef, 2014)
  • Advice on daily living activities/diet – This enables advice on how to change to make healthy        actions into habits and may offer a valuable alternative with potential for long-term   impact. (Gardner, Lally & Wardle, 2012)
  • Prescribed exercises – produce more beneficial outcomes in terms of increased strength, improved function and reduced pain scores. (Fernandes, Pedrinelli & Hernandez, 2015)
  • Dry Needling or Cupping to the surrounding musculature to help decrease tension and inflammation around the area of the hand and forearm.
Chiropractic Treatment

*Note: If you are suffering from severe Neck pain, Low back pain, shooting pains down the legs, troubles lifting limbs due to soreness, sciatica or joint pain and need more than ways to help improve your posture don’t hesitate to contact our team of practitioners who are always happy to help! Bookings are available online 7 days a week! https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now


What Is the Best Pillow For Neck Pain?

About Neck Pain –

There are three main types of neck pain which may include:

  1. Acute Neck pain = Neck pain that is usually severe and has been going on for the last 72 hours is considered acute
  2. Sub acute Neck pain = Neck pain that has continued for the last 2 weeks either on or off or consistently painful with movement.
  3. Chronic neck pain = Neck pain that has continuous episodes of pain over a monthly period.

Common causes of neck pain

  • Muscular dysfunction or tightness
  • Poor posture
  • Structural changes
  • Strains or sprains
  • Poor sleeping posture
  • Car accidents or sporting injuries that result in whiplash

Common symptoms of neck pain

  • Stiffness and pain in the neck
  • Difficulty moving your neck
  • Unexplained headaches
  • Tight Muscles within the area
  • Poor posture

If you are someone who is suffering with neck pain and are reading this blog then our recommendation would be to see a Chiropractor or another health care professional to see how you can be helped! The earlier you choose to make a change to your neck pain the better off you will be as being proactive to the causes of neck pain can limit the amount of degeneration and damage you could be causing!

Do pillows help you sleep better?

There are two important factors that determine a good night’s sleep!

1. The position you sleep in

It is recommended to either side sleep or sleep on your back. Sleeping on your stomach is not ideal as it puts allot of strain in the neck area and can cause issues.

2. The pillow you use

The pillow you need is one that allows you to lay your head on to it without bending your neck or tilting it either side. There are allot of pillows around that can support your neck although finding the right one can be hard to do. If you are struggling and need assistance our team are more than happy to help you in the clinic to fit you out with the correct pillow for your posture.

What is the correct height for a pillow?

Diagram of Correct Pillow Height

All pillows are different and the correct pillow for you will not be the correct pillow for someone else as people sleep differently and may have broader shoulders than someone else.

What Makes A Good Pillow?

The most important factors when looking for a pillow include:

  • Head and neck support in a neutral position
  • No space between the neck, shoulder and pillow
  • Dense materials are great like memory foam although to hard can be problematic
  • A contoured pillow that is comfortable is ideal for sleeping on
Contoured Pillow For Side Sleeping

What Makes A Bad Pillow?

  • Pillow offers no support for your head and neck
  • Pillow moves you out of neutral spine posture when sleeping
  • Pillow is not breathable or dense.

Pillows usually last up to 2 years as they begin to sag and begin not to hold as well as before. Washing your pillow regularly also helps maintain its freshness and allows it to reman hygienic for many more sleeps.

Do Bad Pillows Cause Neck Pain?

A “Bad Pillow” is a primary cause of neck pain as sleeping in a position that strains the muscles in your neck for hours at a time can do more damage to you then sleeping on a couch! The reasoning behind this is that poor sleeping posture for prolonged periods will aggravate just about anything in your body let alone the neck. Changing your pillow is just an extra step to help correct your poor posture as this is a habit that becomes continuous and may be bringing at risk for episodes of neck pain.

Should You Get A New Pillow?

A new pillow may be a drastic change although if you are someone who is experiencing neck pain this may be the change you need to kick start your journey to better health. It is important that you look around for the best quality pillow and don’t cheap out on something that is there to support your neck for years to come! If you are having trouble finding something that best suits you our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor have various pillows in stock that can be fitted before buying.
