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Neck Pains & Strains

Are you someone that has woken up with a sudden neck pain or maybe done an awkward movement at the gym that has caught your neck in an excruciating position? Well thankfully in this blog we will be running through some reasons of why this can occur, ways to help combat this from happening again and how you can eliminate the pain when it does happen!

How Does Neck Pain Occur?

There are many different variables that can cause neck pain. These can include simple things we do from day to day such as sitting or slouching at a desk, to sleeping on the couch or in funny positions in bed. Obviously trauma always plays a part in pain meaning that most contact sports can make you susceptible to not only neck pain but general low back pain.

How To Manage Neck Pain?

Neck pain can be managed in a few ways including stretching and massage therapy. Other natural remedies include heat or warm baths. This can help to ease muscle tension within the region.

How To Stop Neck Pain From Happening?

The easiest way to stop a pain from occurring in any region of the body is to first identify what is the cause!

This can be something as simple as a bad pillow or poor ergonomic seating at work. A quick search on sleeping positions and effective seating for desk jobs can get you sorted out real quick!

How Can A Chiropractor Help?

Chiropractors are a go to specialist when it comes to neck pain. Being that neck pain is a general term it is ideal to be assessed and diagnosed with the underlying issue from the get go. Neck pain can be a cause of muscle tightness or joint restriction and this is something a chiropractor can identify. The goals of a chiropractor may be to use chiropractic adjustments or stretches, including rehabilitative exercises to strengthen any weak muscles.

If you are someone that is currently suffering from sudden neck pain or limited neck mobility, our chiropractors may be able to help get you sorted! We have multiple clinics with both chiropractors and remedial massage therapists available 7 days late!

Our Locations


Best Neck Stretches in 2022 for Neck Pain!

Neck Pain can become debilitating and extremely annoying when it continues to annoy you throughout the day. Our practitioners have put together for you the Top 3 Neck Stretches that will help alleviate and minimise your neck pain!

Upper Trap Stretch (Neck muscles)

  • (Seated) Reach one hand down by your side to hold onto the edge of the chair (or sit on your hand).
  • With the other hand, pull your head forwards and across to the armpit – “ear to armpit”.
Trap stretch

Recommended Tasks:

  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Perform the stretch 3 times.
  • Rest for 15-30 seconds between stretches.
  • Complete this stretch twice per day.
    Special Instructions:
    • Take the muscle to a point of gentle and comfortable pulling
    • If you feel increasing tightness, discomfort or pain, ease off the stretch until you find a point your muscle can relax
    • Breathe normally throughout, focusing on relaxation

Suboccipital Stretch (Neck Stretch)
Procedure: 2 ways to complete

  • (Seated/Standing) fingers apply pressure just under the back of the skull
  • Pull your chin towards the back of your skull whilst maintaining pressure with fingers
  • (Laying on your back) with a low pillow/support under the back of the skull.
  • Place the tongue on the roof of the mouth, just behind the front teeth.
  • Gently pull your chin in – like nodding “yes”, without dropping your head or looking down.
Suboccipital Stretch Laying On Back

Recommended Tasks:

  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Perform the stretch 3 times.
  • Rest for 15-30 seconds between stretches.
  • Complete this stretch twice per day.
    Special Instructions:
    • Take the muscle to a point of gentle and comfortable pulling
    • If you feel increasing tightness, discomfort or pain, ease off the stretch until you find a point your muscle can relax
    • Breathe normally throughout, focusing on relaxation

Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) Stretch (Side Neck Stretch)

  • (Seated/Standing) Rotate your head to the opposite shoulder
  • Tilt your chin up slightly
  • Push your head just above your ear backwards gently until you feel a stretch
SCM Stretch

Recommended Tasks:

  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Perform the stretch 3 times.
  • Rest for 15-30 seconds between stretches.
  • Complete this stretch twice per day.
    Special Instructions:
    *STOP if any nausea, dizziness, feeling of spinning or light-headedness occur
    • Take the muscle to a point of gentle and comfortable pulling
    • If you feel increasing tightness, discomfort or pain, ease off the stretch until you find a point your muscle can relax
    • Breathe normally throughout, focusing on relaxatio

*Note: If you are suffering from severe neck pain, headaches or migraines and need more than just a good stretch our team of practitioners are always happy to help and bookings are available online 7 days a week!


What Can Our Team Do To Help?

Depending on the severity of the Sprain or Strain our practitioners will treat accordingly to your complaint. Treatments that may be provided but are not limited to include:

  • Spinal manipulation, Activator Methods, Drop Piece, SOT and other adjustive techniques can help alleviate joints that have restriction such as ribs and spinal segments (LeFebvre, Peterson & Haas, 2012)
  • PNF/PIR/prescribed stretching – Stretching has shown to reduce pain, improve functionality of the wrist and hand also maintains strength and improves patients in both long and short-term outcomes.
  • Remedial Massage, Trigger point therapy or use of handheld massager – Have shown to decrease pain/tenderness, enhance both range of motion and quality of life and influence flexibility (Shah et al., 2015) (Imtiyaz, Veqar & Shareef, 2014)
  • Advice on daily living activities/diet – This enables advice on how to change to make healthy        actions into habits and may offer a valuable alternative with potential for long-term   impact. (Gardner, Lally & Wardle, 2012)
  • Prescribed exercises – produce more beneficial outcomes in terms of increased strength, improved function and reduced pain scores. (Fernandes, Pedrinelli & Hernandez, 2015)
  • Dry Needling or Cupping to the surrounding musculature to help decrease tension and inflammation around the area of the hand and forearm.

How Can Chiropractors Help With Posture?

About Posture

Posture is the position of your body while sitting, standing or lying down. Good posture has several health benefits and helps avoid back and neck pain. Chiropractic care can help you improve and maintain your posture. There are several reasons why good posture is important:

  • Help Minimise Stress on your Ligaments, Reducing the Risks of Injury
  • Help Maintain Correct Alignment of Joints and Bones
  • Reduce Abnormal Joint Wear
  • Help Prevent Muscle Pain, Overuse and Strain
  • Conserve Body Energy Since Muscles Are Used More Efficiently

*Research shows that poor posture can increase feelings of depression, influence stress and confidence levels, and affect your digestive track.

Sitting at the desk

If you spend excessive hours behind a computer it can lead to arm, shoulder, neck and hand problems. It also creates problems with coordination and balance. Most office workers experience neck issues and back problems that lead to a decrease in productivity.

Low back pain is among the most common contributors to disability among individuals of working age and its effects on industry is enormous. Most health experts report that after colds and headaches, back pain is a third reason for taking time off work.

Also, the work-related activities that are associated with the onset of the lower back symptoms include, bending and twisting, lifting heavy weights and of course performing your duties while in the same position for long periods.

Other factors that lead to poor posture included obesity, stress, pregnancy, high-heeled shoes, abnormally tight muscles, and weak muscles.

Signs of poor posture and common problems

There are several indicators of poor posture, but some of the most common include hunched shoulders, rounded upper back, rounded shoulders, forward head carriage, rotated hips and the arched lower back. Also, another common indicator is back pain. If you are not sure that you are sitting in a position for optimal posture, schedule or talk to your chiropractor to arrange for a FREE posture examination and you can discuss options to go forward and improve!

How to correct your posture

Most posture issues can be corrected and in many cases reversed. When you are in a working environment that needs a lot of computer and desk work, you should ensure that your workstation equipment is naturally and ergonomically sound. You should also be in the position to take regular breaks of about one to two minutes standing up and moving around, for every 30 minutes you spend on your working desk or workstation. You may want to consider a desk that can be converted to a standing desk which breaks up the prolonged sitting effects.

Importance of chiropractic care and therapies

The Melbourne Chiropractor can easily assess your spinal health and provide you with the chiropractic care you need in order to make the changes needed to improve! Your chiropractor can also offer guidance throughout the course of treatment which may include various exercises or stretches which when done on a regular basis, can help you strengthen your body muscles and maintain good posture.


The Melbourne Chiropractor in Broadmeadows

The Melbourne Chiropractor Broadmeadows aims to provide the best in evidence based chiropractic care to help with all types of musculoskeletal problems. We strive to decrease patient pain, enhance function and create a long-term solution to your problems. Our goal is for patients to live life to the fullest, no matter how challenging their situation may be.

Our clinic offers both remedial massage and chiropractic services which also include modalities such as dry needling, cupping, shiatzu, sports taping, trigger point therapy, Stretching and exercise prescription.

Our Broadmeadows chiropractic practice also accepts referrals from GP’s for chiropractic services. If you are given a CDM or EPC plan you are eligible for up to 5 chiropractic visits per year!

Chiropractic Room in Broadmeadows

Chiropractors Education

Five years of university training, along with ongoing research and training has increased our teams ability to give you the right advice. Evidence based practice increases our safety and effectiveness.

What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic Care is internationally recognized as being a way to help alleviate pain and increase a person’s functional well-being. A chiropractor may help you achieve a healthier lifestyle by giving you strategies to overcome stress, injuries, pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions.

Chiropractic Room in Broadmeadows

What Can Chiropractic Help With?

Our Broadmeadows Chiropractors Can help you with various conditions including:

What Can You Expect On Your First Visit To Our Clinic?

First Visit or First Treatment includes a case history, posture scan, movement analysis, pain assessment, orthopaedic testing and a full body treatment.
Referral for X-ray imaging (if required) is bulk-billed through Medicare.

Our Broadmeadows Clinic

Our Broadmeadows Clinic is spacious and easily accessible by car, bus and train. Onsite Parking is available with wheelchair accessibility and is within 10km of Melbourne CBD

7 Facts About Broadmeadows

  • Population 11,970
  • Broadmeadows was first established in the 1850s
  • Average age is 31
  • Broadmeadows area is 8.4km squared
  • Broadmeadows name came from a Hotel in the area at the time
  • In 1913 Broadmeadows was the site for military training during WWI
  • Broadmeadows is the epicentre for both transport and healthcare

Suburbs We Service

Predominately Northern Suburbs but not limited to:

  • Craigieburn
  • Roxburgh Park
  • Greenvale
  • Tullamarine
  • Essendon
  • Niddrie
  • Ascot Vale
  • Fawkner
  • Cambellfield
  • Mickleham
  • Wollert
  • Clarkefield
  • Airport West
  • Attwood
  • Westmeadows
  • Meadow Heights
  • Jacana
  • Glenroy
  • Pascoe Vale
  • Hadfield

What Can Our Team Do To Help?

Depending on the severity of the injury or area of concern our practitioners in our Broadmeadows, Westmeadows and Fawkner Clinics will treat accordingly to your complaint. Treatments that may be provided but are not limited to include:

  • Spinal manipulation, Activator Methods, Drop Piece, SOT and other adjustive techniques can help alleviate joints that have restriction such as spinal segments and joints (LeFebvre, Peterson & Haas, 2012)
  • PNF/PIR/prescribed stretching – Stretching has shown to reduce pain, improve functionality of the wrist and hand also maintains strength and improves patients in both long and short-term outcomes.
  • Remedial Massage, Trigger point therapy or use of handheld massager – Have shown to decrease pain/tenderness, enhance both range of motion and quality of life and influence flexibility (Shah et al., 2015) (Imtiyaz, Veqar & Shareef, 2014)
  • Advice on daily living activities/diet – This enables advice on how to change to make healthy        actions into habits and may offer a valuable alternative with potential for long-term   impact. (Gardner, Lally & Wardle, 2012)
  • Prescribed exercises – produce more beneficial outcomes in terms of increased strength, improved function and reduced pain scores. (Fernandes, Pedrinelli & Hernandez, 2015)
  • Dry Needling or Cupping to the surrounding musculature to help decrease tension and inflammation around the area of the hand and forearm.

Can A Chiropractor Help With Migraines!?

About Migraines

What most people who suffer from migraines don’t recognise is that the pain you experience can indeed be relieved naturally. Although, visiting a chiropractor for your migraine probably hasn’t crossed your mind, it may be time for you to do just that. The team at The Melbourne Chiropractor have the skills and knowledge to help you combat and reduce migraines.

What is a migraine?

A migraine is a severe headache that can cause a pulsating sensation in a specific region of the head and is accompanied by sensitivity to light, vomiting, and nausea. Migraines are triggered by the enlargement of blood vessels in the head which is called vasodilation.

Migraine triggers

Migraines can be triggered by environmental factors, physical or emotional stresses. The most common migraine triggers include:

  • Hormonal Changes
  • Chocolate
  • Red Wine
  • Processed Foods
  • Artificial Sweeteners 
  • Caffeine
  • Stress
  • Medications
  • Weather changes
  • Changes in Sleep
  • Bright Lights
  • Perfumes, Paint or Smoke
  • Computer Screens
  • Dehydration
  • Vigorous Exercise

Who is prone to migraines?

Unlike a “general” headaches, migraines can have a detrimental affect on a person’s life. For example, some migraine sufferers aren’t even able to go to work. However, the pain isn’t the only thing that accompanies migraines. Migraine sufferers also report experiencing flickering in the nerves or seeing black spots before the migraine attack. Similarly, one of the most severe after-effects of migraines includes fear of noises, sounds and other environmental triggers.

Although everyone can suffer migraines, including children, the below factors increase the risk:

  • 90% of migraine sufferers have a history of migraine attacks in their family
  • Females have an increased incidence of migraines than Males
  • Hormonal Fluctuations Like Pregnancy and Menopause 
  • Stress and Sleep Changes

How to treat and prevent migraines

Migraines are usually treated with medication. However, medications don’t work on any underlying issues, most of which can cause a number of side effects.

The best way to prevent migraines and their severity is through identifying the triggers. The easiest way to do this is to create a “headache diary” which contains the following information:

  • What and when you eat
  • Information about delayed or missed meals
  • Medication
  • Work and social activities
  • Bowel movements
  • Intake of any health products such as supplements or vitamins
  • Exercise
  • Amount of sleep
  • Environmental factors like weather changes
  • Menstrual cycle details
  • The onset of pain
  • The affected head area
  • The severity and duration of the migraine attack
  • Other symptoms that come with the attack like vomiting or nausea

You should review your headache diary after experiencing at least three migraine attacks. Keeping a diary regularly will tell you what factors repeat in association with the migraine attack, and you can identify your trigger.

Do you need a chiropractor’s help?

If you’re sick and tired of using medications that only mask the issues you are having and are not getting any significant results then our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor are here to help! 

Recent clinical studies confirm that chiropractic can help prevent and alleviate migraine attacks by alleviating stress in patient’s. Stress is a major migraine trigger, and with the crazy lifestyle people live today, it’s no wonder that migraine attacks have become more frequent than ever.

In some people, migraines can originate from the spine. Muscle tightness and immobility of the vertebrae with or without nerve irritation can have a detrimental affect on the brain itself. These changes to the human body increases the individuals chances of developing certain issues due to various chemical imbalances in the brain. Chiropractors can help mobilise, strengthen and alleviate tension within surrounding musculature and the vertebrae to decrease the pressure against inflamed spinal nerves and relieve the pain.


When Should You See A Chiropractor


There are many different symptoms/problems that indicate it may be suitable to come in and see a Chiropractor. This post will recognize some of the most common we see and how Chiropractic care may help.

What are some common problems?

There are many different symptoms that people can experience before seeing a Chiropractor.  Here are some of the most common problems we see!

How can these signs impact you and your daily activities?

One of the most common problems Chiropractors see are individuals with low back pain and stiffness. This can affect how you perform at work.

Depending on the symptoms you are experiencing it can have an influence on other aspects of your life, including:

  • Sleep patterns
  • Exercise routines
  • Energy levels
  • Productivity

How can The Melbourne Chiropractor help with these signs?

At The Melbourne Chiropractor we provide evidence based treatment protocols that focuses on improving the musculoskeletal system to help with the pain and discomfort people experience. This is accomplished by using different techniques and modalities of treatment based on patient requirements. Our experienced Chiropractors will complete a thorough assessment of your condition/problem to ensure we know exactly how we are able to help. Our approach to treatment may include manual adjustments, hand held adjustments, manual assisted techniques, soft tissue techniques and rehabilitation exercises depending on your problem/s.
