03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Neck Humps & Chiropractic Care

Ever heard of a neck hump or are you someone that is currently from this postural change? Well thankfully our team of chiropractors are able to assist you with improving this hump using various treatments and techniques listed within this blog including ways to prevent the “neck hump” from occurring!

What Is The Neck Hump?

The neck hump also known as dowager’s hump is a condition that causes rounding of the cervico-thoracic junction. This can be seen in people from all walk of life including teenagers although can be seen more in females due to osteoporosis.

How Can I Prevent The Hump?

Prevention is always key and hence why maintaining correct posture when sitting, lifting and working will eliminate day to day stress which may implicate the area causing pain. Bit by bit stress in joints deteriorates the region causing both limitations in movement and of course symptomatic pain.

How Can A Neck Hump Be Corrected?

Correction is not always simple as both degeneration and compression are determine factors of improvement over time. Usually exercises can help strengthen the muscles in the area but that alone will not have an affect on the joint structure. Techniques such as the use of a dennerol can help improve the cervical curve of the neck but a routine must be formed daily to help correct it.

How Can Chiropractors Help?

Chiropractors aim to correct joint dysfunction hence why dowager’s hump is seen throughout our clinics in those with postural changes. Our chiropractors use adjustments and low force techniques including high and low impact stretching to lengthen and decompress the joints affected by the hump.

If you are someone looking to change your neck hump our team of chiropractors are here to help you out! Call on 9302 1023 or book online today to get your posture checked!

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Skeeter Syndrome & Bug Bites This Summer!

Been bitten by a mosquito and now suddenly you have a blister likesore? Dont worry you may be suffering from an allergic reaction to the mosquitos saliva! In this blog we will be talking about how, why and what you can do to both prevent and treat this concern.

How Does Skeeter Syndrome Occur?

Skeeter syndrome is simply just an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite. It causes inflammation within the sore creating excess fluid forming a fluid filled blister.

What Are The Signs and Symptoms?

Before your body gets to the stage of blistering you may feel itchy, sore and red around the area where the mosquito as bitten. There is actually no difference apart from when your body reacts to the saliva within the bite. After this occurs inflammation will cause the body to fill the area and Blister!

How Can I Treat Skeeter Syndrome?

Like every other bug bite that may cause a blister like lesion you must for one not pop it! The reason being is that the body will try to repair the skin underneath the lesion that when out in the open becomes susceptible to infection. The best way to ensure you dont end up with an open wound is to gently cover and wash the area. Betadine is also a great disinfectant and can help kill any germs on the outside. Avoid scratching the area and use a cold compress to help with the itching. If swelling persists, redness and pus begins to appear visit your GP as medications may be needed to help treat the infection.

What Happens If The Blister Bursts or Pops?

Not all is lost but now you are left with an open wound! Be sure not to remove the blister as this helps protect the wound underneath and allows it to heal safely. Be sure to use betadine on the sore to help disinfect the area and use a breathable bandage such a cutifilm to help protect the sore. A light bandage will also help to protect the area without restricting breathability. Be sure to change the the film every couple of days and use salt baths to accelerate wound healing!

How Can I Prevent Skeeter Syndrome?

Prevention is simple! Aerogard spray, long sleeve tops and pants help prevent areas of skin exposed to mosquitos. Be careful of sitting in damp areas over summer or lakes as mosquitos are more prominent in these areas.

How Can Chiropractors Help?

Unfortunately for skin irritation and blistering our team of health care professionals are not able to help ease or increase the rate of healing when it comes to these types of concerns. Although if you are suffering from any muscle or joint aches our team could be the right choice to help!

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Summer 2024!

Here Comes Summer! But where is the sun? 

Well unfortunately for Melbourne we have been getting cloudy but also very humid days, but what does this mean for the sun? In this blog we will explain the downsides to no sun but also what we should be doing to protect ourselves this summer to live a long and healthier life!

How Does The Missing Sun Affect Us?

No sun is actually a bad thing for Melbourne. This means that our beaches grow with algae and due to all the flash floods our water systems become contaminated. On top of that due to the degree of heat we have be subject to we can still get burnt by UV rays!

How Do We Protect Our Skin From The Sun?

We can protect our skin from the sun using sunscreen, hats and long sleeve clothes but also we want to be comfortable! Remember shade is your best friend and don’t forget even on overcast days we can still get burnt! But doing some type of skin covering over summer you will be reducing your risk of skin cancer and limit the damage done to your skin long term!

What Is There To Do If It’s Not Beach Weather?

There are heaps of summer activities which are great especially this time of the year! Some great summer activities include volleyball, golf, outdoor basketball or soccer and lets not forget about the tennis!

How Can Chiropractors Help This Summer?

Best thing about this period is the amount of physical activity that you can be doing outdoors but remember not to rush into thing to quickly and injure yourself! Thankfully our chiropractors are back to full speed during this period and are available 7 days late. If you are someone who is suffering from headaches, neck or back pain give our team a call on 9302 1023 or book something in online today!

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Happy New Year 2024

New Year New Me? If only it was that easy! Thankfully our Melbourne chiropractors are here to help smash your physical and wellness goals in the new year of 2024!

How Can A Chiropractor Help This New Year?

Chiropractors help in many ways not just with regards to aches and pains but also functional goals. Exercise and stretching are components which need to be tailored to the individual to bring out the best in them.

What Else Do Chiropractors Help With Apart From Back or Neck Pain?

Our Melbourne Chiropractors help with various musculoskeletal conditions such as headaches, sciatica, sharp rib pain, vertigo, BPPV, pregnancy and paediatrics (colic & reflux). Apart from symptoms our chiropractors help with functional and mobility of a patient by creating change through both joints and muscles of affected regions found on the initial examination and ongoing assessment!

How Do I Create A Wellness Plan This New Year?

Creating a wellness plan in 2024 is simple and easy. Just think about what your goals are and write them down and set yourself a timeframe to complete these all! Remember rushing your goals may cause injury or unwanted stress so make your goals realistic and achievable!

If you are someone who wants to make a difference this new year and wants to get the added benefits of seeing a chiropractor you can call us on 9302 1023 or book online to organise your first appointment!

We offer specialized appointments for pregnancy and paediatrics also with the added benefits of various techniques used during standard appointments to enhance patient care!

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Merry Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas! Another day year of setting up the Christmas tree and enjoying quality time with friends and family but lets not forget how our body feels from the aftermath!

Aches and pains from hours of seated activity in awful couches or playing an outdoor game of soccer or cricket for the first time in years good become one of the last times.

The amount of “holiday injuries we see during this period is great for us as chiropractors but at the same time we to need a break over Christmas and here we will show ways in which you can combat these injuries before they happen.

How Do I Stay Injury Free Over Christmas Break?

Listen to your body! If you are someone who works a desk job and does little to no exercise, overextending yourself could cause more harm than good. Gardening the whole backyard in a day is also an example that we see throughout the year which brings people in with “sudden” back pain or sciatica.

What Should I Do Whilst With The Family?

Engage in family time but know when to much sitting or to much physical activity is enough. If you are a fit individual this is less likely to affect you although uncomfortable seating or longstanding can still bring on unwanted pains.

What To Do When The Pain Starts?

Sit down and relax. Rest is best and if possible call up your nearest chiropractor to get in for an adjustment. Being that it is the holiday period time slots may be limited from clinic to clinic but thankfully our practices will be open throughout Christmas and New Years for any emergency appointments!

Call our clinic on 9302 1023 and we will book you in with the next available practitioner over the holiday period!

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Pregnancy & Pelvic Pain

Are you someone that is suffering during your pregnancy? Does it feel like your pelvis is twisted and your body feels weak? Then maybe you are suffering from a well know pregnancy concern known as pelvic pain!

How Does Pregnancy Pelvic Pain Start?

Pelvic pain during pregnancy is common because of the added stress and weight from the baby. Your body struggles to keep up with the sudden changes of the bodies growth and in turn uses different postural changes to balance put the difference. In doing so, the pelvis begins to shift into an uncomfortable position and the muscles surrounding the area flare up and pull causing pelvic pain.

How To Prevent Pelvic Pain?

Pelvic pain can be prevented during pregnancy from the get go but this has to be done by changing your day to day activity. This can be things such as posture at a desk, sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs or avoiding sitting and standing for excessive amounts of time.

What To Do With Pelvic Pain?

When pelvic pain arises movement is always key although depending on your progress through the pregnancy this can make things conplicated. Unfortunately excessive exercise can be harmful to the baby and keeping within your physical limits is key during the term of your pregnancy.

How Can A Pregnancy Chiropractor Help?

Pregnancy chiropractors help by increasing the joint space and creating positive changes through pregnancy specific mobilisation. There are also soft tissue therapies and stretches done to help alleviate pressure and tension within the area. Pelvic pain can become consistent and sharp meaning that gentle care must be taken to help alleviate the area.

What Does A Pregnancy Chiropractor Do Differently?

Pregnancy chiropractors help bridge the gap by using specific techniques to help alleviate pressure and tension within the body without harming the baby. Unfortunately general chiropractors who use heavy forces and rotational movements are not able to treat anyone who is pregnant. This is mostly due to the fact of having not specialised in pregnancy care and the different ways to help improve pain and function.

If you are someone who is suffering from pelvic pain and looking for a pregnancy Chiropractor we have a team of practitioners who are pregnancy specific. Book online today or call 9302 1023 to get yourself back on track today!

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Baby Constipation!

Do you have a new born that is struggling during the day. Always feeling uneasy and sore? Constipation is a big issue for newborns and can be caused by various physical and environmental factors. In this blog we will be talking about babies with constipation and how our paediatric chiropractors in Melbourne can help!

How Does Constipation Start?

Constipation in babies can start from many different things. Food is always going to be the main cause and limited fluids. Allergies and other factors may contribute with this aswell as imobility of the child.

What Are The Symptoms?

– Decreased frequency of stools

– Straining on bowel movements

– Hard stools can be pebble like

– Bloated abdomen

– Spasms and cramps

How To Prevent Baby Constipation?

Baby constipation can be prevented by giving the baby a fibre nutritious diet that includes fruit and vegetables. This not only gives the child their well needed fibre intake to grow but also enhance other vitamins to build immunity. Increasing fluids and making sure water is given in their diet about from milk is also a great way to help supplement and get those bowels moving.

How Can A  Paediatric Chiropractor Help?

Our team of paediatric chiropractors can help by using mobilisations to increase bowel movement and help with constipation. Babies do not need allot of force and hence why specialized training must be done to assess, examine and treat issues such a constipation. Colic and reflux is also a common complaint treated by our paediatric chiropractors!

If you are someone that has noticed a change in your babies bowel movements our team of paediatric chiropractors can help! Call us on 9302 1023 or book online today.

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Neck Pains & Strains

Are you someone that has woken up with a sudden neck pain or maybe done an awkward movement at the gym that has caught your neck in an excruciating position? Well thankfully in this blog we will be running through some reasons of why this can occur, ways to help combat this from happening again and how you can eliminate the pain when it does happen!

How Does Neck Pain Occur?

There are many different variables that can cause neck pain. These can include simple things we do from day to day such as sitting or slouching at a desk, to sleeping on the couch or in funny positions in bed. Obviously trauma always plays a part in pain meaning that most contact sports can make you susceptible to not only neck pain but general low back pain.

How To Manage Neck Pain?

Neck pain can be managed in a few ways including stretching and massage therapy. Other natural remedies include heat or warm baths. This can help to ease muscle tension within the region.

How To Stop Neck Pain From Happening?

The easiest way to stop a pain from occurring in any region of the body is to first identify what is the cause!

This can be something as simple as a bad pillow or poor ergonomic seating at work. A quick search on sleeping positions and effective seating for desk jobs can get you sorted out real quick!

How Can A Chiropractor Help?

Chiropractors are a go to specialist when it comes to neck pain. Being that neck pain is a general term it is ideal to be assessed and diagnosed with the underlying issue from the get go. Neck pain can be a cause of muscle tightness or joint restriction and this is something a chiropractor can identify. The goals of a chiropractor may be to use chiropractic adjustments or stretches, including rehabilitative exercises to strengthen any weak muscles.

If you are someone that is currently suffering from sudden neck pain or limited neck mobility, our chiropractors may be able to help get you sorted! We have multiple clinics with both chiropractors and remedial massage therapists available 7 days late!

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All About Open Plan Vs Closed Practices!

Open Plan vs Closed Chiropractic office setups. What are the pros, what is the best option for you as a patient and how will it effect your healthcare experience?

What Is Great About Open Plan Practices? 

Open plan practices are great for the practice in terms of using limited space to create a vast setting to hold multiple patients in the same clinic. As a patient this is great in terms of being immersed in general Chiropractic care.

What Is Great About Closed Plan Practices?

Unlike open plan Chiropractic offices, closed plan enables patients to be sat in their own room. This allows for 1 on 1 with the practitioner and allows the patient to feel comfortable. Having a closed room with no others is also a plus when it comes to this style of practice as not everyone wants to be heard or maybe even seen by other patients.

What Should You Choose?

As a patient closed plan clinics are always the better option but at times this may mean you pay more for the luxury. Allot of open plan clinics have allot less overheads and therefore their style of having 3+ people in the same room allows for cheaper visits but also shorter sessions. At the end of the day it comes down to how much you want to pay for your own health and wellbeing.

Will Choosing Wrong Effect My Healthcare Journey?

Ofcourse not! The only real variable between the 2 types of practice is the practitioner. Are you seeing a sports chiropractor? Is your chiropractor knowledgeable about pregnancy care? Is Paediatric care something your practitioner has been trained in? These are all questions you should be asking and ofcourse researched before even booking in at whichever clinic you choose!

Thankfully our chiropractors are trained in many different fields of chiropractic care such as the ones listed above with our most experienced practitioner having over 15 years hands on experience in the chiropractic field. To book your first appointment you can call 9302 1023 or book online at one of our multiple locations in Melbourne!

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A Day At The Races!

Melbourne Cup 2023 is here but wait have you bought your winning ticket? The point of this blog isn’t really about the races…. What it is really about is the awkward positions you will be in, the amount of screaming and drinking you will be doing and the after affects of all this and obviously how to better prepare yourself for the Melbourne Cup of 2023!

What To Bring To The Races!

There are many things but obviously slip slop slap! This Tuesday on the 7th of November we will be hitting a scorching 29 degrees in Melbourne. This is great weather for the cup but we have to make sure we are wearing sunglasses, hats and of course a nice outfit to fit into the crowd of horse racing! Sunscreen is the number one thing to remember this Tuesday and lets be honest finding a great spot to sit and protect yourself from not only the harsh weather but save yourself from a bad back the next morning is a must!

What Will Be The Aftermath Of The Races?

This is all dependant on whether or not you took care of yourself on the day! It is not uncommon for allied health professionals to get an urgent call the next day for sore back and especially falls from poor drinking decisions. Safeguard yourself and monitor not only your alcohol consumption but also look after your mates on the day of the races!

How Can Chiropractors Help?

For once this is just an accident waiting to happen kind of scenario. Our chiropractors work on musculoskeletal injuries hence why the Melbourne Cup is a great day for our team of specialists. No matter how bad the problem is our chiropractors or remedial massage therapists will be able to walk you through various treatment options and assess your physical wellbeing. If X-rays are required… which hopefully would not be needed they can be taken externally through a referral from us!

If you are someone that finds themselves in a bit of strife either on Melbourne Cup Day or the day after our team of chiropractors will be available across our locations in Melbourne. Give our team a call on 9302 1023 or book online to find a time that suits you best!

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