03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Screen Time Affecting Your Health?

Are you someone that spends majority of their time on the phone or in front of a TV? 

Are you noticing your posture is being affected from the hours you spend engaging in screen time?

Are you feeling aches and pains, or maybe even a slight headache?

Then this blog is for you!

In this blog will be discussing why and how screen time affects your posture and ways in which you can improve or even reverse the changes you have made!

What Does Screen Time Mean?

Screen time is any type of device that causes you to sit, watch or use for long periods of time. The obvious ones include a TV or phone but can also be things such as notebooks or gaming consoles.

How Does Screen Time Affect Me?

Screen time affects the body by putting pressure in the spine in uncomfortable positions. In doing so this can lead to postural changes long term, aches and pains or even stress.

How Can I Limit My Screen Time?

The easiest way to limit screen time would be to set an alarm. Usually after every hour it is recommended you take a 5 minute break to stretch and move around.

What If It Is To Late?

If you are someone that knows they have taken their screen time to far it is still possible to revert the changes that have been made. This can be in forms of taking a break from screen time, implementing stretches and exercises throughout daily life or visiting a chiropractor.

How Can A Chiropractor Help?

A Chiropractor can’t help you stop screen timing. Although a good chiropractor is able to help reduce tension, tightness, overall pain and recommend some simple stretches that may be of benefit with long term use.

If you are someone that is struggling with the “screen time aches” then our chiropractors are more than happy to help. We have both male and female practitioners available including remedial massage therapists

Book Online or Call 9302 1023 to schedule your first appointment today!

Our Locations


Fawkner Chiropractor

The Melbourne Chiropractor Fawkner aims to provide the best of care through chiropractic care and remedial massage therapy. Our goals as a team are to decrease patient pain, increase biomechanical function and create long term health benefits so that patients can use their bodies to complete day to day tasks without limitations.

Our Fawkner Chiropractic Clinic accepts all GP referrals and care plans for chiropractic care under medicare. If you are someone that has been signed off for a CDM or EPC plan you may be eligible for up to 5 visits per year!


Mon: 9:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Tue: 9:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Wed: 9:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Thu: 9:00 pm – 09:00 pm

Fri: 9:00 pm – 07:00 pm
Sat: 08:00 am – 04:00 pm
Sun: 08:00 am – 03:00 pm

Please contact us directly with any questions, comments, or scheduling enquiries you may have.

 Call Us: 03 9302 1023
 Visit Us: 1/58 Lynch Rd, Fawkner 3060


Cupping Therapy In Broadmeadows

Are you looking for a chiropractor or remedial massage therapist that offers cupping?

Our Broadmeadows practitioners offer cupping therapy to the areas of concern. By using cupping therapy muscles are able to be targeted in a way to decrease the amount of tightness and pressure.

Cupping Can Help With:

Other Benefits Of Cupping Include:

  • Pain Relief
  • Increased Mobility
  • Increased Muscular Capacity
  • Increased Blood Circulation To Areas

If you are currently suffering from any aches or pains and looking for our team to provide cupping therapy you can call us on 9302 1023 or book online today!

Our Locations




Shoulder & Bicep Pain Giving You Grief?

❗️Are You Suffering From Bicipital Tendinopathy?…

💪🏼Bicipital Tendinopathy is an overuse injury that results in irritation of the long head of biceps tendon as it passes through the bicipital groove of the humerus. The long head of the biceps brachii muscle attaches to the shoulder and acts as a stabiliser. Furthermore it has actions in supination the forearm and flexing the elbow

🏋🏽‍♀️Symptoms of bicipital tendinopathy include pain in the anterior shoulder [at the bicipital groove] and pain that is made worse with overhead activities. Bicipital tendinopathy is common in individuals who play sports that involve repetitive overhead movements such as swimming and baseball or something as simple as putting clothes on the line or drilling/screwing/lifting.

👇🏻Bicipital Tendinopathy in isolation is rare and it is usually associated with other conditions such as impingement or injury to the rotator cuff or labrum

🤸🏼‍♀️Treatment and rehabilitation will be based on the individual and their functional requirements. Generally; rotator cuff strength, biceps strength and scapular stability will be the focus

✅Here are some simple exercises performed that may help you speed up your recovery:

1️⃣ Biceps stretch

2️⃣ Isometric Supinated Biceps Curl

3️⃣ Eccentric Chin-up

4️⃣ Eccentric Supinated Bicep curl

5️⃣ Eccentric Supinated Shoulder Flexion

⚠️Remember to consult a health care professional beforehand to make sure these exercises are suitable for you!⚠️

If you feel that you are suffering from tendinopathy like symptoms our practitioners are here to help! 

We have chiropractors that are available specifically for sporting injuries with the ability to run you through different treatment plans to fulfil your needs!

To make an appointment call us on 9302 1023 or book online today!

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Are You Suffering From Knee Pain?

🦵🏻 Do you have a Patella Tendinopathy?…..
👉🏻Patella Tendinopathy (also known as Jumpers knee) is an overuse injury affecting the knee. This injury effects the patella tendon that attaches your patella [knee cap] to the tibial tuberosity of the tibia [shin bone]. The role of the Patella tendon is to transmit the force of the quadriceps muscles as the knee extends

🤾🏽‍♂️Symptoms of patella Tendinopathy include pain & tenderness at the Patella tendon, pain that is made worse with jumping & running, stiffness of the tendon in the morning, and thickening of the tendon relative to the unaffected side

❌It is often caused by a sudden increase in physical activity, training on poor surfaces, decreased flexibility of quadriceps and hamstring musculature and poor biomechanics of the lower limb [hip, knee and foot control]

✅Early stage rehab will include isometric and eccentric loading of the tendon to improve its integrity whilst managing pain levels

🙂Here are some simple exercises that can assist in your recovery during its early stage

1️⃣Isometric knee extension (Swiss ball)
2️⃣Isometric Spanish squat
3️⃣Decline unilateral eccentric squat
4️⃣Isometric wall squat

⚠️Remember to consult a health care professional before commencing these exercises⚠️

If you feel that you are suffering from tendinopathy like symptoms our practitioners are here to help! 

We have chiropractors that are available specifically for sporting injuries with the ability to run you through different treatment plans to fulfil your needs!

To make an appointment call us on 9302 1023 or book online today!

Our Locations




All About X-rays & Chiropractic!

Are X-rays Always Necessary For Seeing A Chiropractor?

In short, No but of course there can be times when x-rays become a necessity. 

Obviously this all comes down to how the patient first presents and what exactly their overall goals are with visiting a chiropractor

In this blog we will run through reasoning behind getting an x-ray and what they are good for!

When Should X-rays Be Done?

– When there is numbness down a limb

– Sudden changes to posture with severe pain

– Pins and Needles

– Numbness of a body part

– Inability to put pressure through a joint

– Genetic health concerns 

Why Xrays?

Xrays are a fantastic way to look at simple joint changes. It is common to see disc bulges, changes to joint structure and abnormalities within areas of concern!

Should you need an X-ray our team of chiropractors are able to write you a referral to see a radiologist to get the images taken. We will then have a follow up appointment where we go through the Xray to justify whether or not damage has occurred within the area of concern.

For any enquiries call us on 9302 1023 or book your first appointment online today!

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The Teenage Hunch!

Is Your Child Suffering From The Teenage Hunch?

It seems to be quite common that by the age of 13, 80% of adolescents have developed some type of hunch in the upper back!

Due to the ongoing changes in life, society is forcing us to become wired to a phone or computer. This is causing more and more of these “kyphotic” postures to occur. 

Thankfully there are a few ways to help combat the hunch!

Our 3 Ways To Prevent Hunching!

Ergonomic seating (using phones and tablets at eye level)

Avoid Slouching (At the desk or on the couch)

Get Exercising! (Simple and effective way to get the body moving)

What Happens When It’s To Late?

Good news is kyphotic or hunch like postures are usually due to a functional issue! This means that our team of chiropractors are able to use specific adjustments to help make changes to the structure of the spine and alleviate the tension within the spinal segments. Of the hunch is due to a severe injury or structural abnormality it becomes very difficult to make those changes although catching things like this at an early stage can help manage the issue before it gets worse!

If you feel that your teen is suffering from hunch like symptoms our practitioners are here to help! 

We have chiropractors that are available specifically for infants and children with the ability to run you through different treatment plans to fulfill your child’s needs!

To make an appointment call us on 9302 1023 or book online today!

Our Locations




Paediatric Care Near You!

Did you know our chiropractors treat infants and children?

What’s great about our profession is that we are given the ability to treat many different types of bodies with various techniques as we all know not one person is the same and not one method suits all!

Our approach to paediatric care is gentle and specific to areas of concern. For children under the age of 2 it is common to use low force techniques instead high velocity adjustments due to the nature of the spine whilst it matured. It is common for children’s aches and pains to go unnoticed but at times things such as colic and reflux can be a way of them telling us there is something more going on!

Common Concerns To See A Chiropractor For:

  • Pain
  • Growth
  • Co-ordination
  • Muscle Pain
  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Muscle Imbalances
  • Concentration
  • Circulation
  • Colic
  • Reflux
  • Bedwetting
  • Constipation

If you believe your child is suffering from reflux or colic or want to know more about what else we can help treat visit our website to find out more!

Our Clinic Offers Pregnancy Care and uses techniques that are specific for patients during their pregnancy!

If you would like to book in an appointment you can call us on 9302 1023 or book online today!

Our Locations




Pregnancy Care Near You!

Did you know our chiropractors are qualified to treat patients during their pregnancy? 

Fortunately we have a selection of staff to chose from that offer this service to the northern suburbs and surrounding!

Both Male and Female practitioners are available to chose from with our senior chiropractor Dr Tania having over 10 years experience in this field! 

We are located in 3 convenient locations and offer specific chiropractic techniques that ensure the safety of you and your baby.

Common Concerns To See A Chiropractor For:

  • General aches and pains
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Incorrect foetal positioning (breach)
  • Uncomfortable movement
  • Swelling
  • Headache treatment
  • Pelvic discomfort or pelvic instability
  • Excessive uterus pressure
  • Weight distribution issues
  • Excessive labor time in previous birth

If you are someone that feels you need to see a chiropractor give our clinic a call on 9302 1023 or book online today.

For more information about pregnancy care you can visit our website to learn more.

Our Locations




Sunscreen For Summer 2023!

The sun is great especially for getting your source of vitamin D although during summer our Australian sun can be extremely harmful to us. This is why taking precautions over the summer holidays should be made to decrease the risk of sun damage. In this blog we will be talking about sunscreen and why it should be used!

Why Sunscreen?

Sunscreen is a fantastic way to keep covered by the sun! Studies show that uv rays find it hard to penetrate the skin and cause damage to the areas open to the sun. Sunscreen also stops you from getting burnt and significantly decreases your chances of developing skin cancers whilst being out in the sun having fun!

What Other Ways Protect Me From The Sun?

– Wearing a sun hat (bucket or brimmed hats)

– Wearing ling sleeve rash vests to the beach

– Finding shade outside 

– Using tents and umbrellas at the beach

– Avoiding extremely hot days in the daytime

– Wearing Sunglasses

Remember spending time outdoors is great but only if you are doing it responsibly! Keep yourself in check when it comes to being SunSmart and be sure to stay hydrated over the Summer period!

If you are someone who is suffering from headaches, back aches or even a sporting injury our practitioners at The Melbourne Chiropractor are here to help! Contact us on 9302 1023 or book online today!

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