03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

All About Torticollis Syndrome

What is Torticollis?

Torticollis also known as a “Wry Neck” is a debilitating neck injury that can last up to several months depending on its severity.

How Does Torticollis Occur?

– Incorrect Posture

Bad Pillow

Bad Sleeping Position

Strenuous Activity

– Incorrect Lifting

Symptoms Of Torticollis!

Neck Pain


– Jaw Pain


– Loss Of Neck Motion

Things To Avoid When You Have Torticollis!

– Exercise

– Strenuous Activity 

Desk Work

Seated Activity

How To Fix Torticollis?

See A Chiropractor

Mobility/Stretching (if possible)

How Can A Chiropractor Help?

Chiropractors use techniques to adjust the spinal joint that is stuck and inflamed. This is the usual cause of Torticollis and in turn muscles tense up to protect the joint that is in strife.

If you are someone that is suffering from Torticollis our team of chiropractors at The Melbourne Chiropractor are able to help with your debilitating neck pain! We use various methods to help free up the muscles and reduce the tension of the joint!

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Can You Prevent Headaches?

Headaches… Are they preventable?

In short, YES! In this blog we will explain what can cause a headache and ways in which you can help stop these ongoing headaches from occurring!

What Causes Headaches?

Headaches can be caused by emotional and physical work or just the standard response which we get allot from patients which is dehydration

Some of the most common causes include:

Poor Posture

Bad Sleeping Arrangement (Pillow)

– Long Periods Of Looking Up

Working In Enclosed Spaces

Strenuous Activities

– Dehydration

What Can Improve Headaches When They Occur?

– Rehydrate

Neck Stretches



Chiropractic Care

How Can I Stop Headaches From Occurring?

Easiest way to stop headaches is to find out how and when they will begin. Sometimes there is a common trigger. Maybe you woke up with a headache? Maybe you didn’t drink anything today or maybe you twisted suddenly and strained your neck! All reasons that should be looked into and can cause headaches!

If you are currently suffering from headaches and it has become to far gone to diminish its symptoms our team of chiropractors can help! Not all headaches are preventable from the above due to other types of headaches caused by other factors such as sinusitis, vestibular headaches or even aura like migraines. To book an appointment call us on 9302 1023 or book online today to get yourself assessed and find the correct plan to suit your needs!

Our Locations


Can Chiropractic Care help TMJ Pain?

The TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) can become one those areas that makes an annoying clicking sounds to one that brings on excruciating headaches and face pain. It is the main joint that connect your jaw to your skull and has many ligaments, muscles and nerves associated with the region. Most common causes of Jaw pain are due to stress, trauma, arthritis, grinding your teeth, clenching or joint dysfunction.

What are Symptoms of TMJ?

  • Neck pain
  • Headaches or Migraines
  • Ear or Tooth Aches
  • Face pain when chewing or biting
  • Tenderness in the area, face jaw or neck
  • Pain when opening the mouth
  • Clicking or popping jaw sounds
  • Ear ringing
  • Dizziness

How Chiropractic Care Helps TMJ pain

Chiropractic Adjustments

Our Chiropractors may use adjustments on your jaw if we see there is a need to. Most of the times only 5 to 10% of cases need to be adjusted as muscles in the area are usually the main problem.

Exercises or Stretches

We recommend certain exercises or stretches to help alleviate tension within the region. Usually due to the extreme tightness within the jaw gentle stretches and exercises can help out allot, especially with preventing flareups of the region.

Massage or Trigger Point Therapy

Chiropractors may use soft tissue release techniques especially trigger points in the area as muscle bundles tend to form. Surrounding musculature may also be involved and will be treated accordingly based on the examination findings.

Postural Issues / Sleeping Habits

Our Chiropractors will also look at your posture and check for any related issues to the problem. Sleeping habits and lifestyle changes such as standing desks or better sitting ergonomics can go a long way especially with upper body tension and tightness.

Tips To Help Reduce TMJ pain

  • Using Heat or Ice packs help to relax the facial muscles surrounding the TMJ area.
  • Gentle Stretches to the area can help improve joint mobility (Open, close and side to side movements)
  • Changes to sleeping habits (Change Pillows)

Note* If you are currently suffering from any problematic concerns such as jaw pain, neck or back pain, are wondering what we do on your first chiropractic session or would like to make a booking, you can always contact us to find out more! Online bookings available 7 days a week Saturdays and Sundays @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now


Visit our Broadmeadows, Westmeadows or Fawkner Health Clinic Today!


Has Time Run Out To Fix Your Posture?

Our Chiropractors at The Melbourne Chiropractor have seen first hand that poor posture can cause devastating affects on the bodies musculoskeletal system for both young and older patients. What they have found is areas of dysfunction caused by poor posture have influenced problems such as degeneration, sprains or strains or even put people at risk of overuse type injuries.

How long you have had poor posture is not a reason to think it cannot be changed, the biggest issue, is how it was caused and what other underlying factors such as trauma or medical problems the patient is dealing with. Most times we find that posture can be improved within the first 8-12 weeks if it is a functional cause, although depending on the severity it may take up to 6 months to see changes in areas that are severely degenerated and affected by poor posture. Lifestyle factors and habits will also come in to play as forward posture at the desk from long hours can limit the amount of change from therapy.

What Is Considered Poor Posture?

  • Forward head carriage
  • Rolling of the shoulders (forward)
  • Increased curve in the low back
  • Increased curve in the upper/mid back
  • In toeing of the feet
  • Scoliosis / Kyphosis Curve
  • Unbalanced hips and shoulders
Good Vs Bad Postures

Associated Problems Caused by Poor Posture?

Most Common Causes of Poor Posture

Ways To Improve Posture

Changing Seating Position at Work

How Can The Melbourne Chiropractor Help Your Posture?

Note* If you are currently suffering from postural issues the early you start the better off you will be. If you are wondering what we do on your first chiropractic session or would like to make a booking, you can always contact us to find out more! Online bookings also available 7 days a week @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now


Visit our Broadmeadows, Westmeadows or Fawkner Health Clinic Today!


Why Does My Pain Keep Coming Back?

Are you experiencing continuous neck or back pain that seems to come and go? If so, this is a chronic issue that can be very common as the body likes to adapt to certain stressors put upon it that forces the body to change in a way to avoid pain or further damage.

The body developing changes occurs over a period of time in small instances. Patterns begin to develop and this can be from injuries in the past, poor posture, daily activities, work related issues or lack of mobility in an area. 

Your musculoskeletal system creates new patterns to help decrease pain although in doing so it tightens up and creates stiffness around the spine in turn altering function. This then creates a problem that can cause postural changes and possible acute episodes of pain. As mentioned before many of these issues may be caused by work posture, lifting incorrectly, a poor pillow or poor sleeping conditions. This can usually cause issues such as neck pain, low back soreness and a decrease in both flexibility and mobility of certain regions of the body.

This can become an issue and should be addressed as soon as possible so that the source of pain can be addressed and a health professional can help correct the issue and influence the body in making the right changes to get back on track!

Low Back Pain Causing a Shift In Posture

What can you do?

  • Seek advice early as it may help decrease the severity of your chronic episode and also prevent it from getting worse.
  • Relapses can be minimised by getting regular check ups to ensure mobility through the joints and tension throughout the muscle is decreased.
  • Being aware of acute episodes or tightness that continues to reoccur and finding a health professional early on before things progress.
  • Find the underlying cause of pain as at times you may find the source of the pain may not be in the area you are feeling it!

When should you seek help?

  • When Numbness or tingling occurs
  • Sharp or shooting pains down either arms or legs 
  • Occurrence of Migraines and Headaches
  • Continuous pain that’s on and off
  • Pain that’s getting worse over time
  • Joint pain or stiffness
  • Changes to posture or scoliosis
  • Pain becoming more frequent and more severe 
  • Pain that is not eased by rest 
  • Pain that’s waking you up at night 
  • Changes in urination
Migraines and Headaches Caused by Tension

*Note – The longer you take to recognise your pain and do something about it the worse it may get. Getting to the root of the problem early on is ideal as it will help eliminate not only the pain but also enhance overall wellbeing. Get in contact with our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor today and lets get you back on track today!


Chiropractic Care and How Does It Help?

Chiropractic care is recognized as being a way to help decrease pain and increase overall functional well-being. Chiropractor’s may help you achieve a healthier lifestyle by giving you strategies to overcome stress, injuries, pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions. This can all be done with various methods and not one person is treated the same to the other hence why many modalities are used to make the changes needed to make a difference!

Chiropractic Mobilisation

What Are The Benefits?

Chiropractic care may help improve

  • Flexibility
  • Overall Energy
  • Coordination
  • Mobility
  • Decreased stress
  • Increased productivity and concentration
  • Better emotional wellbeing
  • Increased athletic performance
  • Better sleep (relaxation)

Chiropractic care may help with

Our Chiropractic Approach

At The Melbourne Chiropractor we bring out the best from our patients by striving to achieving health and wellbeing. Our aim is to reach patient goals and from there do our best to continue to exceed our patients expectations. We always try to offer various treatment modalities and our clinic offers that. Some of the things we bring to the table include both Manual adjustive techniques and low force techniques such as drop piece and activator methods. We also offer dry needling and cupping therapy including remedial massage, soft tissue and trigger point therapies. Our clinic not only offers passive care but we also involve the patient into their own care by creating thorough plans to get them back on their feet long term. We do this by supplying the patient with exercises and stretches and we give various options depending on the situation. Usually to get to such a stage we do a thorough examination which enables us to make an accurate judgment of how to guide you through your healthcare journey.

The Melbourne Chiropractor Treatment Room (Broadmeadows Clinic)

How does chiropractic treatment help?

The Chiropractic team at the The Melbourne Chiropractor understand that pain is best managed by creating long term changes! Firstly, the pain needs to be alleviated with adjustive techniques or low force techniques to the spine, soft tissue massage to the surrounding musculature and then be accompanied with an exercise regime to help make the changes needed to influence bad habits and behaviours! Many of our patients seek.

By creating a change to your musculoskeletal system, it will help decrease muscle tension and restrictions through the spinal segments which in turn allow you to use your spine to further strengthen it! If you are seeking treatment which will help restore your structural and functional health our chiropractors at the The Melbourne Chiropractor are here to help get you back on track! BOOK NOW


Am I Suffering From Tension Headaches?

About Tension Type Headaches: (Chowdhury, 2012)

  • Usually bilateral pressing or tightening sensation around the head
  • Spinal joint dysfunctions found in cervical spine including tight musculature such as Suboccipital muscles and Traps
  • Affected daily activity and decreased concentration due to pain or photophobia
  • Headache worse in the afternoon, due to stress or tiredness
Various headache types

Factors that could be contributing to the problem: (Ahmed, 2012)

  • Smoking Stress/Alcohol Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Psychopathology Strenuous activities
  • Trauma/Previous Neck Injury Forward head posture
  • Low Work Satisfaction Environment

Can a Chiropractor Help?

Yes! Some ways in which our chiropractors can help include but are not limited to:

  • Spinal manipulation/activator and drop piece techniques, also known as adjustive techniques, have been shown to decrease pain and increase range of motion
  • Trigger point therapy, dry needling and handheld massagers have shown to decrease pain and tenderness, enhance both range of motion and quality of life whilst influencing flexibility.
  • Prescribed stretching and exercise! Stretching has been shown to reduce pain and improving functionality and overall wellbeing in patients in both long- and short-term outcomes

Ahmed, F. (2012). Headache disorders: differentiating and managing the common subtypes. British Journal Of Pain, 6(3), 124-doi:10.1177/2049463712459691

Chowdhury D. (2012). Tension type headache. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 15(Suppl 1), S83–S88.


Check out our Blog on our Top 3 Neck Stretches that you could be doing to help alleviate your symptoms today!


How Your Chiropractor Can Help With Stress!

About Stress

We all become stressed at some time or another and it’s only when your stress levels remain high that it can be damaging to your health and cause pain. Different circumstances affect different people so what stresses one person might not be the same for another. No matter where your stress arises from, the good news is our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor can help.

Why am I so stressed?

Stress usually comes from three areas of life: work, relationships, money. But it can include health problems, pain and postural changes of the spine caused by injury or even stress itself. When we overthink and worry about things tension is built up in the spinal regions. Stress can also be caused by long lasting mental or emotional strain and pressure caused by adverse events, or very demanding life circumstances.

How Do I Know I Am Stressed?

If you are someone who is not coping with stress it can have an adverse effect on the whole body: emotionally, physically and mentally. The more common stress symptoms are:

  • muscle tension
  • chest pain
  • anxiety
  • pain in the lower back
  • lack of focus
  • problems sleeping
  • depression
  • indigestion/reflux
  • tiredness
  • headaches
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • over or under-eating

Can a Chiropractor Decrease Stress?

Chiropractic treatment is able to relieve you of the symptoms. As the body endures more stress it makes it a lot more sensitive to imbalances of a physical nature and to pain. Our Chiropractors can help you reach your functional goals by mobilizing the spinal joints and decreasing tightness in the surrounding musculature, thus relieving pain. When tension builds in your body, the outcome is more often than not soreness or a feeling of tightness in a variety of places.

How often do I need to visit a Chiropractor?

It depends on your circumstances which can include whether or not you are in acute or chronic pain, if you have been suffering from stress for a certain period of time and how often you have been treated in the past. It is always beneficial to have a burst of treatment to start as this enables you to get on top of the problem sooner and decrease its severity in a shorter time frame. Management protocols on a fortnightly or monthly basis can help eliminate stress and keeps you on track to live a better healthier lifestyle.
