03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

5 Ways To Kickstart  Your 2023!

Another new year another new years resolution… but the question is are you going to be engaging your time in things that make you enjoy and respect the process?

In this blog we will be talking about the 5 best ways to kickstart your 2023 and keep in mind not all of these involve fitness or self goals!

  1. Creating time for yourself to plan and recuperate yourself. Allot of the times we tend to give ourselves no time to do things productive outside of work. The common Netflix & Chill is not a great way of spending your free time especially when things like washing, and cleaning need to be done. This can help decrease the cost of outsourcing for cleaners if they have been used before to “help” around the house.
  2. Getting into a routine! This can be anything from fitness, work or sleep. The main thing we find with our patients is many either don’t sleep routinely and often feel tired throughout the day, this can lead to aches and pains as restlessness can set in. Pillows play a big part in your sleep so be sure to have a one that suits your body!
  3. Cutting back on unwanted goods! Be sure to prioritize things that you need and not those things that you may want. This is a great analogy whether it is for dieting or saving money as a whole!
  4. Learn new skills! Hobbies are fantastic don’t get us wrong but if you have grass to cut or hedges to trim now is the time to get your hands dirty and see how you can manage a few things on your own this year in 2023!
  5. Improve your health and wellbeing! There are many ways of doing this. Joining the gym or going for a walk as an added daily activity can help supplement this. Another way would be seeing your health care practitioner. Whether it is a chiropractor or a remedial massage therapist both can help kickstart your 2023 in the right direction to becoming or even being pain free!

If you are someone who is currently suffering from any aches or pains here at The Melbourne Chiropractor our team of Chiropractors and Remedial Massage Therapists are here to get you back on track!

Give our clinic a call on 9302 1023 or book online today!

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5 Benefits Of A Hot Stone Massage!

Hot Stone Massage is a technique that uses stones to create heat during soft tissue treatment

5 benefits of Hot Stone Massage!

– Decrease Stress

– Improve Sleep

– Alleviate Muscle Tension

– Increase Blood Flow

– Relaxation

Is Hot Stone Massage Better Than Remedial Massage?

Hot stone massage adds the element of heat which allows for relaxation although remedial massage allows for the reduction of tight knots throughout a muscle.

How Do I Know What Massage To Choose?

Depending on your goals of treatment will determine what massage is best. If your goal is relaxation then hot stone massage is a fantastic way of having that done. Although if you are looking at reducing tension throughout your muscular system and think that you are suffering from cramps and other aches and pains, then something like a remedial massage or deep tissue massage will be allot more effective!

Why Not Do Both?

Thankfully at our clinic our practitioners use both hot stone and deep tissue techniques together to get the best results! With the added heat to help with relaxation and the effect of deep tissue on tight muscle our practitioners are able to eliminate muscle stiffness!

If you are looking for a qualified remedial massage therapist our team are able to help!

You can book your first appointment online or call 0302 1023 to find out more.

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Top 4 Gym Exercises For Posture

Gym is know by everyone as a place of fitness but what type of fitness works best for your posture?

In this blog we will explain the top 4 gym exercises which you should be doing today to help improve your posture and strengthen your back!

What Type Of Exercise Is Best For Posture?

Any type of movement is great if you want to relieve tension although not just any type of exercises will help improve your posture. There is a fine line between what works and what doesn’t help at all! Our top 4 exercises involve strength and hypertrophy training to achieve postural results over a 6 month period!

What Are The Top 4 Gym Exercises For Posture?


– Lat Pulldowns or Pullups

– Seated or Standing Rows

– Rear Deltoid Flys

How Should I Best Implement These Exercises Into My Program?

The best way to start an exercise program is to consult a personal trainer to help out with your form. The main goal behind working out is to get the most out of an exercise without overdoing it! If you are someone with lifting experience it is always best to begin with a compound lift such as a deadlift before working on supplementary lifts such as your Lat pull downs.

Will Strength Exercises Really Help My Posture?

Most of the time postural change is due to stress and incorrect posture either at a desk or job site.

By working out muscles that have overcompensated due to this it is very likely that by strengthening and building the area up that it will help correct posture!

How Does Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractic care is known as one of the “postural fixes” when it comes to functional issues. 9 times out of 10 function is what causes unlevelled and swayed like postures.

The goal of Chiropractic care is to eliminate tension within spinal segments and decrease muscular tightness to free up areas of concern!

If you are someone that is currently suffering from a postural complaint and are looking for help give our clinic a call on 9302 1023 or book in your first appointment with us to see how we can get you back on track!

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Sleeping Positions… What’s Best For You?

Sleeping positions vary differently from person to person and this is why finding the most effective way to get yourself to sleep is an easy way of making you healthier.

Our main goal as chiropractors is to ensure that you are using your body as effectively as possible to remove the possibility of injury from the equation.

Sleeping for us plays a big part in whether or not you will be experiencing neck or back pain aswell as the common tension headache.

In this blog we will give you an insight into what sleeping position will best suit your circumstances!

What Types Of Sleeping Positions Are There?

Theoretically speaking there are really only 3 types of sleeping positions. These include on your back, on your side and on your stomach.

What Should I Avoid When Sleeping?

The main things to avoid is sleeping on your arm or in a foetal like position as this will compress the joints and make things uncomfortable. Sleeping on your stomach should also be avoided. The reasoning behind this is because the body is in an awkward position especially when using a pillow as when the body isn’t parallel it can cause unwanted tension.

What Symptoms Can I Develop From An Incorrect Sleeping Position?

Tight Shoulders

Sore Neck


Body Aches

Low Back Pain

Hip Tightness 

How Can I Find The Correct Sleeping Position For Me?

The ideal sleeping position comes down to what is most comfortable to you. If you are a back sleeper it is ideal to have a low profile pillow so that the curves of the spine are not accentuated and causing any type of neck strains or other body aches. If you are a side sleeper and this feels comfortable be sure to have a pillow that is not to low and not to high but just right. Your neck should be held comfortably without any added stress to the region. Other variations of sleeping such as having a pillow between the legs may help with comfort especially with those who are suffering from low back pains

If you are someone who is currently waking up sore from bed and looking for someone to help. Our team of experienced and qualified practitioners are here to help!

You can book online or call 9302 1023 to schedule in your first appointment today!

Our Locations




Fawkner Remedial Massage Therapy

The Melbourne Chiropractor in Fawkner is now offering remedial massage!

Our Fawkner practice has Remedial Massage services to cater for those suffering from a range of musculoskeletal conditions. 

Our qualified practitioners also have experience in pregnancy massage, hot stones, dry needling, deep tissue therapy and cupping therapy services.

Remedial Massage techniques involve deep tissue therapy targeting areas of stress throughout the entire body!

The main use of remedial massage is to target areas causing pain. This includes areas that are cramping, causing muscle aches and many other pains such as neck and shoulder pain!

If you are currently dealing with low back pains or headaches our qualified remedial massage therapists are able to assess and treat your area of concern! For more information you can visit themelbournechiropractor.com.au to find out more about our chiropractors and other conditions we can help treat!

You can book online at either one of our 3 clinics in BroadmeadowsWestmeadows or Fawkner with a male or female practitioner of your choice!




Are Deadlift’s Killing Your Gains?

❌ ‘I hurt my back deadlifting’

❌‘I don’t want to deadlift, I’ll hurt my back’

🏋🏻‍♂️ The deadlift is one of the most powerful compound exercises when executed correctly. It engages multiple muscles of the upper/lower body and anterior/posterior chain. This makes the Deadlift one of the best way to build overall body strength

👶 The Deadlift is quite a functional exercise and can be translated to everyday tasks such as lifting up children and other objects

🦵🏻 The Deadlift requires deep control and stabilisation of the abdominal, gluteal, pelvic and lumbar spine musculature. Studies show that because of this, deadlifts can be beneficial in the prevention and reduction of low back pain

✅ Deadlift injuries are due to improper technique and too much weight lifted, NOT because of the exercise itself. It is important to build up to a barbell Deadlift through other progressive exercises. This will help perfect the technique and prevent injury

Here are a couple of progressive Deadlift exercises you can perform to help perfect your technique

1️⃣ Hip Hinge with Dowel
2️⃣ Raised Kettlebell Deadlift
3️⃣ Normal Kettlebell Deadlift
4️⃣ Barbell Deadlift

⚠️ Remember to consult a healthcare professional before commencing these exercises 

If you are someone that is currently suffering from a sudden ache or pain due to a gym incident our experienced team of chiropractors or remedial massage therapists may be able to help you out today!

You can book online at either one of our 3 clinics in BroadmeadowsWestmeadows or Fawkner with a male or female practitioner of your choice!




How Can You Improve Your Postural Wellbeing?

Poor Posture is a blanket term used for many different types of postural issues or distortions.

Not one type of posture is the same and this comes down to the fact that everyone uses their bodies differently depending on lifestyle habits and choices!

Because of this it is common for our team of chiropractors to see different aches and pains that have risen due to poor posture.

In this blog we will list the 5 ways in which poor posture can affect your wellbeing and how you can improve them for the better!

1- Decreased flexibility and mobility

2 – Increased risk of injury and pain

3 – Decreased Breathing Capacity

4 – Reduction in height due to increased kyphosis

5 – Increased stress

How Can You Improve Your Postural Wellbeing?

When our body is put into a strained position for long periods in awkward positions we should be mindful of this. By making the changes earlier on and using ergonomic seating protocols and ensuring long hours of seating be prohibited we will find a decrease in overall tightness by the end of the work day.

Engaging in a workout regime and getting the body moving is always a great way of getting started with your postural wellbeing. Any type of movement which involves the expenditure of energy will keep you motovated to do more throughout your day.

Being mindful of lifting technique on the job site is always a simple way of making sure you don’t aggravate or hurt yourself. When the damage is done it is hard to go back hence why when things get severe most health professionals may only be able to manage your pains!

If you are someone that is suffering from a sudden ache or an uncomfortable headache our  experienced team of chiropractors or remedial massage therapists may be able to help you out today!

You can book online at either one of our 3 clinics in Broadmeadows, Westmeadows or Fawkner with a male or female practitioner of your choice!




Westmeadows Remedial Massage Therapy 

The Melbourne Chiropractor is now offering remedial massage across all 3 clinics. 

Our Westmeadows practice has Remedial Massage services to cater for those suffering from a range of musculoskeletal conditions. We also offer pregnancy massage and relaxation type massages also!

Remedial massage is a great way of dealing with stress also and can have a global effect on the bodies muscles.

The goal behind remedial massage is to target areas of concern that are causing pain. This can include cramping, muscle spasms and many aches and pains such as back pain.

If you are someone that is currently suffering from aches and pains and are looking for a way of alleviating your pain book online with one of our qualified remedial massage therapists and lets get you back on track!

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors or remedial massage therapists visit the links attached!

Our Locations:




The Power Of Positive Thinking

Our mind plays both an emotional and physical role and guides us to do certain things throughout our daily lives. Depending on our mindset if we are leaning towards being positive we would be more likely to see successful outcomes throughout life and ones that change us for the better.

In this blog we will talk about ways in which you can improve your thinking to become more positive.
First off the main thing to improve your mindset is to find the negatives that are holding you back from becoming better!

Here are the top 5 things that may be causing this negative mindset:
– Noticing more negativity
– Feeling down on yourself
– Getting distracted with unwanted dramas
– Your friendship group
– Current job role

What can happen if you continue these negative habits?
– Binge eating
– Increased anxiety / depression
– Changes to mood
– Loss of work/life balance
– Increased stress and sickness

7 Ways To Improve Positive Thinking!
– Create good changes slowly
– Don’t force yourself to do things you don’t feel comfortable doing
Relax and meditate
Set up your sleep schedule
Create a healthy meal plan to keep you on track
Join a gym or start a fitness journey
See a healthcare professional to help with any aches or pains

*If you are interested in finding a team that best suits your needs book online today with one of our practitioners!

We also offer Pregnancy Care, Paediatric CareRemedial MassageDry Needling and Cupping Therapies

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

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Why Should We Exercise?

Exercise is a physical activity which causes us to expend energy. In doing so it helps create function and mobility depending on the type of exercise that is being participated in. The idea around exercise is to enhance the body’s functional and physical abilities. Whether it is cardiovascular health, mobility, endurance or just trying to look better.

What Is Our Team’s Approach To Exercise?

Exercise is a fundamental building block to engage and strengthen areas of weakness throughout the musculoskeletal system. Our goal as chiropractors is to use exercises that are generalised to begin with and then work on weaknesses individually according to the persons preferences. Not one exercise is guaranteed to have an optimal outcome in every individual hence why a variety of different stretches and strengthening activities are implemented throughout ones care plan.

What Are Signs Exercise Is Negatively Impacting You?

–     Continuous Injury

–     Increased Stress

–     Changes to cognitive state

–     Decrease in functional performance

5 Common Misconceptions Regarding Exercise

  • The more you do the better
  • The harder you train the better
  • No pain No gain!
  • Cookie Cutter programs
  • Sweating it out

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Exercise Activities

*If you are interested in finding a team that best suits your needs book online today with one of our practitioners!

We also offer Pregnancy Care, Paediatric CareRemedial MassageDry Needling and Cupping Therapies

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

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