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Understanding Soreness After a Chiropractic Adjustment!

Chiropractic care is a holistic approach aimed at promoting overall health and well-being by focusing on the body’s musculoskeletal system. Many patients report feeling immediate relief and improved mobility following a chiropractic adjustment. However, it’s not uncommon to experience soreness in the days following an appointment. If you’ve felt soreness after your adjustment, you’re not alone, and there are effective ways to manage it.

Why Does Soreness Occur After an Adjustment?

When your chiropractor performs an adjustment, they manipulate the joints and surrounding tissues to restore proper alignment and function. This physical process may lead to a few short-term effects, such as:

  1. Muscle Strain: The body is often required to adapt to new positions, creating mild muscle strain as it realigns itself.
  2. Inflammation: Manipulations can stimulate inflammation in the affected area, which can result in temporary discomfort.
  3. Tension Release: When tight muscles are released, they may temporarily cause soreness as the body adjusts to this newfound freedom.
  4. Increased Sensitivity: Sometimes, after undergoing an adjustment, the nervous system may become more sensitive as it recalibrates.

While some soreness or discomfort is completely normal, it typically resolves within a few days. However, understanding how to care for yourself post-adjustment is vital to expedite recovery and enhance the benefits of the chiropractic treatment.

What to Do When You Experience Soreness

If you find yourself feeling sore after a chiropractic adjustment, here are some steps you can take to help manage your discomfort:

  1. Rest: Allow your body some time to adjust. Avoid strenuous activities for a short period post-adjustment. Giving your muscles and joints time to acclimatize can reduce soreness.
  2. Ice Application: If you experience swelling or localized pain, applying an ice pack can be an effective way to reduce inflammation and numb the area. Wrap ice in a thin cloth and apply it for 15–20 minutes at a time.
  3. Gentle Movement: While rest is necessary, engaging in light stretching or gentle movement can help promote blood flow and reduce stiffness. Consider stretching or going for a walk to keep your body from becoming too rigid.
  4. Hydration: Drinking plenty of water is essential for recovery. Proper hydration can help flush out toxins and promote healing.
  5. Heat Therapy: After the first 24 hours, you can switch to warmth. Applying a heat pack or taking a warm bath can help relax tight muscles and promote circulation.
  6. Pain Relief: Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can help alleviate discomfort as needed. Always consult with your health care provider before taking any medications.
  7. Follow Up with Your Chiropractor: If soreness persists beyond a few days or if you experience significant pain, contact your chiropractor. They can assess your condition and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
  8. Practice Good Posture: Proper posture can help alleviate some post-adjustment soreness. Be mindful of how you sit, stand, and move throughout the day to support your spine’s alignment.
  9. Integrate Post-Care Exercises: Your chiropractor may suggest specific exercises to strengthen related muscles and improve flexibility, which can be highly beneficial in reducing future soreness.

Soreness after a chiropractic adjustment is usually normal and temporary. By understanding the reasons behind this discomfort and implementing self-care strategies, you can enhance your recovery process and fully enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care. Remember, each person’s experience may differ, and maintaining open communication with your chiropractor is crucial for tailored care. With time, patience, and proper management, you’ll be back on track to enjoying an optimal range of motion and overall wellness.

If you have any questions or are considering chiropractic care, don’t hesitate to reach out or schedule an appointment. Your wellness journey is important, and we’re here to support you every step of the way!

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Spring Has Sprung!

Finally, the warmer weather is here, and it’s time to shake off the winter stiffness! As we transition from the colder months into the bright, refreshing days of spring, our bodies need a little extra care to adjust. After spending months in hibernation mode, wrapped in blankets, spending more time indoors, and moving less, many of us feel tense, achy, and a bit sluggish.

Now is the perfect time to take action. Spring represents renewal and fresh starts, and your health should be no exception. Here’s why you should include chiropractic care in your spring wellness routine and how it can help you feel recharged for the season ahead.

Revitalise Your Body After Winter’s Rest

During the winter months, we often adopt sedentary habits—sitting more, exercising less, and spending less time outdoors. This inactivity can lead to stiffness, poor posture, and even misalignment in your spine. Chiropractic adjustments help correct these misalignments, restoring your body’s natural balance and promoting better mobility.

Prepare For Springtime Activities

Spring brings more opportunities for outdoor activities, whether it’s gardening, hiking, running, or spring cleaning. But if your body isn’t prepared for this sudden increase in physical activity, you might find yourself dealing with discomfort or injury. Chiropractic care ensures your body is in optimal condition before you hit the trails or start moving furniture.

Renew Your Energy and Well-being

Winter can drain not just your physical energy, but your mental and emotional well-being as well. Chiropractic care is about more than just pain relief—it can also enhance your overall sense of wellness. Regular chiropractic adjustments help reduce stress, improve sleep, and promote better mental clarity by improving blood flow and nervous system function.

Chiropractic adjustments increase flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and improve joint health, helping you avoid injuries as you jump into your favourite spring activities. By taking care of your spine and nervous system, you’re making sure your body is primed to handle the extra movement and excitement of the season




Neck Pains & Strains

Are you someone that has woken up with a sudden neck pain or maybe done an awkward movement at the gym that has caught your neck in an excruciating position? Well thankfully in this blog we will be running through some reasons of why this can occur, ways to help combat this from happening again and how you can eliminate the pain when it does happen!

How Does Neck Pain Occur?

There are many different variables that can cause neck pain. These can include simple things we do from day to day such as sitting or slouching at a desk, to sleeping on the couch or in funny positions in bed. Obviously trauma always plays a part in pain meaning that most contact sports can make you susceptible to not only neck pain but general low back pain.

How To Manage Neck Pain?

Neck pain can be managed in a few ways including stretching and massage therapy. Other natural remedies include heat or warm baths. This can help to ease muscle tension within the region.

How To Stop Neck Pain From Happening?

The easiest way to stop a pain from occurring in any region of the body is to first identify what is the cause!

This can be something as simple as a bad pillow or poor ergonomic seating at work. A quick search on sleeping positions and effective seating for desk jobs can get you sorted out real quick!

How Can A Chiropractor Help?

Chiropractors are a go to specialist when it comes to neck pain. Being that neck pain is a general term it is ideal to be assessed and diagnosed with the underlying issue from the get go. Neck pain can be a cause of muscle tightness or joint restriction and this is something a chiropractor can identify. The goals of a chiropractor may be to use chiropractic adjustments or stretches, including rehabilitative exercises to strengthen any weak muscles.

If you are someone that is currently suffering from sudden neck pain or limited neck mobility, our chiropractors may be able to help get you sorted! We have multiple clinics with both chiropractors and remedial massage therapists available 7 days late!

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Back Supports? The Big Problem

Back supports are a big part of the problem when it comes to back pain and decreasing the amount of time it takes to recover. You may ask why? This is what we will be explaining in this blog about back supports!

What Do Back Supports Achieve?

Back supports aim to increase the pressure around your abdominal muscle bellies to help prevent and secure you from over stretching or exerting yourself. Depending on the brace they may allow for the body to maintain a certain posture.

Why Are Back Supports Bad?

Back supports are great for maintaining certain positions when muscles are being engaged and you work a physical job although whilst sitting at a desk or driving a car this is when back support braces can cause more harm than good.

How Do Back Supports Negatively Impact Back Pain?

Long hours of back support during sedentary types of activity can cause muscles to weaken to the point where you are unable to function without the brace! Muscles get lazy if they are no being worked and being that the brace is doing their job for them the body begins to weaken in those regions.

What Is The Best Way To Target Back Pain?

Back pain sucks and it shouldn’t be something that stops you from living your life. The easiest way to start your journey is to visit a healthcare professional. Usually it is best to make an initial appointment and find out what is actually going on. No back pain is the same and should not be treated the same either.

How Do Chiropractors Help?

Our Chiropractors help by first assessing and diagnosing the problem at hand. Then after soft tissue therapies and chiropractic adjustments are used, with a combination of other various techniques to help decrease not only the pain but improve the overall function of the body.

If you are someone that is currently suffering from back pain our chiropractors can help get you back on track today!

Book online today or call on 9302 1023 to book your first appointment today.

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Meralgia Parasthetica

What is Meralgia Paresthetica?

Meralgia paresthetica is a sensations of numbness and tingling after pressure from either a belt around the waist or long periods of sitting. At times this can cause nerve irritation and in turn cause these sensations to be long lasting needing treatment to help alleviate the symptoms. Meralgia paresthetica can also be easily misdiagnosed as it is something that can be closely related to more severe cases of sciatic nerve pain / disc bulges.

Reasons for diagnosis:

Complaint of numbness and tingling in the lateral thigh

Restricted hip and thigh range of motion after wearing a tight belt / trousers or having heavy pockets

Aggravated “like” pain when lateral thigh is compressed

Affected ADL’s and/or decrease concentration due to pain

Factors that could be contributing to the problem:

  • Trauma
  • Overuse of gluteal muscles or erector spinae
  • Obesity
  • Tight or heavy belt pockets
  • Long periods of sitting

Therapies For Meralgia Parasthetica

  • Advice on daily living activities/diet – This enables advice on how to change to make healthy actions into habits and may offer a valuable alternative with potential for long-term impact.
  • Spinal manipulation/activator/drop piece techniques – adjustive techniques have been shown to decrease pain and increase range of motion.
  • Trigger point therapy/handheld massager – have shown to decrease pain/tenderness, enhance both range of motion and quality of life and influence flexibility.
  • Prescribed stretching – Stretching has shown to reduce pain, improve functionality and   overall wellbeing in patients in both long- and short-term outcomes.
  • Prescribed exercises – produce more beneficial outcomes in terms of increased strength, improved function and reduced pain scores.

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How To Correct Sway Back Posture!

The importance of good, straight posture can’t be down played. However, by simply sitting up straight you will not correct incorrect postures.

5 Reasons Why Posture Is Important:

1) Good posture helps you perform better
2) Your body position looks and feels better
3) An optimal posture helps your body function at a higher level
4) Good posture limits abnormal wear and tear on joints throughout the body
5) Your internal organs are able to function better/no unneeded compression through the ribs affecting lung capacity

Given that these benefits are associated with good posture habits, who wouldn’t want to have good posture! Here at The Melbourne Chiropractor, we meet patients who need help correcting postural problems, including sway back. military posture and text neck. As chiropractors our goal is to help manage and correct these postural issues.

Some Common Posture Problems We See Include –

  • Sway back posture
  • Lumbar lordosis
  • Thoracic kyphosis
  • Forward head posture.

Bad postures tend to put extra pressure and stress on your spine, shoulders, hips, and knees.

Can you relate to any of the postures in the image below?

Types Of Standing Postures

Problems Of Poor Posture:

About Sway Back Posture

Sway Back Posture also known as hyper lordosis exaggerated the curve in the lower back increasing pressure. When standing the stomach looks to pull forward and the hips tilt forward to compensate.

How To Tell If You Have Sway Back Posture?

  • The pelvis may be tilted and positioned forward
  • Tight Hamstrings
  • Bad Postural Tendencies
  • Forward Head Carriage
  • Hunch Back Like Curve
  • Sunken In Chest

Other Problems Caused By Sway Back

Tight hamstring muscles can cause:

  • Misalignment of pelvis, contributing to:
  • Back Pain
  • Disc degeneration
  • Nerve interference
  • Bulging discs
  • Weak glutes and hip flexors

Forward head posture can cause:

Problems associated with a rounded upper back may include:

Problems associated with a sunken chest may include:


  • Finding the underlying structural issues is key
  • Chiropractic adjustments and mobilisations help to increase mobility and functional capacity through the affected joint segments
  • Soft tissue therapy allows us to decrease the muscle tension throughout the areas of concern and in turn improve postural areas.
  • An exercise and rehabilitation program that is specific to the area which will include a series of stretches and low force exercise to begin with before getting into strengthening the area of complaint.

Chiropractic Care also has continual benefits such as:

If you are someone who is suffering from headachesneck pain or low back pain and don’t know where to start, or wondering what to expect on your first chiropractic visitour team of chiropractors at our Broadmeadows or Westmeadows clinic locations are more than happy to help you get back on track. You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now




Westmeadows Chiropractor

The Melbourne Chiropractor Westmeadows aims to provide the best in evidence based chiropractic care to help with all types of musculoskeletal problems. We strive to decrease patient pain, enhance function and create a long-term solution to your problems. Our goal is for patients to live life to the fullest, no matter how challenging their situation may be.

Our Westmeadows chiropractic practice accepts referrals from GP’s for chiropractic services. If you are given a CDM or EPC plan you are eligible for up to 5 chiropractic visits per year!


Mon: 12:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Tue: 12:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Wed: 12:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Thu: 02:00 pm – 09:00 pm

Fri: 12:00 pm – 07:00 pm
Sat: 08:00 am – 03:00 pm
Sun: 08:00 am – 01:00 pm

Please contact us directly with any questions, comments, or scheduling enquiries you may have.

 Call Us: 03 9302 1023
 Visit Us: 1 Hopetoun Court, Westmeadows


Do I need to see a Chiro or a Massage Therapist?

Both Chiropractic Care and Massage therapy are great ways of relieving tension throughout the body and apply various different techniques to achieve specific patient goals and outcomes.

Depending on what you are more comfortable with our Chiropractors on your first visit will perform a thorough examination to find out how the body is moving within the joints and how restricted certain movements are. Chiropractors also use different orthopaedic tests which help justify whether or not further imaging is required such as X-ray and if there needs to be certain interventions or other health practitioners to help create positive changes for better health. Chiropractors usually perform spinal adjustments using either their hands, chiropractic activators or drop tables to areas of restriction although that does not mean they don’t focus on the muscle tissue. Chiropractors also use trigger point therapy to decrease pressure in tight muscles and also have the ability to use oils to help massage through areas where muscles are tight and sore.

Some Areas Of Concern Chiropractors Deal With Include:

Unlike Chiropractors, massage therapists use an approach of focussing solely on the muscle and this is great when that is the main concern. There can be times where joints may be causing pressure on other areas of the body causing referral patterns and decreasing muscle tension will not make any changes long term for problems like this.

If you are someone who is getting massages already and is only finding temporary pain relief, chiropractic care may be beneficial! Contact our team of chiropractors to get examined today at either our Westmeadows or Broadmeadows Chiropractic Clinics.


Can Chiropractors Help With Back Pain?

Back pain is known as the most common cause of bodily pain in Australia. It affects up to 90% of the population at least once throughout their life. There are many different forms of back pain ranging from acute to chronic with various symptoms associated with it. They may include radiating pain down the legs or pins and needles in lower body regions.

The Most Common Causes of Back Pain Include:

Low Back Pain Causing Dysfunction

How to help manage back pain

There are several things you can do that may help prevent and manage back pain:

  • Ice or Heat can provide relief in the acute stages (<48 hours).
  • Stretches and exercises specific for low back pain can help improve or even decrease pain.
  • Keep heavy lifting minimal and when doing so using correct technique to do so (knees bent).
  • Keeping active such as a simple walk and decreasing seated activity helps increase mobility and flexibility throughout the area.
  • Visit your allied health professional and see how they can implement certain techniques to alleviate your back pain.
Using Correct Lifting Techniques

5 ways Chiropractors may be able to help with back pain

Chiropractic care can help alleviate low back pain using just a few ways below:

Spinal Adjustments

Our Chiropractor will assess the areas that are restricted within the spine in both the upper and lower sections to ensure they correct the dysfunctions identified. This will help improve function in the area by reducing tension and alleviating the pain causing the issue. Surrounding areas will also be assessed to ensure that they are not pulling or twisting the area in an unnatural position causing what we think to be the “main” cause of back pain.

Low Back Stretches and Exercises

Low Back exercises and Low Back Stretches may be implemented to help assist with building strength and maintaining flexibility throughout the area of concern. The exercises will be tailored towards what areas of the body need exercise and stretches although general exercises will be given aswell to ensure that the patient has a variety to choose from to suit their needs.

Remedial Massage Therapy, Dry Needling or Cupping

If needed our chiropractors may refer you to our remedial massage therapists or even implement other modalities such as Dry Needling or Cupping to help decrease muscle tightness, especially for people suffering with low back pain.

Posture Checks

Our Chiropractors at The Melbourne Chiropractor understand that different modalities should be used to help alleviate pain and discomfort. there is not one recipe that works for every patient hence why our clinic has various practitioners performing different types of chiropractic care. Posture for low back pain can be a big problem and this is why our chiropractors will check for instability within the hips, changes to toe in and toe out of the foot and changes to upper back and lower back curvature. It is common to find underlying postural related issues that can have an impact long term on recovering from back pain hence why our team take a holistic approach to chiropractic care to ensure everything gets done the right way from the beginning.

Doctor Referrals or Specialists

Our Broadmeadows Chiropractor especially has worked with patients of surgeons who have had spinal fusions or surgeries related to previous low back pain. What we find is patients who have had surgery before have a limitation in low back movement hence why we try to alleviate the tension associated with the area that has been fused. At times we also may refer patients out to surgeons to get a second set of eyes to look at the situation although most of the time we will refer to a doctor to get the right information to proceed. Most times our team of chiropractors will refer for an X-ray and create a report before sending a patient of to a GP for further testing.

If you are someone who is suffering from low back pain and doesn’t know where to start, or wondering what to expect on your first chiropractor visit, our team of chiropractors or remedial massage therapists are more than happy to help you get back on track. You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now


Top Exercises in 2022 for Disc Bulges

What is a disc Bulge?

  • Intervertebral discs have a thick outer layer called the annulus which surrounds the soft gel-like centre also known as the Nucleus. This sits between each of your vertebrae and creates a shock absorber during forceful activities such as walking, running and jump.
  • A bulging disc or herniated disc is when the disc starts to protrude out. The soft gel-like centre pushes through the outer ring. This puts pressure on the spinal cord and nearby nerve roots. This can also cause inflammation in the area.
  • When this process happens, nerve roots get irritated, this can cause numbness and tingling down the lower or upper limb on one side and/or weakness in your legs. This is commonly known as sciatica.
Disc bulge diagram

Signs/symptoms of a bulging disc?

  • Numbness and tingling down the upper or lower limbs (i.e arms or legs)
  • Sharp or stabbing pain in the spine
  • Shooting pain down the arms or legs, generally affects only one side (Sciatica)
  • Weakness in the leg and/or foot on one side. This can cause difficulty in walking
  • Restricted range of movement
  • Constant lower back or neck pain
  • Pain can last up to anywhere between days or weeks
  • Loss of bowel and bladder control. This is extremely rare but if this occurs it is a condition called Cauda Equina Syndrome. This condition is caused by spinal nerve roots being compressed in the lower back, cutting of sensation and movement. This requires immediate medical attention.

Where do bulging discs commonly occur?

  • Disc bulges can occur anywhere along the spine, but most often occurs in the lower back (lumbar spine). However, they can also occur in the neck (cervical spine).

What causes a bulging disc?

  • A bulging disc most often occurs from age-related wear and tear on the spine. This is often called disc degeneration. As people age the disc in between the bones decreases, becomes less flexible and weakens. The disc, therefore, begins to shrink and the spaces between the vertebrae get narrower. Leading the disc to be more prone to tearing or rupturing. This can be due to repetitive stresses to the spine overtime. It is most common to see males ages between 20-50 years old likely to have a herniated/disc bulge.
  • A traumatic event, such as a fall or motor vehicle accident causes a herniated disc.
  • Lifting something incorrectly/improper and repetitive heavy lifting. Using your back to bend over and lift something heavy can cause a disc bulge.
  • Increased weight gain can cause more pressure and stress on the discs in your lower back.
  • Repetitive activities that strain your spine. Constant lifting, pulling, bending or twisting can add a lot of stress to your spine, affecting your discs.
  • Frequent long drives or sedentary lifestyle can put pressure in your back, compressing your discs, especially in the lower back.
  • Smoking can lessen the oxygen supply to the discs and cause faster degeneration to occur in your spine.

What exercises should you avoid if you have a bulging disc?

  • You should avoid heavy lifting of weights/deadlift. This adds more pressure to the intervertebral discs.
  • Sit-ups or crunches. Repetitive bending and pulling of the neck, will cause more aggravation to the disc bulge.
  • Running or jumping type of exercises, causes repeated stress and force on the spine.
  • Stretching exercises (stretches that involve bending at the waist, twisting or turning), this places a lot of pressure and stress on the inflamed bulging disc.

Top exercises in 2021 for bulging discs

  1. Prone Lumbar Extension / Half cobra pose
Half Cobra Pose
Half Cobra Pose
  • Firstly, lay on your stomach on a flat surface and then slowly prop yourself up onto your elbows while keeping your hips in contact with the floor.
  • Hold this position for 5-10 seconds
  • Gradually build up the hold for 30 seconds.
  • Aim for 6-12 repetitions.
  • Make sure you perform this slowly and carefully.
  • How it helps:
  • Relieves pressure on the herniated disc by opening the intervertebral disc spaces.
  • Helps push the disc bulge back towards the centre more, helping to alleviate some pain in the lower back.

2. Full Prone Extension / Full Cobra pose (more advanced stretch)

Full Cobra Pose
Full Cobra Pose
  • Firstly, lay on your stomach on a flat surface and then slowly press up on your hands while keeping your hips in contact with the floor and lower back relaxed.
  • Hold this position for 5-10 seconds
  • Gradually build up the hold for 30 seconds.
  • Aim for 6-12 repetitions.
  • Make sure you perform this slowly and carefully.
  • How it helps:
  • Relieves pressure on the herniated disc by opening the intervertebral disc spaces.
  • Helps push more of the disc bulge back towards the centre more, helping to alleviate some pain in the lower back.

3. Spinal Decompression

Hanging from a bar
  • Use a pull up bar or the top of a door (something you can hang down from) and allow your body to just hang down.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and for 2 sets
  • Release slowly from this position. Do not jump straight down (you can use a stool/chair underneath your feet to stand back on)
  • How it helps:
  • Opens up the intervertebral spaces, taking some pressure off the bulging disc. Therefore, it decreases pain intensity and quicker recovery.

4. Cat/Camel Exercise

Cat Camel Exercise
Cat Camel Exercise
  • Go on your hands and knees (all four positions). Inhale and let your stomach drop towards the floor while looking up with your head. Then exhale and slowly round your spine while pressing into the floor with your hands whilst bringing your chin to your chest
  • Aim for 10-12 repetitions, 2-3 sets.
  • How it helps:
  • Relieves pressure on the herniated disc by opening the intervertebral disc spaces.
  • Helps improve mobility of the whole spine.

Please stop any of these exercises if they cause any increase or any type of pain!

It is also important to have relative amounts of rest to help decrease the intensity and severity of the pain caused by a disc bulge.

Disc bulges or herniations improve on their own with relative rest within a couple of days and completely resolve between 12-16 weeks. However, it is important to prevent this from occurring by getting your spine checked by a chiropractor to help prevent wear and tear from happening too quickly in your spine. Spinal health is important to maintain. A chiropractor will be able to assess your spine thoroughly to see if there are any signs of joint restrictions that may impact your intervertebral disc spaces and may also send you out for x-rays to see how healthy your disc spaces are. Our Chiropractors see many cases of disc bulges and are able to give you appropriate advice on what to do to help alleviate the pain conservatively, if unable to do so, we will refer you to a GP for further investigation if needed.
