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Can A Chiropractor Help With Migraines!?

About Migraines

What most people who suffer from migraines don’t recognise is that the pain you experience can indeed be relieved naturally. Although, visiting a chiropractor for your migraine probably hasn’t crossed your mind, it may be time for you to do just that. The team at The Melbourne Chiropractor have the skills and knowledge to help you combat and reduce migraines.

What is a migraine?

A migraine is a severe headache that can cause a pulsating sensation in a specific region of the head and is accompanied by sensitivity to light, vomiting, and nausea. Migraines are triggered by the enlargement of blood vessels in the head which is called vasodilation.

Migraine triggers

Migraines can be triggered by environmental factors, physical or emotional stresses. The most common migraine triggers include:

  • Hormonal Changes
  • Chocolate
  • Red Wine
  • Processed Foods
  • Artificial Sweeteners 
  • Caffeine
  • Stress
  • Medications
  • Weather changes
  • Changes in Sleep
  • Bright Lights
  • Perfumes, Paint or Smoke
  • Computer Screens
  • Dehydration
  • Vigorous Exercise

Who is prone to migraines?

Unlike a “general” headaches, migraines can have a detrimental affect on a person’s life. For example, some migraine sufferers aren’t even able to go to work. However, the pain isn’t the only thing that accompanies migraines. Migraine sufferers also report experiencing flickering in the nerves or seeing black spots before the migraine attack. Similarly, one of the most severe after-effects of migraines includes fear of noises, sounds and other environmental triggers.

Although everyone can suffer migraines, including children, the below factors increase the risk:

  • 90% of migraine sufferers have a history of migraine attacks in their family
  • Females have an increased incidence of migraines than Males
  • Hormonal Fluctuations Like Pregnancy and Menopause 
  • Stress and Sleep Changes

How to treat and prevent migraines

Migraines are usually treated with medication. However, medications don’t work on any underlying issues, most of which can cause a number of side effects.

The best way to prevent migraines and their severity is through identifying the triggers. The easiest way to do this is to create a “headache diary” which contains the following information:

  • What and when you eat
  • Information about delayed or missed meals
  • Medication
  • Work and social activities
  • Bowel movements
  • Intake of any health products such as supplements or vitamins
  • Exercise
  • Amount of sleep
  • Environmental factors like weather changes
  • Menstrual cycle details
  • The onset of pain
  • The affected head area
  • The severity and duration of the migraine attack
  • Other symptoms that come with the attack like vomiting or nausea

You should review your headache diary after experiencing at least three migraine attacks. Keeping a diary regularly will tell you what factors repeat in association with the migraine attack, and you can identify your trigger.

Do you need a chiropractor’s help?

If you’re sick and tired of using medications that only mask the issues you are having and are not getting any significant results then our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor are here to help! 

Recent clinical studies confirm that chiropractic can help prevent and alleviate migraine attacks by alleviating stress in patient’s. Stress is a major migraine trigger, and with the crazy lifestyle people live today, it’s no wonder that migraine attacks have become more frequent than ever.

In some people, migraines can originate from the spine. Muscle tightness and immobility of the vertebrae with or without nerve irritation can have a detrimental affect on the brain itself. These changes to the human body increases the individuals chances of developing certain issues due to various chemical imbalances in the brain. Chiropractors can help mobilise, strengthen and alleviate tension within surrounding musculature and the vertebrae to decrease the pressure against inflamed spinal nerves and relieve the pain.


How Your Chiropractor Can Help With Stress!

About Stress

We all become stressed at some time or another and it’s only when your stress levels remain high that it can be damaging to your health and cause pain. Different circumstances affect different people so what stresses one person might not be the same for another. No matter where your stress arises from, the good news is our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor can help.

Why am I so stressed?

Stress usually comes from three areas of life: work, relationships, money. But it can include health problems, pain and postural changes of the spine caused by injury or even stress itself. When we overthink and worry about things tension is built up in the spinal regions. Stress can also be caused by long lasting mental or emotional strain and pressure caused by adverse events, or very demanding life circumstances.

How Do I Know I Am Stressed?

If you are someone who is not coping with stress it can have an adverse effect on the whole body: emotionally, physically and mentally. The more common stress symptoms are:

  • muscle tension
  • chest pain
  • anxiety
  • pain in the lower back
  • lack of focus
  • problems sleeping
  • depression
  • indigestion/reflux
  • tiredness
  • headaches
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • over or under-eating

Can a Chiropractor Decrease Stress?

Chiropractic treatment is able to relieve you of the symptoms. As the body endures more stress it makes it a lot more sensitive to imbalances of a physical nature and to pain. Our Chiropractors can help you reach your functional goals by mobilizing the spinal joints and decreasing tightness in the surrounding musculature, thus relieving pain. When tension builds in your body, the outcome is more often than not soreness or a feeling of tightness in a variety of places.

How often do I need to visit a Chiropractor?

It depends on your circumstances which can include whether or not you are in acute or chronic pain, if you have been suffering from stress for a certain period of time and how often you have been treated in the past. It is always beneficial to have a burst of treatment to start as this enables you to get on top of the problem sooner and decrease its severity in a shorter time frame. Management protocols on a fortnightly or monthly basis can help eliminate stress and keeps you on track to live a better healthier lifestyle.


How Chiropractic Care Can Benefit The Whole Family!?

About Chiropractic Care

It may be seen that chiropractic care is only there to treat the times when back pain becomes unbearable and affects your ability to work, move or sleep. Although while this is a key reason to see a chiropractor, this form of treatment can be used to treat the whole family. With an experienced practitioner from The Melbourne Chiropractor, this form of care can be factored into the family healthcare routine and your family can begin to benefit from this treatment.

What does it involve?

Our Chiropractors use a drug free way to make changes to a patients posture, acute or chronic pain issues and sports injuries. By using a hands on approach Chiropractors are able to decrease muscle tension, mobilise joints and stretch out the body to help restore mobility to joints, relieve pain and decrease the feeling of tightness.

Who can benefit from chiropractic care?

Sedentary Lifestyle/Senior Citizens

This applies to those who spend copious amounts of time in front of a computer/electronic device, or equally to a younger family member who is studying for exams. If most of the day is spent sitting down, either revising or working in a chair that is not ergonomically suited to the individual, the bodies posture will start to suffer from the stress its under. Even for seniors who have limited mobility by sitting incorrectly and not maintaining a good posture, the body becomes stiff causing pain and tightness. Thankfully chiropractic care can be beneficial in getting the body back on track and help decrease remissions in the future.  

Chiropractic care can benefits people by alleviating pain and increasing mobility which helps individuals to live a pain free lifestyle. Exercise is an effective tool for older people who are feeling stiff and sore as it enables the body to move and decrease overall pain. Chiropractic care can also help by creating a tailored program which can also help an older person with balance, thus avoiding falls.


Slouching in teenagers around the home is a familiar sight to parents. This is where they begin a lifetime of poor posture habits, meaning that by educating children at a young age about the benefits of chiropractic care and “postural awareness” they can combat the effects of postural strains (scoliosis) and future aches and pains!

Typically, sporting injuries occur around this time as well, so chiropractic care does have various benefits for teenagers. It can be used for pain relief, reduce inflammation. increase flexibility, relax muscles to prevent further sprains or injury and decrease or prevent headaches. More importantly, it does promote and boost the body’s natural immune system.

During these teenage years adolescents also have to deal with the pressure of exams and puberty, and stress plays an important role in physical and emotional wellbeing. Chiropractic care can help with stress management by improving breathing through relaxation techniques and boost the bodies immune system which is a great benefit for all teenagers!

Mothers and Support Workers

Pregnancy is a cause of fluctuated hormones in the body which cause the spines joints to become more flexible to cope with the growing baby. Once the body has recovered from childbirth, a mother spends a lot of time lifting and carrying the child. For those who also have to look after elderly parents or a child with a disability, there is a lot of bending, twisting and stretching. Back pain is quite common and a lack of sleep gives increases the chances of headaches. Thankfully our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor can help those suffering from these issues!


When Should You See A Chiropractor


There are many different symptoms/problems that indicate it may be suitable to come in and see a Chiropractor. This post will recognize some of the most common we see and how Chiropractic care may help.

What are some common problems?

There are many different symptoms that people can experience before seeing a Chiropractor.  Here are some of the most common problems we see!

How can these signs impact you and your daily activities?

One of the most common problems Chiropractors see are individuals with low back pain and stiffness. This can affect how you perform at work.

Depending on the symptoms you are experiencing it can have an influence on other aspects of your life, including:

  • Sleep patterns
  • Exercise routines
  • Energy levels
  • Productivity

How can The Melbourne Chiropractor help with these signs?

At The Melbourne Chiropractor we provide evidence based treatment protocols that focuses on improving the musculoskeletal system to help with the pain and discomfort people experience. This is accomplished by using different techniques and modalities of treatment based on patient requirements. Our experienced Chiropractors will complete a thorough assessment of your condition/problem to ensure we know exactly how we are able to help. Our approach to treatment may include manual adjustments, hand held adjustments, manual assisted techniques, soft tissue techniques and rehabilitation exercises depending on your problem/s.
