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Top 3 Ground Sports For Summer 2023!

Some of us love to go sightseeing and do things that require little to no equipment! Our bodies are designed to exert energy and power without needing assistance from a secondary source. Unlike water sport activities we don’t need to be weary of the dangers of going to deep or far past our comfort zones, although watching out for inclines and hidden potholes can be quite the problem!

Summer doesn’t have to be spent in the water it just has to be enjoyable for you! Water phobia is a real thing but even if you don’t suffer from it here are some fantastic ways to engage in some form of exercise over the Summer of 2023!

1- Walking/Running – This is the best way to exert energy and build up your stamina over a period of time by creating a training protocol. You don’t have to be a strong runner or even fit to get yourself started. Training in simple intervals such as, running 5 minutes and walking 5 minutes and repeating is a great way to get started!

2- Tennis – The Australian Open is around the corner and let’s be honest this a fantastic way to get you out and about for a social game with some friends! No matter the skill set tennis is a sport that can be played by all ages. If you are worried about not being as good as  you first thought, get yourself a coach and maybe join the local club to get yourself going for this Summer 2023!

3- Bike Riding/Hiking – Both are great, one requires the use of equipment the other does not, but the great thing about it all is that it gets you up and moving. The great thing about hiking this summer is having the ability to travel to new places and see new things. It doesnt have to be a wild goose chase, it just has to be something that is comfortable for you! Bike Riding on the other hand is a less strenuous exercise as it requires less pressure onto the joints although is still a fantastic way to mobilise the hips!

Remember when engaging in any type of sport to keep yourself hydrated and slip slop slap over this summer! Sunscreen does more than just protect us from getting burnt, it can save our lives!

If you are currently experiencing any strains, sprains or back pains and are looking to put a stop to it, our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor at ready to get you sorted over this summer period!

Call us on 9302 1023 or book online today to schedule in an appointment with a chiropractor or remedial massage therapist at one of our 3 clinics!

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Top 3 Water Sports For Better Health This Summer 2023!

Water Sports are a great way of getting outdoors! Not only can they be quite challenging but they require a particular skillset that helps with mind/body connection. Water is also buoyant and can help decrease the pressure on the bodies joints as well as enabling for pain free movement in arthritic joints.

Being aware of your surroundings and taking into consideration your limits around water beforehand will help decrease the chances of injury and risk.

Top 3 Water Sports For Summer 2023!

1- Rowing – This is not only a great exercise for the back but uts quite strenuous on the cardiovascular system! This means that endurance plays a key factor in being able to move through the water for a period of time. Having the ability to train multiple areas of the body at once is a great way of getting started on your fitness journey and don’t forget to stay hydrated whilst doing it!

2- Swimming – Any type of swimming is a great start to improving your health and wellbeing. Be sure to have experience in swimming before travelling to far deep into water. If you are in a public pool stay within your limits and use a stroke that you do well without over exerting yourself!

3- Surfing – This is a great water sport if you are confident with waves and are already a strong swimmer. This requires not only to be able to swim through tough waters but also get onto a board and balance yourself without falling. This is allot to learn for beginners and usually the best way to get started would be getting a trainer or attending a group class to learn the ways of a seasoned surfer!

If you feel that water sports are not your thing there are always great ways to spend your summer on land based activities!

Have you got any headaches or sports injuries needing to be taken care of? Our Team at The Melbourne Chiropractor can help you out today! Call us on 9302 1023 or book online today and visit any of our 3 clinics in the northern suburbs!

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5 Ways To Kickstart  Your 2023!

Another new year another new years resolution… but the question is are you going to be engaging your time in things that make you enjoy and respect the process?

In this blog we will be talking about the 5 best ways to kickstart your 2023 and keep in mind not all of these involve fitness or self goals!

  1. Creating time for yourself to plan and recuperate yourself. Allot of the times we tend to give ourselves no time to do things productive outside of work. The common Netflix & Chill is not a great way of spending your free time especially when things like washing, and cleaning need to be done. This can help decrease the cost of outsourcing for cleaners if they have been used before to “help” around the house.
  2. Getting into a routine! This can be anything from fitness, work or sleep. The main thing we find with our patients is many either don’t sleep routinely and often feel tired throughout the day, this can lead to aches and pains as restlessness can set in. Pillows play a big part in your sleep so be sure to have a one that suits your body!
  3. Cutting back on unwanted goods! Be sure to prioritize things that you need and not those things that you may want. This is a great analogy whether it is for dieting or saving money as a whole!
  4. Learn new skills! Hobbies are fantastic don’t get us wrong but if you have grass to cut or hedges to trim now is the time to get your hands dirty and see how you can manage a few things on your own this year in 2023!
  5. Improve your health and wellbeing! There are many ways of doing this. Joining the gym or going for a walk as an added daily activity can help supplement this. Another way would be seeing your health care practitioner. Whether it is a chiropractor or a remedial massage therapist both can help kickstart your 2023 in the right direction to becoming or even being pain free!

If you are someone who is currently suffering from any aches or pains here at The Melbourne Chiropractor our team of Chiropractors and Remedial Massage Therapists are here to get you back on track!

Give our clinic a call on 9302 1023 or book online today!

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Are Deadlift’s Killing Your Gains?

❌ ‘I hurt my back deadlifting’

❌‘I don’t want to deadlift, I’ll hurt my back’

🏋🏻‍♂️ The deadlift is one of the most powerful compound exercises when executed correctly. It engages multiple muscles of the upper/lower body and anterior/posterior chain. This makes the Deadlift one of the best way to build overall body strength

👶 The Deadlift is quite a functional exercise and can be translated to everyday tasks such as lifting up children and other objects

🦵🏻 The Deadlift requires deep control and stabilisation of the abdominal, gluteal, pelvic and lumbar spine musculature. Studies show that because of this, deadlifts can be beneficial in the prevention and reduction of low back pain

✅ Deadlift injuries are due to improper technique and too much weight lifted, NOT because of the exercise itself. It is important to build up to a barbell Deadlift through other progressive exercises. This will help perfect the technique and prevent injury

Here are a couple of progressive Deadlift exercises you can perform to help perfect your technique

1️⃣ Hip Hinge with Dowel
2️⃣ Raised Kettlebell Deadlift
3️⃣ Normal Kettlebell Deadlift
4️⃣ Barbell Deadlift

⚠️ Remember to consult a healthcare professional before commencing these exercises 

If you are someone that is currently suffering from a sudden ache or pain due to a gym incident our experienced team of chiropractors or remedial massage therapists may be able to help you out today!

You can book online at either one of our 3 clinics in BroadmeadowsWestmeadows or Fawkner with a male or female practitioner of your choice!




The Importance Of Rest Days!

When we exercise we hear allot of people telling us “make sure you are having a rest day”. Is it really that important for us to do so? Are we really benefiting from resting and taking a day off exercise? This blog goes through exactly how it affects us and how to strategize rest day into a workout regime!

The Importance Rest Days

Rest days should be added into your workout regime as it helps to rebuild and repair areas where there is pain. Overtraining can become more common in those who do not take rest days and make them prone to injury which could set them backwards. Depending on the intensity of the workouts it is common to train different body parts or sections of the body to limit the amount of rest taken throughout the week.

The 3 Important Effects Of Rest Days

  • Reduced muscle pain and lactic acid removal from worked areas
  • Rebuilding muscles that were broken down during exercise.
  • Decreasing risk of injury and overuse of joints

Signs Of A Rest Day

You should see a doctor if you haven’t exercised regularly for a while and need to know where to start, if you believe you have sustained an injury while exercising, or if there is a specific site of pain that doesn’t seem to ease off with rest days. 

Benefits Of Working Out

  • Improved Mood
  • Increase Mobility/Flexibility
  • Decreased Stress
  • Improved Strength
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Changes to body fat percentage

*The general rule is to moderately exercise for 30 minutes each day which can be something as simple as a brisk walk!

If you are someone who is suffering from headachesneck pain or low back pain or may think you are someone suffering from changes to your posture! You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




All About Exercise

Exercise… What Is It?

Exercise is a form of physical activity that involves the person to move, stretch or exert some type of physical force to expend energy. Exercise is usually used to help increase performance, mobility and flexibility depending on the task at hand. Exercise can also be referred to as training where the main goal is to focus on an area of weakness and slowly improve it overtime for long term change. This may involve things such as cardiovascular health, bodily strength, conditioning, weight loss or even flexibility.

The Melbourne Chiropractors Approach to Exercise!

Exercise is used as a functional tool for us as chiropractors. Depending on what you do throughout the day or add into your lifestyle will allow us to predict things such as why certain injuries are occurring or how you can better improve your ongoing exercise regime by adding other types of skills to enhance your wellbeing.

What Are Signs/Symptoms That Exercise Is Killing Your Gains?

5 Misbeliefs In Exercise

  • No Pain No Gain! – Usually ends up being more pain and little gain!
  • More Work Is Better! – Unfortunately overtraining is a thing to much can be detrimental to performance gains.
  • Training Harder Every Time! – Changing exercises over a period of time is better than continually changing as the body will never adapt
  • Sweating It Out! – If you are sick it is never a good idea to train, if anything you will feel allot worse after it
  • Copying Training Splits – Everyone is different and starting slow is always a great way of figuring where your physical needs are to be met.

3 Tips To Improve Your Exercises

  • Create a support network (Hire a coach, exercise with friends)
  • Research exercises that you enjoy and give them a go!
  • Don’t push past your limits every session, pace yourself!

4 Simple Ways To Break A Plateau!

  • Change the type of exercise you are performing
  • Increase the intensity
  • Slow down the repetitions or increase the time of the exercise
  • Improve your technique or form (Hire a Coach or Watch How To Online)

If you are someone who is suffering from headachesneck pain or low back pain or may think you are someone suffering from changes due to your exercise! You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




Can Chiropractors Help Unlevelled Postures?

An Unlevel or “wonky” posture can be due to many different reasons, some of this could be from ongoing pain to just structural deficits that have occurred overtime or since birth.

The 2 Most Common Reasons For an Unlevelled Posture Include:

  • Scoliosis is known to many as being a big issue of posture although it really does depend on its severity. Scoliosis is classified in 2 forms known as structural or functional scoliosis and both have different diagnosis and treatments involved to either manage symptoms or improve an unlevelled spine.
  • Pelvic Tilt is seen allot with people who suffer from low back pain. This could be as simple as tight muscles or a joint dysfunction. There can also be external factors causing these symptoms such as poor footwear or high impact sports causing unwanted changes to the bodies structure and function.

Common Scoliotic Symptoms

Common Pelvic Tilt Symptoms

Can Chiropractors Help With Uneven Postures?

Chiropractors are able to use various treatments and techniques to help reduce tension in areas of restriction and pain. In doing so chiropractors can help with functional scoliosis by making changes to further improve wellbeing. Structural scoliosis becomes more of a management plan that is usually targeting the symptom of pain as well as trying to enhance bodily function to improve things such as flexibility, mobility and strength using both treatment and rehabilitation plans.

4 Ways You Can Manage Your Posture!

If you are someone who is suffering from headachesneck pain or low back pain or may think you are someone suffering from changes to your posture! You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




3 Easy Ways To Manage Your Sciatica!

Sciatica is a term used for a pain that shoots down one or at times both sides of the legs. This is a cause from irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. This is a common issue with people suffering from sciatica hence why many have heard of this term before. In this blog we will be talking about the common causes of sciatica and how we can manage this condition!

Common Causes Of Sciatica

  • Disc protrusion in the lower back causing inflammation and compression of the sciatic nerve
  • Bone or disc degeneration in the lower back region
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Tight Piriformis Muscle causing compression of the sciatic nerve – most common cause due to over-sitting

3 Ways To Manage Sciatica

  • Avoid prolonged sitting and get moving more!
  • Stretching and exercising the lower back and glute muscles to reduce tension within the area!
  • Seeing a chiropractor! Chiropractors are able to alleviate symptoms of sciatica by decompressing the spine and reducing tension within the piriformis muscle if its causing symptoms.

*Our Chiropractors are upskilled in many areas of rehabilitation. If you are someone who is suffering from sciatica or sciatic like pains book an appointment today or give our team a call today on 9376 2002 at The Melbourne Chiropractor to find out how we can help you out today!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




All About The “Posture Pole”

What is a posture pole? 

Posture pole’s are a long foam roller that can be cut in half to lay flat on the floor. The goal of the foam roller is to be long enough to rest on the full length of your spine up to the back of your head.

How To Correctly Position Yourself On A Posture Pole?

The correct way to position yourself is to lay with your knees bent whilst resting on the posture pole with the back of your head touching and the bottom of your pelvis touching the length of the posture pole. It is then as easy as laying with your arms outwards in a scarecrow position with your palms facing up towards the roof.

Posture Pole Positioning

What Are The Recommendations?

The goal is to lay on the posture pole for as long as 10 minutes at a time. Usually at the beginning it may be uncomfortable meaning that 2 sets of 5 minutes may be better to start with or even 3 by 3 minutes throughout the day. A maximum of 15 minutes is enough to get the body stretched out for the day.

Why Use The Posture Pole?

The reason for using the posture pole is to eliminate tension, increase flexibility and allow the body to relax. It also helps you focus on something other than your electronic devices. Use this time to focus on your breathing and relaxation.

*Our Chiropractors are upskilled in many areas of rehabilitation. If you are someone who is suffering from poor posture or bad postural habits book an appointment today or give our team a call today on 9376 2002 at The Melbourne Chiropractor to find out how we can help you out today!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




Shin Splint Rehab 

️ ️
🦵🏻 Shin splints are a common complaint affecting athletes, particularly runners! Shin Splints are a generalised term used to describe pains felt along the tibia [Shin bone]. They are an injury associated with overuse, overtraining and in some cases poor foot & leg mechanics. This ultimately leads to strain and pain in the muscles of the leg

🏃🏻‍♂️ Shin splints can be categorised into anterior and posterior shin splints. They usually arise due to dysfunction or strain through the Tibialis anterior and posterior muscles. These strains can occur due to changes in training load or running surfaces and insufficient rest. This strain pattern can also occur due to bio-mechanical causes, such as weakness and inflexibility in the muscles of the lower limb. Poor footwear can also contribute

👨‍⚕️ Shin splints are generally diagnosed through a case history and physical examination by your physician. Further scanning can be utilised to rule out other sinister diagnoses’ such as fractures

🧊 Initial treatment involves pain and inflammation reduction through decreases in training load, increased rest and use of Ice. Once achieved, the aim is to regain full ROM of the leg and to regain normal foot biomechanics. Once that is completed, muscle strength of the lower limb must be restored, as return to sport and activity will commence

🥵 If left untreated, shin splits can can progress into tibial stress fractures which will require further intervention. In rarer cases, muscle compartment syndrome can develop, where surgical intervention may be required

✔️ Here are some exercises that may help decrease your pain associated with shin splints

1️⃣ Loaded Kettle Bell Plantar Flexion or Dorsi Flexion
2️⃣ Balance Reach Activity
3️⃣ Tibialis Posterior Calf Raise

⚠️ Remember to consult a health care professional before commencing these exercises 

If you are someone who is suffering from Shin Splints and don’t know where to start, or wondering what to expect on your first chiropractic visitour team of chiropractors at our BroadmeadowsWestmeadows or Fawkner Chiropractic locations we are more than happy to help you get back on track. You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

