Thoracic outlet syndrome is an issue which causes not only pain but shooting like symptoms down the arms. It can be mistaken for a cervical nerve impingement and can be intermittent depending on the severity.
Our chiropractors are trained professionals when it comes to musculoskeletal complaints. The goals of treatment intertwine with treatment modalities and exercise rehabilitation. Due to the fact thoracic outlet syndrome is directly correlated with the thoracic spine (upper back), it is obvious that adjustments and soft tissue therapies will be focused in that area.
If you are someone that is currently suffering from thoracic outlet syndrome and are feeling the tingles down the arms, be sure to get one of our chiropractors to examine and assess your condition.
A chiropractor can cover a whole lot of different avenues when it comes to health related conditions. Balance however is something that can be improved by implementing chiropractic care.
What Causes Our Balance To Get Worse?
Balance is dependant on what we do throughout our lives. If you are someone that is sitting in a slouched position or cross-legged on the couch then this can cause changes to our posture. Also injuries that involve muscles or joints can have a long-term effect on balance as changes to both gait and posture will limit the amount of strength and energy the body has to exert and focus pressure in a single spot.
Other Conditons That Can Affect Balance
Eye disorders
Ear disorders
Anxiety and stress
High or low blood pressure
Be sure to keep in check with your GP for any medical related concerns involving medications/cardiovascular disorders.
How Can Chiropractors Help?
Chiropractors aim to make changes to the musculoskeletal system which effects both or mobility and flexibility. By doing so our balance can improve and this is because our muscles tighten up and limit our ability to control them.
Thankfully our team of practitioners operate on Sundays. We have both chiropractors and Remedial massage therapists available from 8am till Late on Sundays across multiple locations in Melbourne.
This can be subject to change if there are public holidays!
If you are someone looking for a Sunday Chiropractor that is open now you can book instantly online or call on 9302 1023 to schedule in an appointment!
Are you someone that spends majority of their time on the phone or in front of a TV?
Are you noticing your posture is being affected from the hours you spend engaging in screen time?
Are you feeling aches and pains, or maybe even a slight headache?
Then this blog is for you!
In this blog will be discussing why and how screen time affects your posture and ways in which you can improve or even reverse the changes you have made!
What Does Screen Time Mean?
Screen time is any type of device that causes you to sit, watch or use for long periods of time. The obvious ones include a TV or phone but can also be things such as notebooks or gaming consoles.
How Does Screen Time Affect Me?
Screen time affects the body by putting pressure in the spine in uncomfortable positions. In doing so this can lead to postural changes long term, aches and pains or even stress.
How Can I Limit My Screen Time?
The easiest way to limit screen time would be to set an alarm. Usually after every hour it is recommended you take a 5 minute break to stretch and move around.
What If It Is To Late?
If you are someone that knows they have taken their screen time to far it is still possible to revert the changes that have been made. This can be in forms of taking a break from screen time, implementing stretches and exercises throughout daily life or visiting a chiropractor.
How Can A Chiropractor Help?
A Chiropractor can’t help you stop screen timing. Although a good chiropractor is able to help reduce tension, tightness, overall pain and recommend some simple stretches that may be of benefit with long term use.
Chiropractors are able to get to the cause of the problem. At times frozen shoulder can be confused for rib issues or bad inflammation from a muscle flare up of the rear deltoid or pec minor muscles. Rib dysfunction can also cause symptoms related to frozen shoulder. Chiropractors are able to help treat frozen Shoulder by using various treatments such as manual adjustments, deep tissue therapy and Mobilisation techniques.
If you are someone that is currently suffering from frozen shoulder or are unsure our team of chiropractors are able to help diagnose the issue at hand and give the care and rehabilitation needed to get you back moving again!
Stretching and exercising is a great way to get the body moving again although when in pain it can cause some unwanted aches and pains!
There is no right or wrong when it comes to mobilising joints when they are stiff but when an acute condition arises rest is usually best!
Stretching when in pain can actually hinder recovery and strain the muscles associated with the issue at hand! The goal when stretching is to help prevent things from getting tight to begin with although when there is a muscle strain pulling it into lengthened positions can damage the muscle.
Exercise on the otherhand can be great when done for mobility only during acute pain. Usually walking or swimming can help mobilise areas of concern given muscles the ability to function without them getting weak and tight throughout the recovery process. Exercise in strenuous matters should be limited as compressive forces or jolting exercises can cause damage to the area of concern.
If you are currently struggling to move and and unable to walk it is probably best to see a professional before engaging in any physical types of activity especially if you are immobile.
The goal with both exercise and stretching when in pain is to comfortably move areas that are in pain without causing more discomfort. There are many variations and exercises to do depending on the condition and this can be tailored into a rehab plan when you see one of our healthcare professionals.
If you are currently suffering from any aches or pains our team of chiropractors and Remedial Massage Therapists are experienced in musculoskeletal injuries and have the ability to point you in the right direction with exercise and stretching activities!
Chiropractors use techniques to adjust the spinal joint that is stuck and inflamed. This is the usual cause of Torticollis and in turn muscles tense up to protect the joint that is in strife.
If you are someone that is suffering from Torticollis our team of chiropractors at The Melbourne Chiropractor are able to help with your debilitating neck pain! We use various methods to help free up the muscles and reduce the tension of the joint!
Pains and weakness on the outside of your elbow? You may be suffering from Tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is found commonly in individuals who use repeated arm and wrist movements such as baristas, painters, bar tenders, office workers and racquet sports players.
Tennis elbow is an overuse injury caused by repetitive strain of the muscles controlling backward wrist and finger movements. This repeated strain causes degeneration of the tendon and subsequent pain.
Tennis elbow has long been known as ‘Lateral Epicondylitis’. However this indicates inflammation of the tendon. Studies now indicate that it is not an inflammatory condition but a degenerative one.
Symptoms Include!
Pain localised to the outside of the Elbow (especially on the bone). Weakness and pain that is worse with gripping and grasping. Pain that is worse with repetitive wrist movements. Morning stiffness and persistent ache
Tennis elbow affects approximately 1-3 % of people every year. Although it can affect anyone, people over 40 are most at risk. Funnily enough tennis players only make up only 5-10% of the patient population despite the name
If left untreated, it can take between 6 months and 2 years to get better. In some cases it may not get better without the need of physical therapy or surgery
Here are some exercises that may help speed up your recovery of tennis elbow
Easiest way to stop headaches is to find out how and when they will begin. Sometimes there is a common trigger. Maybe you woke up with a headache? Maybe you didn’t drink anything today or maybe you twisted suddenly and strained your neck! All reasons that should be looked into and can cause headaches!
If you are currently suffering from headaches and it has become to far gone to diminish its symptoms our team of chiropractors can help! Not all headaches are preventable from the above due to other types of headaches caused by other factors such as sinusitis, vestibular headaches or even aura like migraines. To book an appointment call us on 9302 1023 or book online today to get yourself assessed and find the correct plan to suit your needs!
Stretching is a great way to get the body moving although there are many different methods to either warm up your body, increase your flexibility or just help stretch an uncomfortable tight muscle!
The most popular methods of stretching include static, dynamic and PNF stretching. Each of these involve different techniques to get a muscle moving for the better.
Static Stretching
Static stretching is great for tight muscles to improve discomfort or pain you are feeling. The great thing about static stretching is that it is simple and effective and can be done even in front of your desk at work! A simple stretch at the desk is our go to which is the common neck stretch which is done by pulling your head towards one side of the body and holding it!
Dynamic Stretching
Dynamic stretching is a fantastic way to get limbered up for a run, a workout or even for a game of soccer. Unlike static stretching which can hinder performance in sporting events, dynamic stretching allows for an increase in blood flow and heart rate and usually involves moving muscles needed for the activity at hand. A simple dynamic stretch before a run can be leg swings which involves 10 or more repetitions each side yo get the benefits!
PNF Stretching
PNF stretching also known as proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, involves a muscle to be stretched and then forced into a push before further stretching the muscle. PNF stretching has great benefits when it comes to improving flexibility. The goal of this stretch is to enhance mobility but also decrease chances of muscles seizing up and becoming weak!
How Does Stretching Help?
Apart from the above variations of stretching the benefits out way the risks. Unlike heavy exercises and strenuous activities, stretching requires minimal energy expenditure and can give immense relief when put into a daily routine.
Will Stretching Improve Hip & Back Pain?
This is all dependant on whether you have hip instability. Other factors of back pain stem further than just muscle pain. Our body also has issues both with joints, ligaments and tendons and this can be true not just for low back pain but for neck, Shoulder and other joint pains!