03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

Top 3 Ground Sports For Summer 2023!

Some of us love to go sightseeing and do things that require little to no equipment! Our bodies are designed to exert energy and power without needing assistance from a secondary source. Unlike water sport activities we don’t need to be weary of the dangers of going to deep or far past our comfort zones, although watching out for inclines and hidden potholes can be quite the problem!

Summer doesn’t have to be spent in the water it just has to be enjoyable for you! Water phobia is a real thing but even if you don’t suffer from it here are some fantastic ways to engage in some form of exercise over the Summer of 2023!

1- Walking/Running – This is the best way to exert energy and build up your stamina over a period of time by creating a training protocol. You don’t have to be a strong runner or even fit to get yourself started. Training in simple intervals such as, running 5 minutes and walking 5 minutes and repeating is a great way to get started!

2- Tennis – The Australian Open is around the corner and let’s be honest this a fantastic way to get you out and about for a social game with some friends! No matter the skill set tennis is a sport that can be played by all ages. If you are worried about not being as good as  you first thought, get yourself a coach and maybe join the local club to get yourself going for this Summer 2023!

3- Bike Riding/Hiking – Both are great, one requires the use of equipment the other does not, but the great thing about it all is that it gets you up and moving. The great thing about hiking this summer is having the ability to travel to new places and see new things. It doesnt have to be a wild goose chase, it just has to be something that is comfortable for you! Bike Riding on the other hand is a less strenuous exercise as it requires less pressure onto the joints although is still a fantastic way to mobilise the hips!

Remember when engaging in any type of sport to keep yourself hydrated and slip slop slap over this summer! Sunscreen does more than just protect us from getting burnt, it can save our lives!

If you are currently experiencing any strains, sprains or back pains and are looking to put a stop to it, our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor at ready to get you sorted over this summer period!

Call us on 9302 1023 or book online today to schedule in an appointment with a chiropractor or remedial massage therapist at one of our 3 clinics!

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Top 3 Water Sports For Better Health This Summer 2023!

Water Sports are a great way of getting outdoors! Not only can they be quite challenging but they require a particular skillset that helps with mind/body connection. Water is also buoyant and can help decrease the pressure on the bodies joints as well as enabling for pain free movement in arthritic joints.

Being aware of your surroundings and taking into consideration your limits around water beforehand will help decrease the chances of injury and risk.

Top 3 Water Sports For Summer 2023!

1- Rowing – This is not only a great exercise for the back but uts quite strenuous on the cardiovascular system! This means that endurance plays a key factor in being able to move through the water for a period of time. Having the ability to train multiple areas of the body at once is a great way of getting started on your fitness journey and don’t forget to stay hydrated whilst doing it!

2- Swimming – Any type of swimming is a great start to improving your health and wellbeing. Be sure to have experience in swimming before travelling to far deep into water. If you are in a public pool stay within your limits and use a stroke that you do well without over exerting yourself!

3- Surfing – This is a great water sport if you are confident with waves and are already a strong swimmer. This requires not only to be able to swim through tough waters but also get onto a board and balance yourself without falling. This is allot to learn for beginners and usually the best way to get started would be getting a trainer or attending a group class to learn the ways of a seasoned surfer!

If you feel that water sports are not your thing there are always great ways to spend your summer on land based activities!

Have you got any headaches or sports injuries needing to be taken care of? Our Team at The Melbourne Chiropractor can help you out today! Call us on 9302 1023 or book online today and visit any of our 3 clinics in the northern suburbs!

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5 Ways To Kickstart  Your 2023!

Another new year another new years resolution… but the question is are you going to be engaging your time in things that make you enjoy and respect the process?

In this blog we will be talking about the 5 best ways to kickstart your 2023 and keep in mind not all of these involve fitness or self goals!

  1. Creating time for yourself to plan and recuperate yourself. Allot of the times we tend to give ourselves no time to do things productive outside of work. The common Netflix & Chill is not a great way of spending your free time especially when things like washing, and cleaning need to be done. This can help decrease the cost of outsourcing for cleaners if they have been used before to “help” around the house.
  2. Getting into a routine! This can be anything from fitness, work or sleep. The main thing we find with our patients is many either don’t sleep routinely and often feel tired throughout the day, this can lead to aches and pains as restlessness can set in. Pillows play a big part in your sleep so be sure to have a one that suits your body!
  3. Cutting back on unwanted goods! Be sure to prioritize things that you need and not those things that you may want. This is a great analogy whether it is for dieting or saving money as a whole!
  4. Learn new skills! Hobbies are fantastic don’t get us wrong but if you have grass to cut or hedges to trim now is the time to get your hands dirty and see how you can manage a few things on your own this year in 2023!
  5. Improve your health and wellbeing! There are many ways of doing this. Joining the gym or going for a walk as an added daily activity can help supplement this. Another way would be seeing your health care practitioner. Whether it is a chiropractor or a remedial massage therapist both can help kickstart your 2023 in the right direction to becoming or even being pain free!

If you are someone who is currently suffering from any aches or pains here at The Melbourne Chiropractor our team of Chiropractors and Remedial Massage Therapists are here to get you back on track!

Give our clinic a call on 9302 1023 or book online today!

Our Locations




How Can You Improve Your Postural Wellbeing?

Poor Posture is a blanket term used for many different types of postural issues or distortions.

Not one type of posture is the same and this comes down to the fact that everyone uses their bodies differently depending on lifestyle habits and choices!

Because of this it is common for our team of chiropractors to see different aches and pains that have risen due to poor posture.

In this blog we will list the 5 ways in which poor posture can affect your wellbeing and how you can improve them for the better!

1- Decreased flexibility and mobility

2 – Increased risk of injury and pain

3 – Decreased Breathing Capacity

4 – Reduction in height due to increased kyphosis

5 – Increased stress

How Can You Improve Your Postural Wellbeing?

When our body is put into a strained position for long periods in awkward positions we should be mindful of this. By making the changes earlier on and using ergonomic seating protocols and ensuring long hours of seating be prohibited we will find a decrease in overall tightness by the end of the work day.

Engaging in a workout regime and getting the body moving is always a great way of getting started with your postural wellbeing. Any type of movement which involves the expenditure of energy will keep you motovated to do more throughout your day.

Being mindful of lifting technique on the job site is always a simple way of making sure you don’t aggravate or hurt yourself. When the damage is done it is hard to go back hence why when things get severe most health professionals may only be able to manage your pains!

If you are someone that is suffering from a sudden ache or an uncomfortable headache our  experienced team of chiropractors or remedial massage therapists may be able to help you out today!

You can book online at either one of our 3 clinics in Broadmeadows, Westmeadows or Fawkner with a male or female practitioner of your choice!




The Power Of Positive Thinking

Our mind plays both an emotional and physical role and guides us to do certain things throughout our daily lives. Depending on our mindset if we are leaning towards being positive we would be more likely to see successful outcomes throughout life and ones that change us for the better.

In this blog we will talk about ways in which you can improve your thinking to become more positive.
First off the main thing to improve your mindset is to find the negatives that are holding you back from becoming better!

Here are the top 5 things that may be causing this negative mindset:
– Noticing more negativity
– Feeling down on yourself
– Getting distracted with unwanted dramas
– Your friendship group
– Current job role

What can happen if you continue these negative habits?
– Binge eating
– Increased anxiety / depression
– Changes to mood
– Loss of work/life balance
– Increased stress and sickness

7 Ways To Improve Positive Thinking!
– Create good changes slowly
– Don’t force yourself to do things you don’t feel comfortable doing
Relax and meditate
Set up your sleep schedule
Create a healthy meal plan to keep you on track
Join a gym or start a fitness journey
See a healthcare professional to help with any aches or pains

*If you are interested in finding a team that best suits your needs book online today with one of our practitioners!

We also offer Pregnancy Care, Paediatric CareRemedial MassageDry Needling and Cupping Therapies

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

Our Locations:




Why Should We Exercise?

Exercise is a physical activity which causes us to expend energy. In doing so it helps create function and mobility depending on the type of exercise that is being participated in. The idea around exercise is to enhance the body’s functional and physical abilities. Whether it is cardiovascular health, mobility, endurance or just trying to look better.

What Is Our Team’s Approach To Exercise?

Exercise is a fundamental building block to engage and strengthen areas of weakness throughout the musculoskeletal system. Our goal as chiropractors is to use exercises that are generalised to begin with and then work on weaknesses individually according to the persons preferences. Not one exercise is guaranteed to have an optimal outcome in every individual hence why a variety of different stretches and strengthening activities are implemented throughout ones care plan.

What Are Signs Exercise Is Negatively Impacting You?

–     Continuous Injury

–     Increased Stress

–     Changes to cognitive state

–     Decrease in functional performance

5 Common Misconceptions Regarding Exercise

  • The more you do the better
  • The harder you train the better
  • No pain No gain!
  • Cookie Cutter programs
  • Sweating it out

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Exercise Activities

*If you are interested in finding a team that best suits your needs book online today with one of our practitioners!

We also offer Pregnancy Care, Paediatric CareRemedial MassageDry Needling and Cupping Therapies

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

Our Locations:




Is Your Baby Sleeping At Night?

A quiet baby is considered a luxury to most parents although at times this isn’t in our control no matter what we do!

Sometimes babies decide to get sore or really gassy and in doing so they become uncomfortable.

Our goal here at The Melbourne Chiropractor is to provide a service that enables our practitioners to help assist and alleviate some of these symptoms that may be causing your child to feel this way!

Our approach to paediatric care is both gentle and concise and we have experienced professionals onboard in the industry who have dealt with children for many years.

Concerns That We Can Treat Include:

– Pain

– Muscle Imbalances 

– Sleep Disturbances

– Concentration 

– Colic

– Reflux

– Bedwetting 

– Constipation 

If you are someone who is unsure whether or not your child is suffering from any of the above symptoms, our experienced team of chiropractors are more than happy to do a check-up to ensure your infant is functioning to the best of their abilities! 

If you would like to know more you can call on 9302 1023 or book online at any of our Westmeadows, Fawkner or Broadmeadows Locations with one of our paediatric chiropractors!




Is Your Footwear Hurting Your Feet?

Footwear can be fashionable or all out hideous but this doesn’t make a difference when it comes to whether or not your footwear is killing your feet!

We have seen many different styles popping up over the years, maybe you are someone who wears crocs? Or someone that wears versace slippers? Or maybe you like to wear thongs on a day to day basis?

If any of this sounds familiar maybe your footwear is killing your feet!

In this blog we will go through what type of footwear are going to be ideal for your situation and why and how our team can help you if its to late!

What Is The Best Type Of Footwear?

The ideal pair of shoes does not exist! There is not a one style fits all solution when it comes to footwear. The goal when looking for something to put on your feet is to find a pair of shoes that suits your job and your lifestyle. You may need 2 different types of shoes, 1 for work and 1 for everyday chores.

What Should I Be Looking For When Buying Shoes?

First things first, you should “Try Before You Buy”. Comfort is key but browsing online stores and reading reviews isnt going to make you feel the comfort and support of a shoe!

The top 3 things you should be looking for in a shoe are:

– Arch Support of the foot

– Ankle Support

– Comfort

Unfortunately it is extremely hard to find a nice mix of all 3 of these combinations. You might find a shoe with amazing support but feels like a brick on your foot or you may find an amazing shoe that comfortable when walking but has 0 ankle support so any type of running or strenuous movement may be a risk of injury!

How Do I Know If My Feet Are The Problem?

This all depends on your goals! What has been giving you grief? Are you cramping in your feet at night? Have you had changes to the way you walk recently? Do you find it hard to grip or keep balance on a steady floor? These are just some simple things that you can get checked by one of our health care professionals!

If you think you are someone that is suffering from any of the above or feel that there is something more to your problem other than some dodgy footwear give our clinic a call on 9302 1023 and we can discuss further if we are able to assist you with your healthcare journey!

If you would like to use our chiropractic services or see our remedial massage therapists you can also book online today at any of our clinics located in Westmeadows, Fawkner or Broadmeadows. We also offer Dry Needling, Cupping, Paediatric Care and Pregnancy Care for anyone that needs these alternative services!




Advice On Starting Your Health & Wellness Journey!

If you are struggling to find out what’s best for you and
your health and wellness journey this will be the blog for you!

We will be discussing how you can improve your wellbeing
including strategies to help you to get motivated to begin your healthcare

Why Should You Improve Your Health & Wellbeing?

Everyone is different not one person is alike! Health can be
classified in many different categories and can be looked at differently by
many different professionals. The obvious reason for you beginning your
healthcare journey should be to improve or reach your own health care goals!

The biggest reasons for doing so could be to:

–       Improve physical performance

–       Decrease pain

–       Manage Pain

–       Eliminate headaches or migraines

–       Create healthy lifestyle choices

–       Changing Diet

–       Increasing Physical Activity

5 Pieces Of Advice To Get You Started On Your Journey!

– Make Small Changes 

To many changes to your lifestyle can become overwhelming and very hard to control all at once. Having a set schedule with small increments weekly can allow you to ease into the process of your healthcare journey!

Enjoy The Process 

Don’t push yourself to do things that your body is not yet ready to handle. Overexercising or overtraining can cause injury in the process. Being consistent and having a plan with incremental goals in mind is the best way to get started!

Be Realistic
Trying to lose 5 kgs in a week is not something realistic if anything it can be detrimental to your health. The focus should be an achievable goal that you can comfortably meet and then try to improve yourself each and every time at a steady pace

Find a Support Group

Having a team of people or a group of friends to help you throughout your journey is always a great way of keeping you motivated and on track. Something as simple as taking a friend to the gym or getting a coach will keep you accountable for showing up and getting the work done!

Don’t Compare Yourself, Enjoy Yourself!

Before you start don’t look at people who have been training or working on their lifestyle goals for years. Everyone has to start somewhere and your mindset should be focussed on amplifying your own goals and becoming the best version of yourself. Focus on enjoying yourself and finding something that you can stick with and excel at!

Find a holistic allied health professional to help balance your body.

Decreasing stress, tension and pain throughout your healthcare journey can make a big difference when it comes to injury and consistency. Our Chiropractors or Remedial Massage therapists are able to help you work towards your goals and improve your health and wellbeing for the better!

*If you are interested in finding a team that best suits your needs book online today with one of our practitioners!

We also offer Pregnancy Care, Paediatric Care, Remedial Massage, Dry Needling and Cupping Therapies

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




5 Tips To Help Improve Your Mental Focus!

Have you ever been sat thinking deeply about something and then suddenly your mind goes for a wonder? It may be as simple as organising something for this afternoon or what plans you have made throughout the week!

If this sounds like you don’t be disheartened! Many people these days struggle with mental focus and lack concentration due to ongoing stressors throughout their lives.

In this blog we will be talking about how you can successfully improve your mental focus!

Why Is Mental Focus So Important?

Mental focus is the driving force of getting you to complete whatever task you have at hand. Without mental focus you will lack that sudden drive to get the task at hand started. Without mental focus you may become stressed out, anxious or overall just lazy!

Can Mental Focus Affect Me Physically?

Ofcourse! With a lack of drive what are the chances of you going to the gym or sticking to your physical goals? Without being focussed you may also put yourself at risk of injury and chronic stress long term!

What Types Of Conditions Affect Mental Focus?

–       Anxiety

–       ADHD

–       Sleep Disorders

–       Depression

–       Stress

Our 5 Tips To Help You Improve Mental Focus!

–       Meditation – Meditation Enables the body to relax and distress. Being relaxed enables the body to function optimally and allows the bodies cognitive ability to work to its highest ability without getting clouded and forgetful!

–       Listening to music – Music has a calming affect as well as increasing a persons motivation. This in turn will help with overall productivity and goal setting!

–       Memory Exercises – Anything that challenges the mind such as a simple game of chess or Sudoku can help improve cognitive function. Being productive in some way will help stop you from getting forgetful!

–       Improve/Change Sleeping Habits – Setting an alarm and turning off electronic devices before sleeping can make a big difference in cognitive function and mental focus. Setting a sleep schedule will enable you to get in your 7+ hours per day weekly and stop you from staying up to late

–       A Healthy Diet – A diet that is low in sugars will help drastically with mental focus. Sugars can crash a persons mood especially when High-GI foods are in the mix. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and mental focus! Therefore sticking to whole foods such as meats and vegetables and looking for Low-GI alternatives are a great way to set up your mental focus for the better!

At The Melbourne Chiropractor we offer chiropractic care that may help improve mental focus. Our treatments and services are designed to help reduce stress and anxiety from pain whilst improving overall wellness. If you are looking to improve your mental focus and concentration, book online today to see one of our allied health professionals at either of our Westmeadows, Broadmeadows or Fawkner Clinics!