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Does Working Out Improve Posture?

Improving posture is not an easy task hence why a majority of patients see chiropractors to help decrease unwanted curvature throughout the spine. Usually when a spinal joint has been restricted in a position for a prolonged period of time it can cause the body to automate it’s function and create change to the region affected. This change can cause pain, limited movement and postural distortions. Unfortunately it is not as easy to fix as joining a gym and pumping some weights and in this blog we will explain why and how we can make these changes for the better!

Why Doesn’t Exercise Change Posture?

Have you ever seen a hunchback at the gym? Look around, guaranteed there will be a beefed up individual with a slump like posture and this can be due to the fact of spinal joint restrictions throughout the spine. Yes, working the muscles strengthens the surrounding area although muscles are only one part of the problem! Majority of the patients that come in have very little drive to start gym routines and lift weights and hence why chiropractic care can be beneficial with prescribed therapies and recommendations to make change!

How Can We Make Changes To Posture?

The biggest way of making change is to locate the restricted joints in the spine and either seeking professional help to mobilise the area or you can part take in stretching and mobility training such as yoga and Pilates.

How Can Chiropractors Help With Posture?

A chiropractor can help with posture by using adjustments in specific joints to help remobilise them almost instantly. With the help of spinal adjustments and mobility exercises, posture is able to improve as a whole. To figure out how bad posture is both a posture scan and X-Ray will be taken if necessary to see how bad the degeneration is aswell as any other anomalies unseen from the naked eye.

If you are someone that is suffering from a hunch back or other postural deficit, reach out to one of our chiropractic specialists at The Melbourne Chiropractor and lets help correct and stabilize your spine again!

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Back Supports? The Big Problem

Back supports are a big part of the problem when it comes to back pain and decreasing the amount of time it takes to recover. You may ask why? This is what we will be explaining in this blog about back supports!

What Do Back Supports Achieve?

Back supports aim to increase the pressure around your abdominal muscle bellies to help prevent and secure you from over stretching or exerting yourself. Depending on the brace they may allow for the body to maintain a certain posture.

Why Are Back Supports Bad?

Back supports are great for maintaining certain positions when muscles are being engaged and you work a physical job although whilst sitting at a desk or driving a car this is when back support braces can cause more harm than good.

How Do Back Supports Negatively Impact Back Pain?

Long hours of back support during sedentary types of activity can cause muscles to weaken to the point where you are unable to function without the brace! Muscles get lazy if they are no being worked and being that the brace is doing their job for them the body begins to weaken in those regions.

What Is The Best Way To Target Back Pain?

Back pain sucks and it shouldn’t be something that stops you from living your life. The easiest way to start your journey is to visit a healthcare professional. Usually it is best to make an initial appointment and find out what is actually going on. No back pain is the same and should not be treated the same either.

How Do Chiropractors Help?

Our Chiropractors help by first assessing and diagnosing the problem at hand. Then after soft tissue therapies and chiropractic adjustments are used, with a combination of other various techniques to help decrease not only the pain but improve the overall function of the body.

If you are someone that is currently suffering from back pain our chiropractors can help get you back on track today!

Book online today or call on 9302 1023 to book your first appointment today.

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Reflux & Colic In Babies

Reflux and colic is a common symptom found in babies which causes them to take in excessive amount of air causing them to feel uncomfortable and u settled throughout the day/night.

At times this can limit your child’s ability to sleep and hinder their development. As we know sleep is the foundation of a babies growth and must be taken seriously to ensure optimal function and wellbeing.

How Do I Know My Child Has Colic/Reflux?

– Sleeping Problems

– Struggling To Eat

– Unable To Put On Weight

– Pain or Discomfort In Chest

– Consistent Hiccups/Coughing

What Should I Do As A Parent?

Best plan when babies are suffering with reflux or colic is to visit a paediatric professional. Our chiropractors not only assess and diagnose your babies symptoms but we can treat the underlying cause without the use of pharmaceutical products.

How Does A Paediatric Chiropractor Help?

A paediatric chiropractor helps by using gentle techniques and motions to help correct issues in the babies musculoskeletal system. This can include specific areas such as the TMJ or low back (hip) areas.

If you are a parent that currently has an unsettled baby and are wondering what could be the causes. Our Paediatric chiropractors may be able to help decrease these symptoms and allow the baby to fully recover.

To book online use the link provided or call on 9302 1023 to schedule your first appointment.

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Meralgia Parasthetica

What is Meralgia Paresthetica?

Meralgia paresthetica is a sensations of numbness and tingling after pressure from either a belt around the waist or long periods of sitting. At times this can cause nerve irritation and in turn cause these sensations to be long lasting needing treatment to help alleviate the symptoms. Meralgia paresthetica can also be easily misdiagnosed as it is something that can be closely related to more severe cases of sciatic nerve pain / disc bulges.

Reasons for diagnosis:

Complaint of numbness and tingling in the lateral thigh

Restricted hip and thigh range of motion after wearing a tight belt / trousers or having heavy pockets

Aggravated “like” pain when lateral thigh is compressed

Affected ADL’s and/or decrease concentration due to pain

Factors that could be contributing to the problem:

  • Trauma
  • Overuse of gluteal muscles or erector spinae
  • Obesity
  • Tight or heavy belt pockets
  • Long periods of sitting

Therapies For Meralgia Parasthetica

  • Advice on daily living activities/diet – This enables advice on how to change to make healthy actions into habits and may offer a valuable alternative with potential for long-term impact.
  • Spinal manipulation/activator/drop piece techniques – adjustive techniques have been shown to decrease pain and increase range of motion.
  • Trigger point therapy/handheld massager – have shown to decrease pain/tenderness, enhance both range of motion and quality of life and influence flexibility.
  • Prescribed stretching – Stretching has shown to reduce pain, improve functionality and   overall wellbeing in patients in both long- and short-term outcomes.
  • Prescribed exercises – produce more beneficial outcomes in terms of increased strength, improved function and reduced pain scores.

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Y-Strap Adjustment Chiropractor

Have you been looking for a chiropractor that uses spinal decompression techniques? In particular the Y-strap adjustment?

Our Fawkner Chiropractor Dr Andrew Koranic has been trained in the uses of the Y-strap and other spinal decompression techniques that may be of benefit for people suffering from certain skeletal issues.

Can Anyone Get Spinal Decompression?

Most people are eligible to have decompressive procedures, although for people with spinal fusions, severe disc disease/degeneration, osteoarthritis just to name a few are unable to have decompressive like techniques used on them as brittle joints and already loose bone within segmental joints can be an issue.

Thankfully on your first visit you will be examined and assessed prior to having any decompressive treatments done (if needed) including x-rays if it may be of benefit to understand and see entirely the severity of your degeneration, if any.

What Are The Benefits?

The Y-strap is a technique that helps reduce spinal tension through the body and enables the reduction of inflammation to take place within areas of concern. Unlike many other decompression techniques the Y-strap is able to instantly decompress multiple areas of the spine at the same time without the need for traction tables.

If you are someone that is currently looking for someone that uses the Y-strap technique and don’t know if this is a treatment that can work for you, visit our Fawkner chiropractor today to get an assessment and the essential treatment needed to help improve your health and wellbeing!

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Can A Chiropractor Improve Your Balance?

A chiropractor can cover a whole lot of different avenues when it comes to health related conditions. Balance however is something that can be improved by implementing chiropractic care.

What Causes Our Balance To Get Worse?

Balance is dependant on what we do throughout our lives. If you are someone that is sitting in a slouched position or cross-legged on the couch then this can cause changes to our posture. Also injuries that involve muscles or joints can have a long-term effect on balance as changes to both gait and posture will limit the amount of strength and energy the body has to exert and focus pressure in a single spot.

Other Conditons That Can Affect Balance

  • Eye disorders
  • Ear disorders
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Medications
  • High or low blood pressure

Be sure to keep in check with your GP for any medical related concerns involving medications/cardiovascular disorders.

How Can Chiropractors Help?

Chiropractors aim to make changes to the musculoskeletal system which effects both or mobility and flexibility. By doing so our balance can improve and this is because our muscles tighten up and limit our ability to control them. 

What Techniques Will Chiropractors Use?

Our Chiropractors may use many different treatment modalities which can include adjustive techniques, dry needling, cupping, mobilisations or even exercise prescription.

Be aware that care is always dependant on the patients presentation on the day and other abnormalities or risks presented at the time of treatment.

If you are someone who is currently struggling with balance issues our chiropractors and remedial massage therapists can help you improve today!

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Chiropractor Open Sundays

Looking For A Sunday Chiropractor?

Thankfully our team of practitioners operate on Sundays. We have both chiropractors and Remedial massage therapists available from 8am till Late on Sundays across multiple locations in Melbourne.

This can be subject to change if there are public holidays!

Our practitioners offer different types of care including cupping, dry needling, deep tissue, chiropractic adjustments, injury rehabilitation, children and pregnancy care.

Our chiropractors also specialise in sports chiropractic care, pregnancy and paediatrics, Gonstead, Total body modification (TBM), TMJ, Headache specialisation and Pre/post partum pregnancy.

If you are someone looking for a Sunday Chiropractor that is open now you can book instantly online or call on 9302 1023 to schedule in an appointment!

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Screen Time Affecting Your Health?

Are you someone that spends majority of their time on the phone or in front of a TV? 

Are you noticing your posture is being affected from the hours you spend engaging in screen time?

Are you feeling aches and pains, or maybe even a slight headache?

Then this blog is for you!

In this blog will be discussing why and how screen time affects your posture and ways in which you can improve or even reverse the changes you have made!

What Does Screen Time Mean?

Screen time is any type of device that causes you to sit, watch or use for long periods of time. The obvious ones include a TV or phone but can also be things such as notebooks or gaming consoles.

How Does Screen Time Affect Me?

Screen time affects the body by putting pressure in the spine in uncomfortable positions. In doing so this can lead to postural changes long term, aches and pains or even stress.

How Can I Limit My Screen Time?

The easiest way to limit screen time would be to set an alarm. Usually after every hour it is recommended you take a 5 minute break to stretch and move around.

What If It Is To Late?

If you are someone that knows they have taken their screen time to far it is still possible to revert the changes that have been made. This can be in forms of taking a break from screen time, implementing stretches and exercises throughout daily life or visiting a chiropractor.

How Can A Chiropractor Help?

A Chiropractor can’t help you stop screen timing. Although a good chiropractor is able to help reduce tension, tightness, overall pain and recommend some simple stretches that may be of benefit with long term use.

If you are someone that is struggling with the “screen time aches” then our chiropractors are more than happy to help. We have both male and female practitioners available including remedial massage therapists

Book Online or Call 9302 1023 to schedule your first appointment today!

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All About Frozen Shoulder!

What Is Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen Shoulder also known as a dead arm causes both arm weakness and severe pain within the shoulder joint.

What Causes Frozen Shoulder?

Shoulder Overuse

– Stress or Heavy Knocks To The Joint

Bad Posture

Incorrect Lifting Technique

Frozen Shoulder Symptoms!

Shoulder Pain


– Shooting Pains

– Inability To Move The Arm

– Arm Weakness

Things To Avoid With Frozen Shoulder!

– Compression of The Joint

– Contact Sports

– Heavy Lifting

– Overhead Activity

How To Fix Frozen Shoulder?




Chiropractic Care

How Can Chiropractors Help?

Chiropractors are able to get to the cause of the problem. At times frozen shoulder can be confused for rib issues or bad inflammation from a muscle flare up of the rear deltoid or pec minor muscles. Rib dysfunction can also cause symptoms related to frozen shoulder. Chiropractors are able to help treat frozen Shoulder by using various treatments such as manual adjustments, deep tissue therapy and Mobilisation techniques.

If you are someone that is currently suffering from frozen shoulder or are unsure our team of chiropractors are able to help diagnose the issue at hand and give the care and rehabilitation needed to get you back moving again!

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Should I Stretch Or Exercise When In Pain?

Stretching and exercising is a great way to get the body moving again although when in pain it can cause some unwanted aches and pains!

There is no right or wrong when it comes to mobilising joints when they are stiff but when an acute condition arises rest is usually best!

Stretching when in pain can actually hinder recovery and strain the muscles associated with the issue at hand! The goal when stretching is to help prevent things from getting tight to begin with although when there is a muscle strain pulling it into lengthened positions can damage the muscle.

Exercise on the otherhand can be great when done for mobility only during acute pain. Usually walking or swimming can help mobilise areas of concern given muscles the ability to function without them getting weak and tight throughout the recovery process. Exercise in strenuous matters should be limited as compressive forces or jolting exercises can cause damage to the area of concern.

If you are currently struggling to move and and unable to walk it is probably best to see a professional before engaging in any physical types of activity especially if you are immobile.

The goal with both exercise and stretching when in pain is to comfortably move areas that are in pain without causing more discomfort. There are many variations and exercises to do depending on the condition and this can be tailored into a rehab plan when you see one of our healthcare professionals.

If you are currently suffering from any aches or pains our team of chiropractors and Remedial Massage Therapists are experienced in musculoskeletal injuries and have the ability to point you in the right direction with exercise and stretching activities!

For more on what to expect on your first chiropractic visit or to find out more about our team of chiropractors at our BroadmeadowsWestmeadows or Fawkner Chiropractic locations you can click on the links provided. You can always contact us or book onlinehttps://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

