03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Runners with Pain!

Running has become an increasingly popular way to stay fit and enjoy the outdoors. However, with the rise in this activity, many runners have encountered unexpected aches and pains. While common running injuries are often associated with the ankles, knees, and hips, back pain is another frequent complaint, often felt on one side of the lower back near the sacroiliac (SI) joint.

What Is the Sacroiliac Joint and Why Does It Matter?

The SI joints are located where your sacrum (the base of your spine) meets your pelvis. These joints play a crucial role in absorbing shock and facilitating smooth movement between your upper and lower body. Although they don’t move much, their gliding motion is vital for activities like running.

When an SI joint becomes restricted or misaligned, your body compensates, potentially leading to pain in the back, hips, knees, or even ankles. On the other hand, prolonged sitting or tight muscles like the hamstrings and hip rotators can add stress to the SI joint, further contributing to discomfort.

How Chiropractic Can Help Runners

Chiropractors specialize in identifying and addressing joint restrictions, including those in the SI joint. Here’s how chiropractic care can make a difference:

Assessment and Adjustment

A chiropractor can evaluate your body’s biomechanics to pinpoint areas that aren’t functioning properly. If the SI joint is the culprit, adjustments can restore its motion and alleviate pain.

Muscle Stretching and Release

Tight hamstrings and hip rotators often accompany SI joint issues. Chiropractors may recommend stretches or foam rolling to loosen these muscles, improving flexibility and reducing strain on the joint.

Injury Prevention

Regular chiropractic adjustments can help maintain optimal joint function, reducing the risk of future injuries. Preventive care is especially beneficial for runners, as the repetitive nature of the activity puts ongoing stress on the SI joint.

Tips for Runners Experiencing Pain

  • Incorporate foam rolling into your routine before and after running to enhance muscle recovery.
  • Stretch your hip rotators and hamstrings regularly to relieve tension.

Running should be a pain-free and enjoyable activity. By addressing issues like SI joint dysfunction early, you can stay active and avoid interruptions to your training. If you’re experiencing discomfort, consider visiting a chiropractor to get back on track—literally and figuratively!

Our Locations


Mill Park Chiropractic Clinic Opening January 3rd! 2025

The Melbourne Chiropractor Mill Park provides specialised techniques to help with all types of musculoskeletal problems. With a team of 10+ and expanding to 5 clinics across Melbourne’s North in the last 3 years our chiropractors have seen first hand what it takes to deal with all types of complaints/bodily issues. Our team pride themselves to be able to not only help with symptomatic pain but also long term longevity and postural correction by pointing out areas of postural neglect that can easily lead to a healthier spine!

Our assortment of chiropractors are thankfully not governed by a one size fits all approach meaning that our chiropractors in Mill Park have the ability to treat people from all ages. Specifically Paediatric care and Pregnancy chiropractic care. This is a great specialisation to have especially in the growing area of Mill Park and surrounding suburbs with new families who want to not only achieve better health but also ensure their children are not suffering from common things such as bedwetting, colic and reflux!

All our clinics in the north including Fawkner, Broadmeadows and Westmeadows have experienced chiropractors willing to help also for the time being! The clinics currently offer chiropractic services which also include modalities such as dry needling, cupping, sports taping, trigger point therapy, Stretching and exercise prescription.

Our clinics also accept referrals from GP’s for chiropractic services. If you are given a CDM or EPC plan you are eligible for up to 5 chiropractic visits per year!

What Can Chiropractic Help With?

Both our Westmeadows Chiropractors and Broadmeadows Chiropractors can help you with various conditions including:

What Can You Expect On Your First Visit To Our Clinic?

First Visit or First Treatment at either of our Mill Park or other health clinics includes a case history, posture scan, movement analysis, pain assessment, orthopaedic testing and a full body treatment.
Referral for X-ray imaging (if required) is bulk-billed through Medicare.

Our Mill Park Clinic

Our Mill Park Clinic is spacious and easily accessible by car, bus and train. 5 Onsite Parking spots available with wheelchair accessibility! Being in a growth corridor our clinic also caters for surrounding suburbs such as Epping, Wollert, Plenty, Reservoir and Thomastown!

What Can Our Team Do To Help?

Depending on the severity of the injury or area of concern our practitioners in our BroadmeadowsWestmeadows, Fawkner and Mill Park Clinics will treat accordingly to your complaint. Treatments that may be provided but are not limited to include:

  • Spinal manipulation, Activator Methods, Drop Piece, SOT and other adjustive techniques can help alleviate joints that have restriction such as spinal segments and joints.
  • PNF/PIR/prescribed stretching – Stretching has shown to reduce pain, improve functionality of the wrist and hand also maintains strength and improves patients in both long and short-term outcomes.
  • Remedial Massage, Trigger point therapy or use of handheld massager – Have shown to decrease pain/tenderness, enhance both range of motion and quality of life and influence flexibility.
  • Advice on daily living activities/diet – This enables advice on how to change to make healthy actions into habits and may offer a valuable alternative with potential for long-term   impact.
  • Prescribed exercises – produce more beneficial outcomes in terms of increased strength, improved function and reduced pain scores.
  • Dry Needling or Cupping to the surrounding musculature to help decrease tension and inflammation around the area of the hand and forearm.



A Day At The Races!

Melbourne Cup 2023 is here but wait have you bought your winning ticket? The point of this blog isn’t really about the races…. What it is really about is the awkward positions you will be in, the amount of screaming and drinking you will be doing and the after affects of all this and obviously how to better prepare yourself for the Melbourne Cup of 2023!

What To Bring To The Races!

There are many things but obviously slip slop slap! This Tuesday on the 7th of November we will be hitting a scorching 29 degrees in Melbourne. This is great weather for the cup but we have to make sure we are wearing sunglasses, hats and of course a nice outfit to fit into the crowd of horse racing! Sunscreen is the number one thing to remember this Tuesday and lets be honest finding a great spot to sit and protect yourself from not only the harsh weather but save yourself from a bad back the next morning is a must!

What Will Be The Aftermath Of The Races?

This is all dependant on whether or not you took care of yourself on the day! It is not uncommon for allied health professionals to get an urgent call the next day for sore back and especially falls from poor drinking decisions. Safeguard yourself and monitor not only your alcohol consumption but also look after your mates on the day of the races!

How Can Chiropractors Help?

For once this is just an accident waiting to happen kind of scenario. Our chiropractors work on musculoskeletal injuries hence why the Melbourne Cup is a great day for our team of specialists. No matter how bad the problem is our chiropractors or remedial massage therapists will be able to walk you through various treatment options and assess your physical wellbeing. If X-rays are required… which hopefully would not be needed they can be taken externally through a referral from us!

If you are someone that finds themselves in a bit of strife either on Melbourne Cup Day or the day after our team of chiropractors will be available across our locations in Melbourne. Give our team a call on 9302 1023 or book online to find a time that suits you best!

Our Locations


Babies & Tummy Time!

Is your baby lying face up most of the time?

Have you found that their head control is lacking?

Are they struggling to roll?

All of these are common concerns of parents with babies that are finding it hard to do the above!

Tummy Time!

Yes, tummy time is a fantastic way to help increase your babies head control and neck musculature. It is pretty much a non negotiable and is needed to be done to ensure your baby is hitting their development milestones!

How To Get Started?

Tummy time is all dependant on babies needs. Some babies can’t handle anything more than a minute when they first start. The goal with tummy time is to increase the amount of time with each session and remember to monitor your baby to ensure they are safe.

Other Benefits Of Tummy Time!

– Stops Flat Spots In Cranium From Occuring 

– Improves Motor Skills

– Improves Sensory Skills

– Allows For Better Mobility

If you are noticing that your baby is finding it hard to engage in tummy time or is suffering from other symptoms such as colic or reflux our team of chiropractors may be able to help! 

We have specific paediatric chiropractors who have experience in treating common conditions in babies and children.

Call us on 9302 1023 or book online today to schedule in your child’s first appointment with our paediatric chiropractor!


Everything About Allergies!

Are you someone who suffers from pollen?

Are you tired of shutting yourself inside and hiding from the worlds harsh environment?

Now is the time to get yourself checked and ensure you are allergy free this season!

What Triggers Allergies?

– Pollen from grass, trees or flowers

– Outdoor picnics

– Cutting Grass

– Wearing clothes used outdoors

What Are The Symptoms Of Allergies?

– Runny Nose

– Itchy Eyes

– Skin Rash/Itchy Skin

– Sneezing

– Asthma (In Severe Cases)

How To Avoid Allergies?

– Keep Indoors

– Wash Clothes From Outside

– Avoid Cutting Grass

– Wear Glasses

What To Do When You Get An Allergy?

– Take An Anti-Histamine

– Have A Shower (wash off pollen)

– Use A Nasal Spray

How To Be Proactive This Allergy Season?

See your GP and talk about your options. Find out what is triggering your allergy by creating a diary that lists where and when the allergy started. For example, if you were sitting with a pet or walking early in the morning.

If you are someone who gets headaches or upper back stiffness our chiropractor or remedial massage therapist may be able to help! Call us on 9302 1023 or book online to schedule an appointment today!


Can Chiropractors Help Unlevelled Postures?

An Unlevel or “wonky” posture can be due to many different reasons, some of this could be from ongoing pain to just structural deficits that have occurred overtime or since birth.

The 2 Most Common Reasons For an Unlevelled Posture Include:

  • Scoliosis is known to many as being a big issue of posture although it really does depend on its severity. Scoliosis is classified in 2 forms known as structural or functional scoliosis and both have different diagnosis and treatments involved to either manage symptoms or improve an unlevelled spine.
  • Pelvic Tilt is seen allot with people who suffer from low back pain. This could be as simple as tight muscles or a joint dysfunction. There can also be external factors causing these symptoms such as poor footwear or high impact sports causing unwanted changes to the bodies structure and function.

Common Scoliotic Symptoms

Common Pelvic Tilt Symptoms

Can Chiropractors Help With Uneven Postures?

Chiropractors are able to use various treatments and techniques to help reduce tension in areas of restriction and pain. In doing so chiropractors can help with functional scoliosis by making changes to further improve wellbeing. Structural scoliosis becomes more of a management plan that is usually targeting the symptom of pain as well as trying to enhance bodily function to improve things such as flexibility, mobility and strength using both treatment and rehabilitation plans.

4 Ways You Can Manage Your Posture!

If you are someone who is suffering from headachesneck pain or low back pain or may think you are someone suffering from changes to your posture! You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




Hamstring Injury Rehab

🧐 Have you injured your hamstring? One of the most common injuries in sport is a Hamstring strain. The Hamstrings are three separate muscles of the posterior thigh that help flex the knee and extend the hip!

🏃🏻‍♂️ Injuries occur when the muscles are overstretched and overloaded in activities such as running. These injuries can range from mild strain to a very severe tear! Other injuries that can effect the Hamstrings include tendinopathies & bursitis.

🍑 One of the most common mistakes individuals make with rehabilitation of a hamstring injury is that they only focus on the hamstring and not the structures directly above it, such as the gluteal/buttock muscles

🏋🏻‍♂️ The gluteal muscles like the hamstrings are a powerful hip extensor and together have a synergistic role. Weakness in the gluteal muscles can often mean the hamstrings are overloaded and susceptible to injury. This is why gluteal strengthening forms an important part of the rehabilitation process

✅ Here are 4 exercises for the gluteal muscles and hamstrings to speed up your recovery process

1️⃣ Elevated Single Leg Gluteal Bridge
2️⃣ Bulgarian Split Squat
3️⃣ Swiss Ball Leg Curl
4️⃣ Straight Leg Deadlift

⚠️ Remember to consult a healthcare professional before commencing these exercises ⚠️

*Our Chiropractors are upskilled in many areas of rehabilitation. If you are someone who is suffering from sciatica or sciatic like pains book an appointment today or give our team a call today on 9376 2002 at The Melbourne Chiropractor to find out how we can help you out today!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




5 Tips On How You Can Manage Fibromyalgia!

About Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes chronic fatigue and cognitive issues. The reason why our team of chiropractors work with people suffering from fibromyalgia is because the symptoms that follow with it are arthritic-like or that of inflammation (especially in joints).

It is common to be hypersensitive to both hot and cold temperatures and have an increased sense of smell. Unfortunately there is no definitive cause of how fibromyalgia starts although it is more common in those with auto-immune conditions or substance abuse.

Can You Cure Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a condition that you will never be able to get rid of unless there is a new miracle drug that helps. At this very point in time fibromyalgia can only be managed by using a few particular methods!

How To Manage Fibromyalgia?

Can Our Team Of Chiropractors Help?

Of course! Our main goal as chiropractors is to reduce the pressure throughout the musculoskeletal system. This enables us to reduce inflammation and allow the body to settle itself down. Fibromyalgia is a condition that over exerts the bodies receptors hence why the nervous system needs to be settled!

Our Locations:




How To Correct Sway Back Posture!

The importance of good, straight posture can’t be down played. However, by simply sitting up straight you will not correct incorrect postures.

5 Reasons Why Posture Is Important:

1) Good posture helps you perform better
2) Your body position looks and feels better
3) An optimal posture helps your body function at a higher level
4) Good posture limits abnormal wear and tear on joints throughout the body
5) Your internal organs are able to function better/no unneeded compression through the ribs affecting lung capacity

Given that these benefits are associated with good posture habits, who wouldn’t want to have good posture! Here at The Melbourne Chiropractor, we meet patients who need help correcting postural problems, including sway back. military posture and text neck. As chiropractors our goal is to help manage and correct these postural issues.

Some Common Posture Problems We See Include –

  • Sway back posture
  • Lumbar lordosis
  • Thoracic kyphosis
  • Forward head posture.

Bad postures tend to put extra pressure and stress on your spine, shoulders, hips, and knees.

Can you relate to any of the postures in the image below?

Types Of Standing Postures

Problems Of Poor Posture:

About Sway Back Posture

Sway Back Posture also known as hyper lordosis exaggerated the curve in the lower back increasing pressure. When standing the stomach looks to pull forward and the hips tilt forward to compensate.

How To Tell If You Have Sway Back Posture?

  • The pelvis may be tilted and positioned forward
  • Tight Hamstrings
  • Bad Postural Tendencies
  • Forward Head Carriage
  • Hunch Back Like Curve
  • Sunken In Chest

Other Problems Caused By Sway Back

Tight hamstring muscles can cause:

  • Misalignment of pelvis, contributing to:
  • Back Pain
  • Disc degeneration
  • Nerve interference
  • Bulging discs
  • Weak glutes and hip flexors

Forward head posture can cause:

Problems associated with a rounded upper back may include:

Problems associated with a sunken chest may include:


  • Finding the underlying structural issues is key
  • Chiropractic adjustments and mobilisations help to increase mobility and functional capacity through the affected joint segments
  • Soft tissue therapy allows us to decrease the muscle tension throughout the areas of concern and in turn improve postural areas.
  • An exercise and rehabilitation program that is specific to the area which will include a series of stretches and low force exercise to begin with before getting into strengthening the area of complaint.

Chiropractic Care also has continual benefits such as:

If you are someone who is suffering from headachesneck pain or low back pain and don’t know where to start, or wondering what to expect on your first chiropractic visitour team of chiropractors at our Broadmeadows or Westmeadows clinic locations are more than happy to help you get back on track. You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now




5 Benefits Of Taking Omega 3!

A balanced diet is key to living a healthy lifestyle. Fish oil also know as “Omega 3” is a well known supplement for improving function and is well known for its benefits in supporting heart health.

Unlike most minerals Fish oil is stored in cell membranes and they are used almost immediately to help with growth and stability.

5 Benefits Of Taking Fish Oil

  • Supports Heart Health
  • Decreases Inflammation
  • Helps Increase Good Cholesterol
  • Reduce Blood Pressure
  • Improves Mood Disorders

Recommended Intake For Fish Oil

  • For Men – 1600mg per day
  • For Females – 1100mg per day

Top 10 Foods That Contain Fish Oil

Top 10 Foods That Contain Fish Oil

If you are someone who is suffering from headachesneck pain or low back pain and don’t know where to start, or wondering what to expect on your first chiropractic visitour team of chiropractors at our BroadmeadowsWestmeadows or Fawkner Chiropractic locations we are more than happy to help you get back on track. You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

