03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

The Power Of Positive Thinking

Our mind plays both an emotional and physical role and guides us to do certain things throughout our daily lives. Depending on our mindset if we are leaning towards being positive we would be more likely to see successful outcomes throughout life and ones that change us for the better.

In this blog we will talk about ways in which you can improve your thinking to become more positive.
First off the main thing to improve your mindset is to find the negatives that are holding you back from becoming better!

Here are the top 5 things that may be causing this negative mindset:
– Noticing more negativity
– Feeling down on yourself
– Getting distracted with unwanted dramas
– Your friendship group
– Current job role

What can happen if you continue these negative habits?
– Binge eating
– Increased anxiety / depression
– Changes to mood
– Loss of work/life balance
– Increased stress and sickness

7 Ways To Improve Positive Thinking!
– Create good changes slowly
– Don’t force yourself to do things you don’t feel comfortable doing
Relax and meditate
Set up your sleep schedule
Create a healthy meal plan to keep you on track
Join a gym or start a fitness journey
See a healthcare professional to help with any aches or pains

*If you are interested in finding a team that best suits your needs book online today with one of our practitioners!

We also offer Pregnancy Care, Paediatric CareRemedial MassageDry Needling and Cupping Therapies

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

Our Locations:




Why Should We Exercise?

Exercise is a physical activity which causes us to expend energy. In doing so it helps create function and mobility depending on the type of exercise that is being participated in. The idea around exercise is to enhance the body’s functional and physical abilities. Whether it is cardiovascular health, mobility, endurance or just trying to look better.

What Is Our Team’s Approach To Exercise?

Exercise is a fundamental building block to engage and strengthen areas of weakness throughout the musculoskeletal system. Our goal as chiropractors is to use exercises that are generalised to begin with and then work on weaknesses individually according to the persons preferences. Not one exercise is guaranteed to have an optimal outcome in every individual hence why a variety of different stretches and strengthening activities are implemented throughout ones care plan.

What Are Signs Exercise Is Negatively Impacting You?

–     Continuous Injury

–     Increased Stress

–     Changes to cognitive state

–     Decrease in functional performance

5 Common Misconceptions Regarding Exercise

  • The more you do the better
  • The harder you train the better
  • No pain No gain!
  • Cookie Cutter programs
  • Sweating it out

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Exercise Activities

*If you are interested in finding a team that best suits your needs book online today with one of our practitioners!

We also offer Pregnancy Care, Paediatric CareRemedial MassageDry Needling and Cupping Therapies

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

Our Locations:




5 Benefits Of Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage is a technique that is used by trained professionals. A degree must be obtained prior to being able to provide such a service and professionals who engage in this type of work are closely monitored like any other allied health professional.

The main focus of Remedial Massage is to decrease the tightness of muscles and stop the body from cramping. 

In this blog we will be listing 5 benefits obtained by getting worked on by a remedial massage therapist and how they can work in together with Chiropractors!

Why should you see a Remedial Massage Therapist?

As we discussed above decreasing tension throughout the musculoskeletal system has so many benefits that go further than just feeling loose. Remedial Massage therapy also helps to relax the body whilst being an easily accessible service that can cater for all walks of life, including during pregnancy!

5 Benefits Of Remedial Massage

Decreases Stress and Anxiety

Reduces headaches and neck Tension

Reduces low back pain and sciatica

– Increases Athletic Performance and Increases Mental Focus

– Reduces Fluid Retention

How Can Our Team Of Remedial Therapists & Chiros Work Together?

A Chiropractors main goal is to work of the bodies structure. By making changes to the underlying issue it can be quite strenuous on the surrounding musculature. Even though Chiropractors can worl on the muscles and stretch out areas of concern they are unable to spend more than 30 minutes of their time working on tight and tender muscles!

This is where Remedial Massage Therapists come in to play as it is essential to further loosen where the chiropractor has just adjusted including the surrounding muscles to help alleviate and sooth anything that may still be strained in the region. It is common to have both joint and muscular imbalances throughout the skeletal systeam hence why it may be beneficial to have a dedicated team that can offer both services!

*If you are someone that id currently suffering from aches and pains, headaches or migraines, be sure to give our clinics a call on 9302 1023 or visit any of our locations in Broadmeadows, Westmeadows or Fawkner. Alternatively you can book now and we can get you back on track as soon as possible!




5 Tips To Help Improve Your Mental Focus!

Have you ever been sat thinking deeply about something and then suddenly your mind goes for a wonder? It may be as simple as organising something for this afternoon or what plans you have made throughout the week!

If this sounds like you don’t be disheartened! Many people these days struggle with mental focus and lack concentration due to ongoing stressors throughout their lives.

In this blog we will be talking about how you can successfully improve your mental focus!

Why Is Mental Focus So Important?

Mental focus is the driving force of getting you to complete whatever task you have at hand. Without mental focus you will lack that sudden drive to get the task at hand started. Without mental focus you may become stressed out, anxious or overall just lazy!

Can Mental Focus Affect Me Physically?

Ofcourse! With a lack of drive what are the chances of you going to the gym or sticking to your physical goals? Without being focussed you may also put yourself at risk of injury and chronic stress long term!

What Types Of Conditions Affect Mental Focus?

–       Anxiety

–       ADHD

–       Sleep Disorders

–       Depression

–       Stress

Our 5 Tips To Help You Improve Mental Focus!

–       Meditation – Meditation Enables the body to relax and distress. Being relaxed enables the body to function optimally and allows the bodies cognitive ability to work to its highest ability without getting clouded and forgetful!

–       Listening to music – Music has a calming affect as well as increasing a persons motivation. This in turn will help with overall productivity and goal setting!

–       Memory Exercises – Anything that challenges the mind such as a simple game of chess or Sudoku can help improve cognitive function. Being productive in some way will help stop you from getting forgetful!

–       Improve/Change Sleeping Habits – Setting an alarm and turning off electronic devices before sleeping can make a big difference in cognitive function and mental focus. Setting a sleep schedule will enable you to get in your 7+ hours per day weekly and stop you from staying up to late

–       A Healthy Diet – A diet that is low in sugars will help drastically with mental focus. Sugars can crash a persons mood especially when High-GI foods are in the mix. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and mental focus! Therefore sticking to whole foods such as meats and vegetables and looking for Low-GI alternatives are a great way to set up your mental focus for the better!

At The Melbourne Chiropractor we offer chiropractic care that may help improve mental focus. Our treatments and services are designed to help reduce stress and anxiety from pain whilst improving overall wellness. If you are looking to improve your mental focus and concentration, book online today to see one of our allied health professionals at either of our Westmeadows, Broadmeadows or Fawkner Clinics!


All About Staying Hydrated!

Staying hydrated is more important than you may think!

It is not only a necessity when it comes to being healthy but it is a tool to help transport nutrients throughout our bodies circulatory system. Without water our bodies would become unable to function or for that matter extinct. Water is a fundamental element that enables us to function at optimal levels and engage in strenuous type activities for prolonged periods.

Water makes up roughly 70% of the bodies total volume and can be a way of controlling bodyweight in some cases. Water also has the ability to decrease muscular tightness and reduce lactic acid build up within the bodies muscles.

Water is also a great way of reducing pimples and skin irritations. Water also stops the body from becoming dry especially in summer and allows the skin to become more supple and less wrinkled.

Water is needed for optimal kidney function as it is able to flush out toxins from the body and reduce acidity from within. Water also reduces the risk of kidney stones and other plaque like build ups within organs and allows for better recovery.

Water Recommendations

  • 2.5 Litres per day for Females
  • 3.5 Litres per day for Males
  • Use a bottle to stay on track
  • Set an alarm as a reminder to drink

*There are no upper limits of drinking water although to much water intake can lead to feeling sick and water intoxication which can be life threatening!

Symptoms Of Dehydration

If you are someone who is suffering from headachesneck pain or low back pain or may think you are someone suffering from changes due to your posture! You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




Top Tips For Holiday Goers!

When we travel we tend to throw out our exercise regime and forget about our posture. This usually leads to us suffering with various aches and pains. To combat this we have put together a couple of ways to help decrease your chances of holiday aches!

Using Public Transport

  • Stretch every hour to decrease tightness throughout the trip
  • Try to keep your back supported and try not to hunch
  • Keep hydrated!
  • Move as often as you can whilst on a bus, train or tram if possible

Sitting on a plane

  • Sit in the aisle if possible to allow extra movement
  • Use head support or u pillow around the neck for support
  • Careful with lifting your luggage. Bend your knees!
  • Stretch every hour if possible, get moving!
  • Keep hydrated!
  • Be aware of the time zone, try to rest when its appropriate to avoid jetlag

Sleeping In Different Environments

  • Avoid tummy sleeping as it is not a neutral position for your neck.
  • Avoid sleeping on couches or chairs
  • Bring a pillow
  • Be careful of cooling the room overnight
  • Stretch after sleeping
  • Keep hydrated!

If the holidays have got the better of you and you are suffering from headachesneck pain or low back pain or may think you are someone suffering from changes due to your posture! You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




Text Neck Causing You Neck Pain?

If you are someone that is constantly looking down at your electronic device you could be suffering from text neck! It is very common for teenagers and especially now with so many platforms including knowledge on the internet it makes it difficult for people to keep away from screen time.

Common Problems Associated With Text Neck!

Simple Ways To Prevent Text Neck!

  • Bring your electronic device to eye level
  • Take breaks in between screen time
  • Stand with your shoulders rolled back and chin tucked in
  • Stretch the upper and lower back muscles
  • Exercise to strengthen weak areas of the body
  • Visit your local chiropractor to get an idea on your posture and how they can further improve your health and wellbeing

If you are someone who is suffering from text neck or long hours of desk work and its giving you headachesneck pain or low back pain or may think you are someone suffering from changes due to your posture! You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




Top 3 Exercises For Back Pain Sufferers!

Our team of chiropractors see many people entering with the common low back pain or neck pain that can be due to something as simple as working prolonged hours at a desk to lifting something incorrectly at work. Usually the symptoms and the function will almost always be different depending on the mechanism of injury, the repetitive use of the area after being strained and how long its been put off for before seeking help!

This Blog will cover our 3 top exercises you should be doing to improve your wellbeing and enhance your overall function!

*It is to be noted that any type of sport that involves pushing or twisting type forces to the body be avoided as our goal with the following exercises is to improve and rehabilitate areas of pain.

Our Top 3 Exercises For Back Pain!

1. Swimming

Water based activities are fantastic for rehabilitating injuries. This is because of buoyance. Buoyance allows the body to feel lighter hence less pressure on joints and sore areas will enable better movement through the water. General swimming or water aerobic exercises as simple as moving the lower and upper body through the water will help to achieve a reduction in overall tension within tight muscles.

2. Yoga/Pilates

Engaging in exercises that help strengthen and lengthen muscles are always going to be a great exercise for both rehabilitation and helping to reduce tight muscles. If there is pain during the exercise it should be stopped as the risk of re injury is greater. There are many different exercises and techniques that can be done to help decrease low back pain. It is indicated that starting with gentle exercises and building up into bigger movements overtime will help strengthen the body long term!

3. Walking/Running

Any type of walking or running whether it is brisk or up and down stairs will be a great way to start your fitness journey. It is an easy way to get out of the house away from the desk and requires no equipment for you to do it. It is a great low impact exercise that can help increase mobility and loosen tight muscles. Walking is also know to have benefits with back pain sufferers as it provides movement to the area of concern helping to mobilise the hips.

If you are someone who has injured themselves exercising or have pain due to your work circumstances you can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




Common Household Chores Causing You Pain!

Ever done some type of strenuous activity that didn’t involve you going to the gym? Lifting a laundry basket to quickly the wrong way and felt something pop?

In this blog we will be talking about which household chores are the main culprits to our pain!

Repetitive Tasks (Cleaning/Washing)

Repetitive tasks usually lead to pain as you are forcing your body to do things for a prolonged time which may be done with poor posture or even incorrect leaning or bending over which are the most common causes of low back pain!

Lifting Heavy Objects

It is common for us to lift objects without knowing exactly how much they way. At times lifting certain things can also become awkward and this is usually where things can go wrong. It can be as simple as turning over a mattress or lifting up a laundry basket.

Reaching Or Twisting

Same as lifting rotation of our body involves us to move ourselves into awkward positions. Rotation should always be limited when reaching for things especially when carrying objects. Its is common for people to hurt themselves by straining either their neck or low back just from something as simple as turning their neck to quickly!

Prolonged Sitting

Prolonged sitting whether it be at the work desk or the family couch can cause detrimental affects to the body. Muscles tend to tighten up when they are not moved enough hence why pain and especially tightness in areas may arise before you know it!

Incorrect Sleeping

Sleeping is great when done appropriately but when we are putting ourselves in a compromised position we are actually doing ourselves more harm then good. Sleeping on the couch is always a big no as well as sleeping on your stomach. This is because the curves of our spine are not in a neutral position causes us the usual neck pain. Try and combat this by sleeping on your side using a pillow that holds you into that comfortable neutral like position that the body needs.

If you are someone who has injured themselves doing some type of household chore and its giving you headachesneck pain or low back pain or may think you are someone suffering from changes due to your posture! You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner




The Importance Of Rest Days!

When we exercise we hear allot of people telling us “make sure you are having a rest day”. Is it really that important for us to do so? Are we really benefiting from resting and taking a day off exercise? This blog goes through exactly how it affects us and how to strategize rest day into a workout regime!

The Importance Rest Days

Rest days should be added into your workout regime as it helps to rebuild and repair areas where there is pain. Overtraining can become more common in those who do not take rest days and make them prone to injury which could set them backwards. Depending on the intensity of the workouts it is common to train different body parts or sections of the body to limit the amount of rest taken throughout the week.

The 3 Important Effects Of Rest Days

  • Reduced muscle pain and lactic acid removal from worked areas
  • Rebuilding muscles that were broken down during exercise.
  • Decreasing risk of injury and overuse of joints

Signs Of A Rest Day

You should see a doctor if you haven’t exercised regularly for a while and need to know where to start, if you believe you have sustained an injury while exercising, or if there is a specific site of pain that doesn’t seem to ease off with rest days. 

Benefits Of Working Out

  • Improved Mood
  • Increase Mobility/Flexibility
  • Decreased Stress
  • Improved Strength
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Changes to body fat percentage

*The general rule is to moderately exercise for 30 minutes each day which can be something as simple as a brisk walk!

If you are someone who is suffering from headachesneck pain or low back pain or may think you are someone suffering from changes to your posture! You can always contact us or book online @ https://themelbournechiropractor.com.au/book-now

For more information about your first chiropractic visit, or our team of chiropractors visit the links attached!

*You Can Visit Us At Any Of Our 3 Locations – Broadmeadows – Westmeadows – Fawkner

