03 9302 1023 Message Us Broadmeadows, VIC

All About X-rays & Chiropractic!

Are X-rays Always Necessary For Seeing A Chiropractor?

In short, No but of course there can be times when x-rays become a necessity. 

Obviously this all comes down to how the patient first presents and what exactly their overall goals are with visiting a chiropractor

In this blog we will run through reasoning behind getting an x-ray and what they are good for!

When Should X-rays Be Done?

– When there is numbness down a limb

– Sudden changes to posture with severe pain

– Pins and Needles

– Numbness of a body part

– Inability to put pressure through a joint

– Genetic health concerns 

Why Xrays?

Xrays are a fantastic way to look at simple joint changes. It is common to see disc bulges, changes to joint structure and abnormalities within areas of concern!

Should you need an X-ray our team of chiropractors are able to write you a referral to see a radiologist to get the images taken. We will then have a follow up appointment where we go through the Xray to justify whether or not damage has occurred within the area of concern.

For any enquiries call us on 9302 1023 or book your first appointment online today!

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The Teenage Hunch!

Is Your Child Suffering From The Teenage Hunch?

It seems to be quite common that by the age of 13, 80% of adolescents have developed some type of hunch in the upper back!

Due to the ongoing changes in life, society is forcing us to become wired to a phone or computer. This is causing more and more of these “kyphotic” postures to occur. 

Thankfully there are a few ways to help combat the hunch!

Our 3 Ways To Prevent Hunching!

Ergonomic seating (using phones and tablets at eye level)

Avoid Slouching (At the desk or on the couch)

Get Exercising! (Simple and effective way to get the body moving)

What Happens When It’s To Late?

Good news is kyphotic or hunch like postures are usually due to a functional issue! This means that our team of chiropractors are able to use specific adjustments to help make changes to the structure of the spine and alleviate the tension within the spinal segments. Of the hunch is due to a severe injury or structural abnormality it becomes very difficult to make those changes although catching things like this at an early stage can help manage the issue before it gets worse!

If you feel that your teen is suffering from hunch like symptoms our practitioners are here to help! 

We have chiropractors that are available specifically for infants and children with the ability to run you through different treatment plans to fulfill your child’s needs!

To make an appointment call us on 9302 1023 or book online today!

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Paediatric Care Near You!

Did you know our chiropractors treat infants and children?

What’s great about our profession is that we are given the ability to treat many different types of bodies with various techniques as we all know not one person is the same and not one method suits all!

Our approach to paediatric care is gentle and specific to areas of concern. For children under the age of 2 it is common to use low force techniques instead high velocity adjustments due to the nature of the spine whilst it matured. It is common for children’s aches and pains to go unnoticed but at times things such as colic and reflux can be a way of them telling us there is something more going on!

Common Concerns To See A Chiropractor For:

  • Pain
  • Growth
  • Co-ordination
  • Muscle Pain
  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Muscle Imbalances
  • Concentration
  • Circulation
  • Colic
  • Reflux
  • Bedwetting
  • Constipation

If you believe your child is suffering from reflux or colic or want to know more about what else we can help treat visit our website to find out more!

Our Clinic Offers Pregnancy Care and uses techniques that are specific for patients during their pregnancy!

If you would like to book in an appointment you can call us on 9302 1023 or book online today!

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Pregnancy Care Near You!

Did you know our chiropractors are qualified to treat patients during their pregnancy? 

Fortunately we have a selection of staff to chose from that offer this service to the northern suburbs and surrounding!

Both Male and Female practitioners are available to chose from with our senior chiropractor Dr Tania having over 10 years experience in this field! 

We are located in 3 convenient locations and offer specific chiropractic techniques that ensure the safety of you and your baby.

Common Concerns To See A Chiropractor For:

  • General aches and pains
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Incorrect foetal positioning (breach)
  • Uncomfortable movement
  • Swelling
  • Headache treatment
  • Pelvic discomfort or pelvic instability
  • Excessive uterus pressure
  • Weight distribution issues
  • Excessive labor time in previous birth

If you are someone that feels you need to see a chiropractor give our clinic a call on 9302 1023 or book online today.

For more information about pregnancy care you can visit our website to learn more.

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Sunscreen For Summer 2023!

The sun is great especially for getting your source of vitamin D although during summer our Australian sun can be extremely harmful to us. This is why taking precautions over the summer holidays should be made to decrease the risk of sun damage. In this blog we will be talking about sunscreen and why it should be used!

Why Sunscreen?

Sunscreen is a fantastic way to keep covered by the sun! Studies show that uv rays find it hard to penetrate the skin and cause damage to the areas open to the sun. Sunscreen also stops you from getting burnt and significantly decreases your chances of developing skin cancers whilst being out in the sun having fun!

What Other Ways Protect Me From The Sun?

– Wearing a sun hat (bucket or brimmed hats)

– Wearing ling sleeve rash vests to the beach

– Finding shade outside 

– Using tents and umbrellas at the beach

– Avoiding extremely hot days in the daytime

– Wearing Sunglasses

Remember spending time outdoors is great but only if you are doing it responsibly! Keep yourself in check when it comes to being SunSmart and be sure to stay hydrated over the Summer period!

If you are someone who is suffering from headaches, back aches or even a sporting injury our practitioners at The Melbourne Chiropractor are here to help! Contact us on 9302 1023 or book online today!

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Top 3 Ground Sports For Summer 2023!

Some of us love to go sightseeing and do things that require little to no equipment! Our bodies are designed to exert energy and power without needing assistance from a secondary source. Unlike water sport activities we don’t need to be weary of the dangers of going to deep or far past our comfort zones, although watching out for inclines and hidden potholes can be quite the problem!

Summer doesn’t have to be spent in the water it just has to be enjoyable for you! Water phobia is a real thing but even if you don’t suffer from it here are some fantastic ways to engage in some form of exercise over the Summer of 2023!

1- Walking/Running – This is the best way to exert energy and build up your stamina over a period of time by creating a training protocol. You don’t have to be a strong runner or even fit to get yourself started. Training in simple intervals such as, running 5 minutes and walking 5 minutes and repeating is a great way to get started!

2- Tennis – The Australian Open is around the corner and let’s be honest this a fantastic way to get you out and about for a social game with some friends! No matter the skill set tennis is a sport that can be played by all ages. If you are worried about not being as good as  you first thought, get yourself a coach and maybe join the local club to get yourself going for this Summer 2023!

3- Bike Riding/Hiking – Both are great, one requires the use of equipment the other does not, but the great thing about it all is that it gets you up and moving. The great thing about hiking this summer is having the ability to travel to new places and see new things. It doesnt have to be a wild goose chase, it just has to be something that is comfortable for you! Bike Riding on the other hand is a less strenuous exercise as it requires less pressure onto the joints although is still a fantastic way to mobilise the hips!

Remember when engaging in any type of sport to keep yourself hydrated and slip slop slap over this summer! Sunscreen does more than just protect us from getting burnt, it can save our lives!

If you are currently experiencing any strains, sprains or back pains and are looking to put a stop to it, our team at The Melbourne Chiropractor at ready to get you sorted over this summer period!

Call us on 9302 1023 or book online today to schedule in an appointment with a chiropractor or remedial massage therapist at one of our 3 clinics!

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Top 3 Water Sports For Better Health This Summer 2023!

Water Sports are a great way of getting outdoors! Not only can they be quite challenging but they require a particular skillset that helps with mind/body connection. Water is also buoyant and can help decrease the pressure on the bodies joints as well as enabling for pain free movement in arthritic joints.

Being aware of your surroundings and taking into consideration your limits around water beforehand will help decrease the chances of injury and risk.

Top 3 Water Sports For Summer 2023!

1- Rowing – This is not only a great exercise for the back but uts quite strenuous on the cardiovascular system! This means that endurance plays a key factor in being able to move through the water for a period of time. Having the ability to train multiple areas of the body at once is a great way of getting started on your fitness journey and don’t forget to stay hydrated whilst doing it!

2- Swimming – Any type of swimming is a great start to improving your health and wellbeing. Be sure to have experience in swimming before travelling to far deep into water. If you are in a public pool stay within your limits and use a stroke that you do well without over exerting yourself!

3- Surfing – This is a great water sport if you are confident with waves and are already a strong swimmer. This requires not only to be able to swim through tough waters but also get onto a board and balance yourself without falling. This is allot to learn for beginners and usually the best way to get started would be getting a trainer or attending a group class to learn the ways of a seasoned surfer!

If you feel that water sports are not your thing there are always great ways to spend your summer on land based activities!

Have you got any headaches or sports injuries needing to be taken care of? Our Team at The Melbourne Chiropractor can help you out today! Call us on 9302 1023 or book online today and visit any of our 3 clinics in the northern suburbs!

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5 Ways To Kickstart  Your 2023!

Another new year another new years resolution… but the question is are you going to be engaging your time in things that make you enjoy and respect the process?

In this blog we will be talking about the 5 best ways to kickstart your 2023 and keep in mind not all of these involve fitness or self goals!

  1. Creating time for yourself to plan and recuperate yourself. Allot of the times we tend to give ourselves no time to do things productive outside of work. The common Netflix & Chill is not a great way of spending your free time especially when things like washing, and cleaning need to be done. This can help decrease the cost of outsourcing for cleaners if they have been used before to “help” around the house.
  2. Getting into a routine! This can be anything from fitness, work or sleep. The main thing we find with our patients is many either don’t sleep routinely and often feel tired throughout the day, this can lead to aches and pains as restlessness can set in. Pillows play a big part in your sleep so be sure to have a one that suits your body!
  3. Cutting back on unwanted goods! Be sure to prioritize things that you need and not those things that you may want. This is a great analogy whether it is for dieting or saving money as a whole!
  4. Learn new skills! Hobbies are fantastic don’t get us wrong but if you have grass to cut or hedges to trim now is the time to get your hands dirty and see how you can manage a few things on your own this year in 2023!
  5. Improve your health and wellbeing! There are many ways of doing this. Joining the gym or going for a walk as an added daily activity can help supplement this. Another way would be seeing your health care practitioner. Whether it is a chiropractor or a remedial massage therapist both can help kickstart your 2023 in the right direction to becoming or even being pain free!

If you are someone who is currently suffering from any aches or pains here at The Melbourne Chiropractor our team of Chiropractors and Remedial Massage Therapists are here to get you back on track!

Give our clinic a call on 9302 1023 or book online today!

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5 Benefits Of A Hot Stone Massage!

Hot Stone Massage is a technique that uses stones to create heat during soft tissue treatment

5 benefits of Hot Stone Massage!

– Decrease Stress

– Improve Sleep

– Alleviate Muscle Tension

– Increase Blood Flow

– Relaxation

Is Hot Stone Massage Better Than Remedial Massage?

Hot stone massage adds the element of heat which allows for relaxation although remedial massage allows for the reduction of tight knots throughout a muscle.

How Do I Know What Massage To Choose?

Depending on your goals of treatment will determine what massage is best. If your goal is relaxation then hot stone massage is a fantastic way of having that done. Although if you are looking at reducing tension throughout your muscular system and think that you are suffering from cramps and other aches and pains, then something like a remedial massage or deep tissue massage will be allot more effective!

Why Not Do Both?

Thankfully at our clinic our practitioners use both hot stone and deep tissue techniques together to get the best results! With the added heat to help with relaxation and the effect of deep tissue on tight muscle our practitioners are able to eliminate muscle stiffness!

If you are looking for a qualified remedial massage therapist our team are able to help!

You can book your first appointment online or call 0302 1023 to find out more.

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Top 4 Gym Exercises For Posture

Gym is know by everyone as a place of fitness but what type of fitness works best for your posture?

In this blog we will explain the top 4 gym exercises which you should be doing today to help improve your posture and strengthen your back!

What Type Of Exercise Is Best For Posture?

Any type of movement is great if you want to relieve tension although not just any type of exercises will help improve your posture. There is a fine line between what works and what doesn’t help at all! Our top 4 exercises involve strength and hypertrophy training to achieve postural results over a 6 month period!

What Are The Top 4 Gym Exercises For Posture?


– Lat Pulldowns or Pullups

– Seated or Standing Rows

– Rear Deltoid Flys

How Should I Best Implement These Exercises Into My Program?

The best way to start an exercise program is to consult a personal trainer to help out with your form. The main goal behind working out is to get the most out of an exercise without overdoing it! If you are someone with lifting experience it is always best to begin with a compound lift such as a deadlift before working on supplementary lifts such as your Lat pull downs.

Will Strength Exercises Really Help My Posture?

Most of the time postural change is due to stress and incorrect posture either at a desk or job site.

By working out muscles that have overcompensated due to this it is very likely that by strengthening and building the area up that it will help correct posture!

How Does Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractic care is known as one of the “postural fixes” when it comes to functional issues. 9 times out of 10 function is what causes unlevelled and swayed like postures.

The goal of Chiropractic care is to eliminate tension within spinal segments and decrease muscular tightness to free up areas of concern!

If you are someone that is currently suffering from a postural complaint and are looking for help give our clinic a call on 9302 1023 or book in your first appointment with us to see how we can get you back on track!

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